YRTW No 89 and 90 Breakout! Nuclear Radiation Down – Again! What’s Up?

Just Plain Dirt likely Radioactive
Just Plain Dirt likely Radioactive

NOTICE: I have determined that it is necessary for Public Health and because the many nuclear reactors are Venting radioactive gases and Steam at nights and on weekends that all residents must stay inside at nights and on weekends. Especially hard hit are the cities listed as above 1000 CPM by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency.) See YRTW for a recent list of Contaminated Cities.

(January 14, 2017) – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week” for the past 2 weeks. These are the Recorded Beta and Gamma Combined Radiation Highs that affected people around the United States. YRTW  is published every two weeks on Saturday. The next publication dates are January 28, 2017 and February 11, 2017.

Breakout! Nuclear Radiation Down – Again

From December 17 to December 28, 2016 the deadly nuclear radiation decreased all across the United States. Only 36 American cities recorded Rad Reading greater than 1,000 CPM.

From records of the December 31, 2016 to January 14, 2017 period the number of cities with recorded CPMs over 1,000 slumped yet again. The low was only 22 cities with more than 1,000 CPM recorded.(17)

By January 14, 2017 there were 33 Cities over 1,000 CPM of the deadly Rad recorded. The reactors had started up again.

The rapid decrease in radiation readings happened because most of the 104 nuclear power plants in the States were turned down to an idle or Switched Off.

As high cost electricity reactors go back on line the killer Rad will spread across the continent yet again – on purpose.

Here’s the Rad Record Summary

December 3, 2016, 65 Cities over 1,000 CPM, YRTW 83 and 84. High FOR 2016.
December 17, 2016, 47 Cities over 1,000 CPM, YRTW 85 and 86.
December 31, 2016, 49 Cities over 1,000 CPM, YRTW 87 and 88.
January 14, 2017, low of 22 Cities over 1,000 CPM, YRTW 89 and 90. Low for 2017.
January 14, 2017, jumps up to 33 Cities over 1,000 CPM, YRTW 89 and 90.

The Rads started Leaping up Again

The Nuke boys let the hammer down in January 2017 and started powering up the nukes as electricity demand increased. Due to the danger of Chernobyl-type explosions from rapid acceleration the nukes take a week to power up so the Rad increase is slow.

The more nuke power plants there are running hot, the more these brittle old Wignerized(16) rattletraps leak Rad like a sieve.

Let’s all remember the 50 State Governors have various elements of a National Guard and State Highway Patrol – men and women with guns – that work for them. The Governors have enough force and guns to enter the killer nuclear compounds and assume control of local nuclear power plants under their health and safety as well as police powers.

This is Murder by nuke electricity plant – plain and simple. The Nuke Corporations’ Boards of Directors and Executives are Guilty of Conspiracy to Commit Capital Murder in the First Degree. Employees are just their unwitting Pawns.

The CorpPerps might as well have shot the Dead with an AK-47 or blown them up with a bomb – dead is dead. The CorpPerps made the deal with the nuke devil and traded customers’ lives for money, lots of it.

If some misguided local rent-a-cops on the grounds of the leaking nuker plants get weird – just taz’em. Let’s get right with history, Governors.

Radiation CPM * City State over 1,000 CPM

See New Video: All Reactors Leak All Of The Time

Listed in Counts per Minute by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), a Count is one Radioactive Decay Registered by the  Instrument. The Top Reporting Radioactive Cities are listed. The highest radiation reporting city is listed first, the least radioactive city over 1000 CPM reporting is listed last.

Still, all reporting cities are above normal. These are a portion of the American cities that exceeded 1,000 CPM these past 2 weeks. Take all necessary precautions.

Rad Cities in CPM Order over 1,000 CPM

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM [4]

1,610 CPM, 322 Times Normal, Tulsa, OK. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,585 CPM, 317 Times Normal, Grand Junction, CO. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,513 CPM, 302.6 Times Normal, ColoradoSprings, CO. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,446 CPM, 289.2 Times Normal, Spokane, WA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,381 CPM, 276.2 Times Normal, Raleigh, NC. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,342 CPM, 268.4 Times Normal, Kearney, NE. MIA 7 Yr Record Yes
1,332 CPM, 266.4 Times Normal, Denver, CO. Beta. Gamma Yes
1,295 CPM, 259 Times Normal, El Paso, TX. Beta, Gamma.  
1,284 CPM, 256.8 Times Normal, Salt Lake City, UT. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,279 CPM, 255.8 Times Normal, Fresno, CA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,272 CPM, 254.4 Times Normal, Little Rock, AR. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,260 CPM, 252 Times Normal, Dodge City, KS. MIA-B & G Yes
1,233 CPM, 246.6 Times Normal, Portland, ME. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,215 CPM, 243 Times Normal, Augusta, GA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,202 CPM, 240.4 Times Normal, Atlanta, GA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,202 CPM, 240.4 Times Normal, Phoenix, AZ Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,198 CPM, 239.6 Times Normal, Bakersfield, CA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,166 CPM, 233.2 Times Normal, Yuma, AZ. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,164 CPM, 232.8 Times Normal, Rapid City, SD. Beta, Gamma.
1,141 CPM, 228.2 Times Normal, Alburqueque, NM. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,129 CPM, 225.8 Times Normal, Hartford, CT. Beta, Gamma.  
1,117 CPM, 223.4 Times Normal, Tucson, AZ. Beta, Gamma.  
1,058 CPM, 211.6 Times Normal, Oklahoma City, OK Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,050 CPM, 210 Times Normal, Worcester, MA. Beta, Gamma.  
1,049 CPM, 209.8 Times Normal, Louisville, KY. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,036 CPM, 207.2 Times Normal, Mason City, IA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,030 CPM, 206 Times Normal, Champaign, IL. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,030 CPM, 206 Times Normal, Ft Worth, Tx. Beta, Gamma.  
1,030 CPM, 206 Times Normal, Kansas City, KS. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,025 CPM, 205 Times Normal, Corpus Christi, TX. Beta, Gamma.  
1,021 CPM, 204.2 Times Normal, Rochester, NY. Beta, Gamma.  
1,004 CPM, 200.8 Times Normal, Idaho Falls, ID. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,002 CPM, 200.4 Times Normal, Boston, MA. Beta, Gamma. Yes

Count – 33 Cities Reporting Radiation Above 1,000 CPM

Rad Cities in Alphabetical Order over 1,000 CPM

1,141 CPM, 228.2 Times Normal, Alburqueque, NM. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,202 CPM, 240.4 Times Normal, Atlanta, GA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,215 CPM, 243 Times Normal, Augusta, GA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,198 CPM, 239.6 Times Normal, Bakersfield, CA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,002 CPM, 200.4 Times Normal, Boston, MA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,030 CPM, 206 Times Normal, Champaign, IL. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,513 CPM, 302.6 Times Normal, ColoradoSprings, CO. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,025 CPM, 205 Times Normal, Corpus Christi, TX. Beta, Gamma.  
1,332 CPM, 266.4 Times Normal, Denver, CO. Beta. Gamma Yes
1,260 CPM, 252 Times Normal, Dodge City, KS. MIA-B & G Yes
1,295 CPM, 259 Times Normal, El Paso, TX. Beta, Gamma.  
1,279 CPM, 255.8 Times Normal, Fresno, CA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,030 CPM, 206 Times Normal, Ft Worth, Tx. Beta, Gamma.  
1,585 CPM, 317 Times Normal, Grand Junction, CO. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,129 CPM, 225.8 Times Normal, Hartford, CT. Beta, Gamma.  
1,004 CPM, 200.8 Times Normal, Idaho Falls, ID. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,030 CPM, 206 Times Normal, Kansas City, KS. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,342 CPM, 268.4 Times Normal, Kearney, NE. MIA 7 Yr Record Yes
1,272 CPM, 254.4 Times Normal, Little Rock, AR. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,049 CPM, 209.8 Times Normal, Louisville, KY. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,036 CPM, 207.2 Times Normal, Mason City, IA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,058 CPM, 211.6 Times Normal, Oklahoma City, OK Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,202 CPM, 240.4 Times Normal, Phoenix, AZ Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,233 CPM, 246.6 Times Normal, Portland, ME. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,381 CPM, 276.2 Times Normal, Raleigh, NC. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,164 CPM, 232.8 Times Normal, Rapid City, SD. Beta, Gamma.
1,021 CPM, 204.2 Times Normal, Rochester, NY. Beta, Gamma.  
1,284 CPM, 256.8 Times Normal, Salt Lake City, UT. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,446 CPM, 289.2 Times Normal, Spokane, WA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,117 CPM, 223.4 Times Normal, Tucson, AZ. Beta, Gamma.  
1,610 CPM, 322 Times Normal, Tulsa, OK. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,050 CPM, 210 Times Normal, Worcester, MA. Beta, Gamma.  
1,166 CPM, 233.2 Times Normal, Yuma, AZ. Beta, Gamma. Yes

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM [4]

Count – 33 Cities Reporting Radiation Above 1,000 CPM

Nuclear Poisons are truly the devil’s evil brew.

Nasty, nasty stuff, indeed. There is no known defense against the Rad as the world war on civilians continues and intensifies. The War is pushed hard by the few nuclear states’ high government officials and very rich “donors.”
They are absolutely determined to be king of the world, second place is not an option. So what if it kills the whole world? They believe it is worth it. They are, of course, delusional and insane. Makes no difference. The whole world is the walking dead.
Billions more are dead or scheduled to die. Others are mentally retarded and enfeebled. Indeed, more than a Billion already have been according to the world famous mathematician Sr. Dr. Rosalie Bertell. It is just what radiation does.

Death Stats U-Turn in America

“We’ve Never Seen Anything Like This, states the WHO. Life expectancy declines in America.” “The problem may be far greater than we can imagine, says the World Health Organization, according to Dr. Mercola, for the first time in 2 decades, life expectancy declines in America.”

What a pointless waste. The arrogant Psycho humanoid animals running the nuclear weapons labs in a few countries knew it would happen and they did it anyway. They are truly the despised humans and are to be shunned till they die.

Evacuation and Extinction

Evacuation and Extinction – we need to talk about this. This is a very real likelihood for us all.

Little newborns don’t have much to look forward to; ever increasing rad counts await them; if they are born at all.

All in all, the Earth is in a downward spiral to a crash landing. Who the President is doesn’t matter, there is nothing the President can do about it. May s/he enjoy a long walk in a dead forest.

The pieces of Rad are just smaller and more dangerous; reaching even further into your lungs and going through your skin. This is Creepy; like a Hollywood Horror Movie in real life.

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Nichols on Nuclear – Fukushima and More

Have a wonderful radioactive weekend and remember to Dodge the Rads, it’s dangerous out there.

Copyright by Bob Nichols @ 2017: Reproduce and distribute
Give full attribution to Bob Nichols at duweapons@gmail.com

Notes and Sources

1. The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA. Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder. Don’t skip the “2” in www2.
2. The EPA based reporting of NETC, an LLC.
3. These station’s Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations report Beta Radiation. Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations.
4. Reference: Digilert 100 Flyer pdf, “Normal background is 5-20 CPM.” Copyright @ 2015 Keison International Ltd – All Rights Reserved.
5. CPM. “Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects. One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute. Each Count is One Radioactive Decay.” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation This Week’ Apr 3, 2015.
6. Radiation destruction of chitin, IAEA, by Ershov, B.G.; Sukhov, N.L.; Nud’ga, L.A.; Baklagina, Yu.G.; Kozhevnikova, L.G.; Petropavlovskii, G.A. (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow (Russian Federation)
7. “Plutonium Air” by Dr Paolo Scampa, AIPRI Blog, Aug 19, 2016,
8. “Radioactive Fertilizer,” AIPRI by Dr Paolo Scampa, September 23, 2016, AIPRI: Les engrais radioactifs,
9. “Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world, study finds,” By ABBY GOODNOUGH OCT. 19, 2016,
EPA Proposal Allows Radiation Exposure in Drinking Water Equivalent to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year
10. “Forty-five (45) years later, the Nuclear States officially raise the amounts of “permitted radiation levels” by hundreds and sometimes thousands of times to maintain the utter and absolute dominance of the Nuclear State over everything, everywhere, for all time. No tolerance given.” [10] “In the never ending war between the suits (politicians) and the physicists, the suits win yet again; by changing the rules. It takes more than logic to fight these animals and win.”
11. US Gov: Walk Slow  May 24, 2013
12. “Baghdad” by Dr. Paolo Scampa, AIPRI, Saturday 12 November 2016 http://aipri.blogspot.it/2016/11/bagdad.html
13. “News Release, New Aerial Survey Identifies More Than 100 Million Dead Trees in California,” USDA Office of Communications, “This brings the total number of dead trees since 2010 to over 102 million,”
14. Caribou herd in Alaska suffering from mysterious decline, November 30, 2016, Noel Kirkpatrick, MNN Mother Nature Network, “The Central Arctic caribou herd in Alaska is experiencing a “steep decline” in its population, and scientists are researching the reasons why.”
15. “Facing a Dying Nation,” a line from the 1979 Tribal Rock Musical HAIR. A scene with “Facing a Dying Nation” starring Treat Williams from the movie is here:  The character Pfc. Berger is KIA in Vietnam in 1968.
16. It is Eugen Wigner’s name as a Verb. It’s about all things Wignerized.
See Notes on Your Radiation This Week No. 69 and 70

17. Right off the bat, the CPM High dropped by 347 Points to 1,610 CPM in Tulsa, Oklahoma from 1,957 CPM in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The “Holiday Season” with thousands of schools and businesses closed for the season is typically when high cost electricity sources like nuke reactors take a break, shut down and reload the nuke Beasts.





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