by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor … and Press TV, Tehran

[ Editor’s Note: It’s always a pleasure to catch a Debate Show with a nice meaty topic, and Saudi Arabia and its support for Wahhabi terrorism was a gem. Michael Lane is always up to speed, and not one of the silly activists that weave their pet issues into every program they are on.
This topic is a red line one for Western media, as the Saudis spread a lot of money around to the right people to make sure they remember to self censor themselves. It is always done indirectly and internally so there is no paper trail, very similar to how the Jewish Lobby operates.
Media people already know what their red line areas are. Those that forget are made examples of quickly, which is remembered by all the others.
State sponsored terrorism is the top security issue of our day, and so far all we have seen is a total institutional stand down on doing anything about it. It is not so much they fear the jihadis targeting them in retribution, but the countries involved in proxy terrorism who can.
Those countries have the ability through their own Intel orgs to set attacks up, say on Catholic churches for example, and have jihadi patsies do the work and get caught or killed while doing it. As I was able to say in this show for the first time, we have to go after ALL of the countries that are involved as state sponsors or this will never end, and that his quite a powerful line up to go against.
My first request would be for half of the drone force, unlimited funding, and total immunity, of course… JD ]
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– First aired … March 12, 2107 –
As a mass grave has been found near the Iraqi city of Mosul containing hundreds of people executed by DAESH, fingers point in one direction.
As the Yemeni people continue to suffer the bombardment and blockade by their neighbor, the Yemenis look in one direction for the blame and as inside of Syria, civilians still witness bombings and mortar attacks, people continue to look at one main source supporting and sponsoring the chaos and suffering and that is no less than Saudi Arabia.
Is Saudi Arabia the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world?
The Debate – Saudi State Terrorism by presstv
Jim W. Dean
Managing Editor, VT
Michael Lane
Founder, American Institute for Foreign Policy.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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