By Jack Heart
“We are not allowed to forget Hitler and war-time Germany. Nightly, we are presented with an ever on-going television tirade against the man and the country he loved. It all happened so long ago that one may well wonder why it doesn’t cease. There can be only one answer: FEAR, the fear that a fourth reich will come from beneath the ice of Neu-Sachwabenland–to square accounts may be well-founded . . . There are many who believe Hitler did not die a suicide; there are many who believe he escaped to a warm place made ready for him beneath the ice of the Antarctic.” – Norma Cox
Dorothy Norma Cox wrote her magnum opus Kingdoms Within Earth in 1985. She is the author of several other books and distributed and published the newsletter Secrets till 1996 (1). Seer, visionary, prophetess and mad woman, she may very well have been the only Christian that ever really did frighten the Zionists, whom she accused of using their stranglehold on the media to cover up the truth about the hollow earth.
She corresponded and even once met with a man named Richard Shaver, the progenitor of the Shaver Mystery. In the years directly proceeding WWII, the Shaver Mystery spawned what can only be described as an international furor among the readers of science fiction.
In 1943, Ray Palmer, a reclusive dwarf crippled by a broken back since childhood and editor of the wildly popular Amazing Stories Magazine, received a letter from a man even stranger than himself. Shaver, the author of the letter, claimed to have rediscovered an ancient forgotten language called ‘Mantong,’ the primal source of all other languages. The phonetics of the language had a meaning of their own and when applied to the words of any other language could decipher their secret meanings.
Shaver by his own admission had been in communication with the welding torch at his job. But, strangely enough, Palmer and his staff applied Mantong to “the letter-meaning to the individual letter of many old root words and proper names and got an amazing sense out of them.” After publishing Shaver’s letter, salvaged from his waste paper basket, Palmer asked his readers to experiment with Mantong. The overwhelming response by hundreds who wrote back to Palmer was that it worked.
Shaver followed up his Mantong letter with a 10,000-word manuscript titled “A Warning to Future Man.” By the time Palmer was through editing it, which he did through a two year correspondence with Shaver much of it appearing in the work as index at the end of each chapter, Shaver’s piece had grown to a thirty-one thousand word novella. It was published in the March 1945 issue of Amazing Stories Magazine under the title “I Remember Lemuria (2)!”
The story told was of a human race that has existed from time out of mind, moving from sun to sun as each sun became toxic with age. Every sun started out as a planet itself just as the earth’s had; shrouded in cloud cover to promote maximum fecundity of life as it orbited its own sun.
Layer upon layer of life living and dying encased the planet in carbon thousands of miles thick to its heavy metal core. When its sun went black and died out the planet became a lifeless sphere of shimmering ice until ignited from deep within by a collision with a mass broken off from another sun and the cycle began anew.
Carbon itself burns clean, and due to his godlike sciences, man was practically immortal, as his civilizations basked in its beneficent glow, colonizing other stars unknown. But as a sun burns down, it begins to consume its heavy metal core which gives off radioactive toxins that produce aging, loss of mental faculties and finally death. So man must constantly migrate from old sun to new sun.
To avoid this, many chose to build their civilizations underground, some even in the outer perimeters of space where there is eternal darkness. This race was called the Nor or Norman, marked by their brilliant blond hair and snow-white skin never touched by sunlight. Earth, then called Mu, was inhabited by the Atlans and their magnificent horned allies called the Titans.*
Elders, who were the sum and total of the eons of each civilizations wisdom, ruled over them. The Atlans, out of the sheer joy for what was different and sensual attraction to what was exotic, had hybridized with all the myriads of life forms encountered throughout their millennia of space exploration and colonization. The Nor, dedicated to their Goddess Venus and enamored of their own beauty of form, wore as few garments as possible to display their physical assets, and refused to hybridize.

Both civilizations reveled in their own erotic desires, and satiating them was their raison d’être. Every entity in its own vigorous health viewed other entities as a part of themselves. To interfere, repress or murder that other entity was an act of self immolation.
The primary city of the Atlans was deep within the bowels of the earth, close to its core, where the Titans, unimpeded by their great size, could move about freely unrestrained by gravity. On its avenues passed an unending amorous procession of strangely seductive hybrids, some with the lower bodies of serpents, some with cloven hoofs, all mingled together with fantastically beautiful people.
But sex was for pleasure heightened by all manner of machines. Procreation was performed in laboratories; embryos grown in sealed receptacles suspended in a substance called Icor honed by the sciences of tens of thousands of years. As the embryo grew into life the “blood of the Gods,” Icor, was fed to them through artificial umbilical cords.
Death was almost unheard of and growth indeterminate. Elders treated themselves with special hormonal regimes that allowed them to enslave their willing opposite gender with chains forged of sexual ecstasy. The Elders sometimes attained heights of three hundred feet. But no one aged after reaching maturity.

The Atlans and Titans were the masters of all that was good in existence. They were lords of creation, but in their own mastery, they forgot that where there is creation there must also be destruction. Evil is just as strong as good and always, always, one will balance the other.
Throughout the numberless eons, the Atlans had honeycombed the earth with tunnels and caverns, some long abandoned along with the technology they harbored. The technology was from a time when the earth’s sun was new. Its creators, unimpeded by toxins from the sun, flourished and became as gods, migrating to unknown parts of the universe leaving behind the machinery.
In every civilization, no matter how paradisiacal, there will always be outcasts, those that do not fit in, and Mu was no exception. There were some who fled to the cultivation forests, living generationally like animals. In time, some of these savages found their way into the forgotten catacombs of Mu’s ancient civilizations. Eventually these savages discovered the tunnels and caverns and learned to use the abandoned technology to satisfy their requirements for pleasure.
Over time, satiated, they atrophied and became like mindless automatons unable to think at all without their machines, hideous dwarfs called Deros, driven only by a need to bring pain and destruction to all they encountered.
They used the machinery they had found to sow discord among the Atlans, like the evil children of hell that they had become. Their pleasure became the pain they inflicted on their hapless victims. Those that they kidnapped were tortured in sadistic orgies of cruelty. When they had used up all the horror their victims were capable of they ate them.
Somewhere in time, the Atlans had found it necessary to exile one of their own, one of the Elders, more god than man. He had found his way into the caverns of the Deros and organized them, teaching them to master the machinery they had prior only played with. And from the darkness of their hidden citadels, they gained control of Mu by way of selective assassination and taking control of the information dissemination outlets.
Many among the Atlans were aware of their presence, but to speak out against them was to sign one’s own death warrant. With their machinery, they were able to monitor all of Mu and read the thoughts of its inhabitants. Consequently the Atlans stayed on Mu long past the time when they should have fled the deleterious effects of its dying sun. But a handful of students, among them the narrator of the story, do manage to escape and flee to the outer darkness of the Nor.
The Nors, upon learning of the Dero, motivated not only by altruism but also the knowledge that the evil must be contained, send a great fleet of starships to make war on the Dero and free the Atlans and Titans under their control.
When the Nor arrive, the Dero threaten to use their machines to kill all the unsuspecting inhabitants of Mu if the Nor do not turn back.
They don’t, and they manage to bypass the Deros on guard by tricking them with a sleep ray and enter the underworld undetected. When they reach the citadel of the Dero close to the earth’s core, an epic battle ensues.
The Dero have better weapons from the superior ancient technology, and are led by the brilliant but twisted Elder god.
Nor, with untold millennia of bliss to live for, are killed by the thousands, but they just keep coming anyway. They finally breach the walls of the hypogean city and lay waste to it, slaughtering the Dero and capturing the Elder god to learn what they can of the technology.
The surviving Atlans and Titans evacuate to far off stars unknown, and the Nor return triumphantly to their dark abode. But, as they are leaving, Mu the narrator knows the Dero have been defeated but not exterminated, and there are still men, the savages of the forests, on the surface of Mu. Even though they will live but short and brutal lives under Mu’s aging sun, the narrator knows too that through the veins of these savages flow the blood of the Titans; and one day they will overcome these obstacles and become a race to be reckoned with, a race that is ready to join their forefathers in the stars.
But he also knows the Deros will be watching, biding their time, so that they too may be carried like a plague among the stars. He leaves his story inscribed on plates of telonion, an incorruptible metal, in an unknown place to be found when the time comes as “A Warning to Future Man (3).”
A brief examination of Mr. Shaver’s science “fiction” is all that is needed to realize ‘I Remember Lemuria!’ could not have been written with the science available to the general public in 1943 or 1945; even by HG Wells or Jules Verne (let alone a man who was taking dictation from his welding torch).

It is now known that at temperatures over fifteen million degrees, Kelvin carbon fusion is the dominant fusion, rather than hydrogen fusion. The earth’s sun burns through hydrogen fusion, but it is now believed that larger stars, such as Sirius, burn through carbon fusion. Not even the German expatriate Hans Bethe, who received the Nobel Prize in 1967 for working out the carbon fusion cycle, knew this in 1945 (4).
Theoretically, a comet can go nuclear when momentum distribution leads to a substantial increase of its deuteron fusion rate, making possible the thermo chemical explosion ignition of a thermonuclear explosion. In fact, that appears to be just what happened five miles over Tunguska in 1908(5). If that comet had crashed into Tunguska’s legendary peat bogs, perhaps the earth would now be a sun and the moon its planet. Maybe that’s just how the Deros had planned it.
Human childbirth will naturally result in the death of 1.5% of the mothers (6). Those that do live through it are almost invariably disfigured in the pelvic region and will never forget the pain. Even now in America, one in three births will have “complications (7).” This flies in the face of every known law of nature. Human childbirth is hardly natural. Cloning and genetic engineering would not even be discussed seriously until Joshua Lederburg published his groundbreaking piece Experimental Genetics and Human Evolution in The American Naturalist in 1966. Yet, almost a quarter century before, Shaver demonstrates a clear understanding of just how cloning works, and the advantage it has over reproducing like a beast in the fields.
According to the narrative, in this solar system the earth’s aged sun is the mother of all radiation, which is called disintegrances. These are heavy metals so dissolute that they only exist as rays to be drawn in by the earth and reconstituted as matter. Toxins suspended in the air you breathe, the food you eat and the water you drink.
This is the source of aging in the human body. Disintegrance or detrimental energy is the destructive force of the universe. Its antithesis is Exd – ex-disintegrance, which permeates the universe and is the creative force, benign and life giving.

Sunlight is electromagnetic radiation: radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays, many of these were not even known to exist, at least by the allies, prior to WW II let alone known have the devastating effects on human health that they do.
Madame Curie’s notes were available at the time, and Palmer even mentions them in the index, but the Americans had not yet even begun their experiments on the hapless Japanese.
The existence of Undistorted Progressive Waves was proven for good in experiments performed in 1997 by Waldyr A Rodrigues Jr. and Jian-Yu Lu, no matter what the cavemen who guard the entrance at Wikipedia want to say about scalar waves (8). Undistorted Progressive Waves are families of waves traveling at arbitrary speeds which are distortion free and don’t spread out over a distance. Even if interfered with, they return to “their original form after a certain period of time.”
Dr. Rodrigues’ and Dr. Lu’s ground breaking paper introduced experimental data showing how a “Superluminal (faster than the speed of light) Electromagnetic X-Wave” can be launched by forcing one of these waves through a tiny hole that they called a “Finite Aperture Approximation.” In the paper, they go on to make an unimpeachable mathematical argument that the theory of relativity has been compromised by the data resulting from their experiments (9).
The narrative says the human body is naturally polarized like the earth. The earth acts as a magnet drawing in Exd; ex-disintegrance and reconstituting it as matter. But overexposure to disintegrances causes parts of the brain to become depolarized and to polarize instead like the sun, drawing in its disintegrances. Depending on which part of the brain is affected, you will either become an idiot or a pathological murderer driven only to kill until you are killed yourself – a detrimental energy robot, a Dero.
In 1933, Ott Christoph Hilgenberg wrote The Expanding Earth, Vom wachsenden Erdball, pretty much proving in spite of Morgan Freeman “science” that continental drift is the result of the earth expanding in volume.
The book settled once and for all the scientific debate about whether continental drift took place and, if Germany had won WWII, nobody ever would have dreamed of trying to replace Hilgenberg’s work of genius with a theory as full of holes as plate tectonics.
The Atlans worshiped life and were connoisseurs of its pleasures. The narration describes users of their erogenous machines experiencing every single sensation as “having the value of a thousand nights of love.” These “stim” machines are what were found in the abandoned subterranean cities by the ancestors of the Dero.
The “ray apparatus” had filters for their beams which, unknown to the primitives who had found and were using them, periodically had to be changed, as did the conductive metals of the apparatuses. Eventually accumulation of disintegrate particles turned the machine’s “beneficial qualities into strangely harmful ones.” In time, living in close proximity to them mutated their offspring into a race of degenerate dwarfs that were unable to think without using the machines.
Shaver says in the index that the Deros, who survived the war with the Nors, have been using these machines since this current post-apocalyptic epoch began – sponsoring depraved and deadly orgies in hidden catacombs beneath the temples and pleasure palaces of the earth – confounding man in everything he does, from stage fright in school plays, to murder, to the decisions of tyrants and kings.
They were the sirens who lured ancient Greek seafarers to their deaths with their sweet songs. They are “the source of god worship, the thrill of divinity, the sensing of the invisible, the prostration of the will before the stronger will of the ray gen.”

The above photo is from Göbekli Tepe; it’s over 12 thousand years old. Of all the truly sinister things going on right now in the world, the ongoing effort to cover that site up is the mother of them all.
Current-day witch doctors claim the human brain only works at 10% capacity. With a shake of their magic rattle and a hardy feathered pirouette, they go on to chant the same about DNA, calling the other 90% “junk DNA.” Real scientists, pioneers of a Brave New World for everyone like Dr. Manfred Doepp (10), are not amused by their antics. Dr. Doepp insists that this junk DNA is attenuated to the resonance fields (11) that compose 96% of man’s external environment.
Reference to sound and dance – “shake and pirouette”
When awake, the human brain usually resonates at anywhere between 6-20 hertz per second; Theta brain waves resonate between 4-7Hz and are little understood by mainstream science, Alpha between 8-12Hz occur during relaxation and Beta, above 12Hz, occur during problem solving.
Delta brain waves occur during sleep and range from 0-4Hz. Even the witch doctors now know that human brain activity is intimately entangled with the Schumann resonance, which resonates at an average of 7.8Hz but can vary from 3Hz – 60Hz.

Tampering with resonance fields can be either extremely harmful or extremely beneficial to the human race. Electrophysicist Professor Konstantin Meyl in collaboration with the Cancer Research Centre at the University of Heidelberg has already used resonant electrodynamic fields to alter the malignancy of cancer cells.
Scientists like Dr. Doepp and Dr. Meyl are taking full advantage a brand new science called epigenetics a science that threatens to blow the lid off, once and for all, the simian superstition of evolution.
Epigenetics simply means the study of the control mechanisms of DNA. It is what determines how hereditary traits such as athleticism, intellectual capacity and human resilience can be radically altered in just three generations instead of the hundreds that the drooling Darwinists would have the human race believe it takes to adapt DNA sequences (12).
By combining epigenetics with the manipulation of resonance fields the potential is there to reinvent the Atlantis of Shaver’s narrative. They can also be used to breed a very select master race whose whims are catered to by a vast slave race of idiots.
The Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) sits at the base of the brain and acts as its vascular security system admitting energy and nutrient rich substances required for optimal operation and barring harmful substances such as heavy metals and fat soluble toxins capable of turning the brain into a living replica of a chunk of Swiss cheese.
Electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone and Wifi technology operating in the 2.4 gigahertz range are known to burn holes into the BBB.
The industries are completely unregulated and relay towers ranging from monstrosities hundreds of feet high to much smaller ones camouflaged as flag poles have sprung up all over the world seemingly overnight.
The result has been a return with a vengeance of the brain damage seen in the sixties from leaded fuel and the ever expanding proliferation of the conditions known as Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder Hyperactivity Syndrome in children. Parkinsonism, Epilepsy, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Cerebral Palsy and Autism have become endemic.
Dr. Doepp points out that the 2.4 gigahertz wave spectrum adversely affects the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, the hypothalamic tract and the limbic system so that only the large portion of the brain, responsible for consciousness, is left intact.
The brain is unable to access its subconscious, leaving people with the ability to perform the menial tasks assigned to them but unable reason or create. The cells of the bitstream in the cognitive brain are able to process forty bits per second, whereas cells from its deep interior, now inaccessible in most people, are capable of processing billions of bits per second.
The effects on young people are particularly striking as they walk around bumping into walls focused on handheld Wifi units listening to redundant computer generated “music.” Ethics, human virtue and even common decency have become anachronisms.
An underlying and indefinable anger permeates people’s chronic disconnection with purpose other than to acquire the commodities the television tells them they need.
Dr. Doepp has found that many are unable to be separated from the electromagnetic radiation without experiencing panic and the inability to function (13).
Shaver says vehicles were powered by “motors whose energy is derived from a gravity focusing magnetic field by which one side of a flywheel becomes much heavier than the other, this is accomplished by bending gravity to fall in the same way a lens bends a light ray.”

In the 1990s, Russian scientist Eugene Podkletnov caused a furor amongst the aerospace industry and their academic drones when he announced that, in gravity modification experiments, he had been able achieve as much as a 5% reduction in a targeted object’s weight. He was using rotating magnets to spin superconducting doughnut shaped discs; flywheels.
In later interviews with Nick Cook, Aviation Editor of Jane’s Defence Weekly and author of The Hunt For Zero Point, Podkletnov admitted that he had already achieved full levitational effects for Toshiba with his methods.
He also admitted that his methods were derived from a lifelong study of papers confiscated in May of 1945 by the Red Army from the apartment of Viktor Schauberger, German genius of mythic proportions known to be working on anti-gravity technology during WW II for the SS. The papers were given to Podkletnov’s father, Russia’s top scientist in the field at the time, for analysis (14).
In chapter 4; Escape Into Space, Shaver says “To get the shuttle ship on its way gravity was neutralized by an upward beam of semi-penetrative force which turned on gradually until the car just floated in its cradle under the effect of the reverse friction to gravity of the force blast passing through the car.”
Gordon Duff the managing director of the Adamus Corporation, a defense contracting company so mysterious that it has been accused by the semi literate (“10 is a prime number”) among the lunatic fringe “patriot” movement as being the “paperclip Nazis(15),” has recently revealed some of the secrets that haunt the drug-fueled delirium of Rush Limbaugh’s disciples.
In VT Nuclear Education: Answering the hype he says “In order to create anti-gravity or to cancel gravity, you simply push out the magnetic field lines using plasma. This is called positive buoyancy. Just like in ships and hot air balloons. Hot air is a plasma. This is how UFO’s work. The key is magnetic buoyancy using plasma shielding of some type (16).”
Shaver’s explanation for his narrative is that he is recalling his past life as Mutan Mion the narrator of the story. In the index, Palmer goes on to cite additional references to gravity in correspondences by Shaver in the guise of Mutan Mion. “Gravity is the friction of condensing exd, ex-disentigrance, falling through matter into earth. By using a beam of similarly condensing particles of ex-disentigrance a harmless beam of upward gravity is obtained which can levitate matter slowly or drive it upward at immense speed. All space is filled with the ash of disentigrance of the suns of the universe. This condensing again into matter, is integrance or gravity. ”

Viktor Schauberger called the process by which energy was obtained for anti gravity; condensing. A process supposedly only theoretical till proven by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Colorado in a joint project in 1995. Atoms or subatomic particles are cooled to absolute zero coalescing into a single entity describable as a wave function capable of releasing energy on a macroscopic scale (17).
As the “legend” has it, while observing a trout holding its position without any swimming effort at all against the rushing current of a stream, Schauberger decided the trout was utilizing something other than kinetic energy.
Schauberger reasoned that the animal was extracting the energy from the molecules of its own body by condensing them with extreme temperature gradients. The rest is rooted in the lore of a breakaway civilization and a National Socialist Party that vanished right before the entire world’s eyes, when the allies tightened their empty noose at the end of WWII.
Shaver’s story struck a chord, the issue sold out, Amazing Stories circulation jumped from a 135 thousand to 185 thousand per issue; tens of thousands of letters rolled in claiming to recount personnel experiences with the Dero. An ex-Air Force captain wrote “for heaven’s sake drop the whole thing! You are playing with dynamite.
My companion and I fought our way out of a cave with sub-machine guns. I have two 9-inch scars on my left arm… my friend has a hole the size of a dime in his right bicep. It was scary inside… we both believe we know more about the Shaver mystery than any other pair… don’t print our names. We are not cowards, but we are not crazy.” Some even believed their neighbors were Deros.
Shaver began pounding out stories about the underworld like he was a machine himself, and Palmer ran with it culminating with the June 7, 1947 issue devoted entirely to Shaver. By then the whole world knew what a Dero was and many suspected they actually existed. Enter the Zionist Bolsheviks from New York City.
Whether it was because they and their hack hero Isaac Asimov simply could not compete with Shaver, who has been characterized by high strangeness enthusiasts abovetopsecret.com as a cross between L Ron Hubbard, Charles Fort and Lord Dunsany (Edward Plunkett, 18th Baron of Dunsany) (18), or it was because of something far darker, as always the Zionists got their way.
The Queens Science Fiction Club, which was founded by Sam Moskowitz and was an offshoot of Donald Allen Wollheim’s radically Bolshevik Futurians and the Brooklyn Science Fiction League, launched a massive letter writing campaign that Shaver was endangering the sanity of Americans.
Although Moskowitz wrote under the pen name “Sam Martin” and Wollheim under the names “David Grinnell,” “Arthur Cooke,” “Millard Verne Gordon,” “Martin Pearson,” “Braxton Wells,” “Graham Conway” and “Lawrence Woods,” like always they still needed some authentic Christian dupes to do their dirty work for them. So they enlisted the help of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, an offshoot of the Young Men’s Christian Association commonly known as the YMCA.
Using the exact same tactics they used to commandeer New York City garment workers’ unions for organized crime, the Bolsheviks attended a national science fiction fan conference in Philadelphia and raucously interrupted the proceedings with threats and intimidation. They then went to Amazing Stories publisher William B Ziff, of the Ziff Davis Publishing Company, and threatened to draw up a petition to the United States Postal Service asking that Amazing Stories be banned from the mail.
With well-founded fears for his own life, Ziff caved in and told Palmer that they could no longer publish Shaver stories because they were in direct contradiction to Einstein’s theory of relativity. Palmer resigned as managing editor, and after the 6/7/47 issue, Amazing Stories would never again carry Shaver. The Shaver Mystery would slowly sink into the unfathomed depths of politically incorrect history, in spite of the fact that it is the progenitor of all modern UFO mythology.
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Even Wikipedia is not stupid enough to try to cover up the fact that Kenneth Arnold’s sighting of pop culture’s very first UFO’s on June 24, 1947 is connected directly to the Shaver Mystery. John Keel, the most brilliant man to ever write about UFO’s, fingered Palmer as “The Man who Invented Flying Saucers” in his 1983 article appearing in the Fortean Times under the aforementioned title. In a 1985 interview he said “If Shaver and Palmer had not existed, there would be no ufology. It’s that simple (19).”
Amazing stories had been running artist’s conceptions on their covers of space ships both the Dero and the Tero for two years before Arnold’s sighting. The Tero were Nor, and Atlans had stayed behind to wage guerilla war against the Dero in the aftermath of earth’s evacuation. Wikipedia makes the ridiculous and typically semantic Zionist argument that the artist’s conceptions were not of saucers.
No they were artist’s conceptions! Besides, Arnold had not described seeing anything like flying saucers. He had described seeing wedge-shaped craft, like America’s Stealth planes and National Socialism’s Horton Flying Wings. What Arnold had said is the crafts skipped across the atmosphere like a saucer skipping across water.
The possibility that the Shaver Mystery was a psy-op right from the start should not be overlooked. Kenneth Arnold would end up writing for Palmer’s new publication, Fate Magazine. The sequential order of events is a giant red flag – but not half as big as Richard Shaver’s knowledge of National Socialist technology that has been concealed from the general public till this very day.

Richard Shaver was no idiot savant – he knew more about science, real science, than Albert Einstein did. In fact, he begs the Zionist charlatan to have a look at his work in the foreword of I Remember Lemuria! His detailed descriptions, tight plot and deft prose indicate that he was no stranger to the pen and paper. Shaver was an even better artist than he was writer. Posthumously, he is now hailed as an artistic genius (20), and his work commands exorbitant prices at showings in both New York and Los Angeles.
In spite of Palmer’s later claims that he was institutionalized, legitimate researchers have found that from 1934 – 1942, Shaver’s whereabouts are completely unaccounted for and untraceable. Someone put a great deal of time and effort into both his training and his introduction to the world. When account is taken of who originally trained the CIA, one need only read Frances Stoner Saunders’ book, Who Paid the Piper: The Cultural Cold War, to figure out who (21).
Even his last name, which he makes sure he mentions in the opening lines of the forward saying “get it,” is a pun; Richard Sharp Shaver, Sharp Shaver, SS! The Bolshevik Zionists, the Dero, whatever you want to call them, would do very well to heed Norma Cox’s warning and remember what happened the last time they met the Nor.
* Palmer tells the reader in the index that when he seeks further description of the Titans through correspondence Shaver answers him imperiously that he has already been told. The only thing discernible from the narrative is that the Titans were powerfully built giants but nowhere near the size of the Atlan Elders. All of the male Titans, there are no female Titans in the narrative, had horns and exceptional wisdom.
Palmer says in the index that the Titans were a separate race from the Atlans. But although the narrative says the Titans and Atlans were allies and refers to the races in plural, it also says of a Titan instructor that he is a “dynamo of a human force.” The narrator is clearly human, but when he fantasizes about the sexual embrace of the six-armed woman, he exclaims “the blood of the Titans is alive, I thought, strangely and wonderfully alive!”
Reposted from the classic VT 2014 article:
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1- “By Dorothy (Norma) Cox, Et Al.” Conspiracy Research Topics: Illuminism, Freemasonry, Christianity, Islam, Mithraism, Paganism. JR’s Rare Books and Commentary, 1 Jan. 2006. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <http://www.jrbooksonline.com/cox.htm>.
2- Crenshaw, Dennis. “Richard Shavers Cavern Realms.” The Hollow Earth Insider Vol. 3#6. The Best of the Hollow Earth Insider, 18 Sept. 1992. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <http://thehollowearthinsider.com/go-deeper/Site_-_N_ew/2_PalmerShaver.html>.
3- Shaver, Richard Sharp. “I Remember Lemuria.” Internet Archive. Evanston III Venture Books, 1 Jan. 1948. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <https://archive.org/stream/RichardS.Shaver-IRememberLemuria/lemurius#page/n1/mode/2up>.
4- Nave, R. “Carbon Fusion Cycle.” Hyperphysics – Department of Physics and Astronomy. Georgia State University, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/astro/carbcyc.html#c3>.
5- Kim, Y. E. “The 1908 Tunguska Cosmic Body (TCB) Explosion: Role of Hydrogen Thermonuclear Explosion in Support of Cometary Hypothesis.” Purdue Nuclear and Many-Body Theory Group (PNMBTG), Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. Received 12 December 2007; Accepted 5 May 2008; Published Online 4 December 2008. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <http://www.physics.purdue.edu/people/faculty/publications/yekim/1908_Tunguska_Kim.pdf>.
6- “Safe Motherhood Strategies : A Review of the Evidence.” Studies in Health Services Organisation & Policy, 17, 2001. Ed. Vincent De Brouwere and Wim Van Lerberghe. ©ITGPress, Nationalestraat 155, B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium. E-mail : Isa@itg.be, 1 Jan. 2001. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <http://dspace.itg.be/bitstream/handle/10390/1515/shsop17.pdf;jsessionid=14ACCBD7D7E860EE7503E1AF8D75CF43?sequence=1>.
7- Levi, PhD, Jeffrey, David Kohn, and Kay Johnson,MPH, EdM. “Healthy Women, Healthy Babies: How Health Reform Can Improve the Health of Women and Babies in America.” Trust For Americas Health. Www.healthyamericans.org, 1 June 2011. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <http://healthyamericans.org/assets/files/TFAH 2011HealthyBabiesBrief.pdf>.
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Jack Heart, pen name for George Esposito, is known for his extensive research and writings that provide high-quality information and authentic alternatives to mainstream narratives on a wide variety of subjects. His life experiences make for a highly intriguing perspective. Jack runs his own research expose site called: Jack Heart Esoteric Evolution
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