Introduction by Senior Editor, Gordon Duff
There are still a few dozen people out there, some in the paid regular fake news but most who have long infiltrated alternative publications, paid to steer and smear any who get the truth out there.
Behind them are an army of fakes, who have managed to glean enough truth about alien contact to mystify those who really know about alien contact. Suffice it to say, alien contact is very much the real deal, as the recent stories, this one, those in the NYT and others, intimate. I am officially “read in” on some things and have been oft smeared by almost the same idiots who like to spin any support for social justice and global stability as “anti-semitism. It may well be time for a reckoning, if you get my meaning. It is becoming an issue of survival. The “end times” games Trump has begun with his overlords indicate something far different to some than others. What do you think I mean by “overlords?”
A note to begin, if you think the amount of stupid seen mostly in the US is accident, the Fox News crowd, those who call themselves Christian evangelists, and of course the mind controlled slaves that make up our military and most of congress. I am not guessing here and don’t enjoy writing any of this. I also expect to be attacked. Keep it to the media or learn to “stand on the plastic.” I am “in person” not so forgiving nor harmless, to an extent few really want to get to know. I am also fed up.
Being “briefed” and believing are not the same thing. Being briefed is being “chosen.” I am one of those. Many have figured that one out. On a personal basis, I find myself a disappointment.
I will begin with facts, pure and simple, and move on to something further. Those who believe in government mind control programs are totally correct. All media is controlled except maybe VT and it is continually hacked and infiltrated. What I am writing here will upset some beyond belief.
Back to “facts.” Remote viewing, which the army studied, really works. There is a generalized consciousness beyond time and space much as there is a general “field” as Einstein intimated in his unpublished works on field theory. Keshe has some of it right but physicists have known all of this since the late 19th century. Maxwell figured much of it out, which is why much of his work at Cavendish is still suppressed.
Not only is ESP very real, remote viewing real as well, and powerful beyond imaginings, but consciousness does survive physicality as some religions state.
What is probably true is that certainly Nazi Germany did work with an alien civilization and solve issues of gravity as Jack Heart and others write of. Ernst Zundel held considerable proof on this but there is so much more.
Is there a duplicate technology where space travel is possible and energy is free? I can say “very very probably.” We do fly outside the atmosphere with large triangular craft that are regularly seen zipping in and out of orbit. Our first such craft, a primitive version, was built between 1947 and 1953. It defeats gravity with what I am told, but am not sure is true, is a liquid form of “red mercury” that very real physicists at Los Alamos insist is the real deal. Carol and I have seen it up close, it is huge, ugly, old and flies like a wounded albatross. It is the first of the Lockheed “X” craft. What they make now, others claim, can exceed light speed. I have no idea if this is true.
Now for the nasty stuff. It is reasonable to assume that not all humans are quite the same, not just “junk DNA” but some are closer to insects than human. It is claimed that offworld alien hybridization right out of X files is responsible for this. My guess is that you have met these “people.” It is possible that the feeling you may get of being alone or that something is very wrong with portions of the population whose moral and ethical processes are deeply lacking are a result of this. I am told that “this is true.”
I can say this with some certainty, and I am sticking to “some.” Our religions are to an extent based on this. There have been, I have been told, visitors to Earth for “two hundred thousand years.” They can’t be seen, they have no physicality but can join with, call it “inhabit” or “partner” or “possess” humans. They are sometimes called jinns or demons but if someone in “the community” uses these terms they are strongly criticized.
These “non-corporeal entities” guide human history and feed off strife, war and entropy. Imagine being told this but also that this is the plot of an early Star Trek episode as well. In fact, science fiction has been guided by disclosure for decades, as a way of softening the impact of real “bleed through.” Some TV shows are dead on.
Officially, and there are official organizations that are above governments, certain family groups have “teamed” with destructive entities. Names like Rothschild head the list. I was given this name but would add others. If I did so, I would be doing so on my own authority and I have no such authority.
There is much more. Picture the plot lines of Men in Black and Close Encounters as being less fictional than you hoped.
Then figure why I am writing this. Events seem to be moving toward attempts to alter earth and humanity. The US has a massive program of disease development going in labs across Eastern Europe and the Caucuses. They have been testing diseases intended to depopulate.
Efforts to destroy institutions, such as they are, the fake news, the FBI, the useless United Nations, the last vestiges of human attempts at progress of some kind, aren’t accidental.
For those of you who can’t look at public figures, Nikki Haley or some of the Fox Hosts, a couple of hundred members of congress or those who run much of the planets economy and see signs that normal human characteristics are totally lacking, you aren’t paying attention.
Trump, Netanyahu, May, Blair, endless thousands of others less well known aren’t an accident. Is Hillary one of them or a target?
When will people like John McCain or Donald Rumsfeld, who know what I know, talk? Will they die with secrets? Now for the simplistic crap the public is intended to get:
The Pentagon spent $22 million to study UFOs in a 2007-12 program whose existence has been confirmed by the Department of Defense. An official formerly in charge of the program told media it remains alive to this day.
The secretive program, which the US Department of Defense has been keeping under wraps, was brought to light in simultaneous reports by Politico and the New York Times on Saturday, citing interviews with people involved or with knowledge of the program, as well as contracts, and Pentagon and Congressional records.
“The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program” was led by former military intelligence official Luiz Elizondo, who resigned from the Pentagon on October 4. In his resignation letter to Defense Secretary James Mattis, seen by Politico and the NYT, he lamented the lack of funding for the project and the fact that it continues to be shrouded in mystery, away from the public eye.
Pentagon spokesperson Dana White, cited by Politico, confirmed that the program existed up until 2012, when it was wrapped up as “there were other, higher priority issues that merited funding,” she said, adding that it was in the Pentagon’s “best interest” to redirect funds.
However, Elizondo said that even without its generous funding, the program was still alive, telling the New York Times that he was working with CIA and Navy officials on the issue up to his resignation. Upon leaving the Pentagon, Elizondo said he left a successor to keep running the program, but did not reveal their name.
Research within the program, which was initially launched at the behest of Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader in 2007, was carried out by private contractor Bigelow Aerospace, a company owned by Reid’s close friend and firm believer in extraterrestrial life, billionaire Robert Bigelow. The company and its subcontractors would store supposed pieces of UFO wreckages in specially repurposed buildings, collect witnesses’ accounts and study those who claimed to have encountered the objects to detect potential physiological changes.
Reid enlisted support of two other lawmakers, Ted Stevens, the late Republican senator from Alaska, and Democrat Daniel K. Inouye, representing Hawaii. Stevens, who was the chairman of the Appropriations Committee, claimed to have had an encounter with an unidentified object when he served in the US Air Force. The program’s funding, Reid believed, should not have not been debated publicly in Congress.
“This was so-called black money,” Reid admitted to the Times.
The truth is out there. 🛸
Seriously. https://t.co/ytafycaZqe
— Senator Harry Reid (@SenatorReid) December 16, 2017
From 2008 to 2011, Bigelow Aerospace landed nearly $22 million for Congress for the purposes of its extensive research and evaluating threats coming from the objects, according to the contracts cited by the paper.
One of the encounters, examined within the program, was a 2004 incident over San Diego, involving two F/A-18F fighter jets and an unidentified white object. The detailed account of the encounter was given by Chris Mellon, a former member of Senate Intelligence Committee, who is engaged in a new initiative, spearheaded by Elizondo, called To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science.
“Two F-18s approach, the four aviators see that the object has no wings or exhaust — it is white, oblong, some 40 ft long and perhaps 12 ft thick”, Mellon said, describing the incident at the launch of the project that is aimed at deepening the research into the UFOs in October. As the pilots attempted to chase the aircraft it turned toward to the jets only to take a position behind them in a few moments in what Mellon called “a series tumbling maneuvers that seem to defy the laws of physics.”
On an undated video of another incident, provided by Pentagon and published by the Times, an oval-shaped object the size of a plane is seen rotating in the air at a high speed to the apparent disbelief of the pilots, who say that there was “a whole fleet of them.”
Speaking at the conference in October, Elizondo told the public that during the years of managing the program he became convinced that “the [UFO] phenomena is indeed real.”
Reid, who is now retired, also said that he believed that developing the program was a right thing to do.
“I think it’s one of the good things I did in my congressional service. I’ve done something that no one has done before,” he told the Times.
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However, a former staffer working with Reid told Politico that the program failed to find “anything of substance,” but bore “reams of paperwork” instead.
“There was really nothing there that we could justify using taxpayer money,” the unnamed official said.

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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