False Flag Weekly News covers Parkland shooting anomalies

And the push for internet censorship

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  1. Parkland is a simple case. All right radicalization combined with a person who came from a broken home, mental instability and was able to access an assault rifle, and he copy catted. People on the edge, do not need much to push them over it. The alt right has escalated this type of violence since Trump started running.
    The low information voter, feels the most helpless. We are a violent culture. A police state is our destiny, if we don’t change that simple fact. Guns or no guns.

    • No evidence has been released that Cruz was the shooter, or even one of the shooters. No surveillance video, no paraffin test results — absolutely no evidence.

      Cruz’ problems make him the perfect patsy, not the perfect copycat.

  2. All this is well and good. Many good points made. But in about 6 months will be 17 years since the false flag attack on America 9/11/01. Larry Silverstein is in his 90’s enjoying his billion dollar win, Netanyahu just gave a rousing speech to AIPAC with VP Pence doing everything but getting down on his knees in front of the Crime Minister of Israel, but nothing, repeat, nothing is being done to arrest and hold grand jury hearings on the truth of 9/11. Obviously nothing is going to be done unless there were some dramatic event like 9/11 itself to reverse the “win” of them on this great lie to America today. Let’s face facts: The perps have won. Trump is obviously an elected puppet of Israel, Bush and Cheney are enjoying the good life with full armed Secret Security protection while the traitorous four star generals who did not lift a finger to defend the country that day are retired on lavish undeserved pensions instead of life in jail. There you are. The perps have won again. Losing is no fun especially when the perps are so evil and traitors among us.

    • And here we have the spectacle of the AG suing California to force them to stop tipping off illegal immigrants to ICE raids, while the Injustice Dept. is doing zero to arrest Netanyahu while he is here in the States and begin some real hearings on the crime of the century when all the federal government has to do to force California into line is withhold the billions or trillions of federal dollars sent to them especially for the bullet train boondoggle. This country is gone. It is only a matter of time now.

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