Why Afghan Muslim villagers and Freedom Fighters will not talk peace with US puppet in Kabul

Afghan Freedom Fighters pushing back against war crimes committed by occupiers


I hate war and want true peace in Afghanistan. The United States needs to change its strategy if it is truly inclined towards peace. It has to understand the perspective and beliefs of the Afghan Muslim villagers, who are the Freedom Fighters, defending their lives, freedom land and Rare Earth Elements (REEs).

The Afghan Freedom Fighters are fighting because of the war crimes committed by the occupiers. The genocide, massacring, torturing, raping, slaughtering of several hundred thousand innocent Afghan villagers are war crimes and human rights violations. As history has shown, the Afghan villagers are guided by their Islamic faith and cherish their freedom.

The United States controls the money, to fund the war, the Kabul Administration and ultimately whether there is peace in Afghanistan. The Afghan Muslim villagers have been attacked by the United States, its allies and mercenaries, and Afghan puppets, the Northern Alliance, since the United States invaded and installed the puppet Kabul Administrations beginning in 2001.

These Afghan Muslim villagers only know the Holy Quran, which gives them the right to defend themselves against the invaders and the invaders’ puppets. These Muslim villagers have followed the Holy Quran for generations. The Afghan Muslim villagers follow Allah’s law. They are always ready for peace. They do not fight to merely be in a fight. That is what they know and believe.

If the United States is inclined towards peace with the Afghan Muslim villagers then it needs to speak directly with the villagers. The Muslim villagers know that the United States controls the war and the Kabul administration, and ultimately the peace. The villagers know that the United States brought and continues the war in their land and villages with U.S. bombs, uranium tipped weaponry, drones, money and military war machines.

The puppets only follow the United States’ lead. The Afghan Muslim villagers know who controls the peace. Pursuant to Surah 8, Verse 61, the Afghan Muslim villagers must meet with the United States if the United States is inclined towards peace. Therefore, the Afghan Muslim villagers will only talk peace with the United States as it controls the war and peace and not the United States’ puppets. The Afghan Freedom Fighters will not talk peace with the United States’ puppets because of this verse and Surah 60, Verse 9 of the Holy Quran.

However, once again, the United States is repeating the same futile strategy by asking the Afghan Muslim villagers to sit with United States’ puppets to talk peace. The Trump administration is forcing their puppets, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan, and Indonesia into pressuring the Afghan Muslim villagers, the Freedom Fighters, to talk with the Afghan puppet Administration while at the same time paying Pakistan to bombard Afghanistan with rockets. Trump’s strategy will not result in peace. because the Holy Quran requires that the Afghan Muslim villagers talk directly with the United States, the perceived enemy, if the United States is inclined towards peace.

The United States needs to hold direct peace talks with the Afghan Muslim villagers, the Freedom Fighters, if it is truly inclined towards peace. If that is the case, the Afghan villagers must meet with the United States.

Under occupation and under the gun, there can be no democracy and free elections in Afghanistan. It is a waste of U.S. and world donors’ dollars. That should be evident to everyone after the United States’ longest war-17 years in Afghanistan this October.

I strongly believe the United States is not truly inclined towards peace. Time to try a new strategy direct talks between the U.S. and Afghan Muslim villagers, the Freedom Fighters.

Kadir A. Mohmand
Former Representative for North America of the Afghan Freedom Fighters in the 1980s


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  1. Kadir, You know they are going about it the wrong way. The Pukhtun can never be subdued by force. They can be defeated but will remain defiant for many generations. It’s not just the battling skills. It’s their strategic approach. Take a look at the arrival of the Uzbeks under the Shaibani during the 14th century. Three hundred years’ later, the Pukhtun Afghans received recognition from both the Russian as well as the British Empire to be the sovereign over those very lands. They can more easily be won over by providing trade and educational opportunities. They will not be short-changed either. Nor allow someone from other areas to speak for them.

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