Gaza Slaughter: 43 Dead in Ritual Killing for Jared and Ivanka

Today is nothing but a ritual bloodletting.


Editor’s note:  The opening of the embassy in Jerusalem is a dramatic on behalf of a satanic death cult at the center of the US presidency.

If you think this statement is “conspiratorial” or extreme, I assure you it is only an observation of what too many of us have turned our backs on for too long.

As the so-called neocons flock into the White House, the death cult built around Wolfowitz and Cheney, around a Pentagon stocked with bible thumbing occultists, the ritual moves forward.

The long stated goal, a world war based on biblical prophesy fabricated during the 19th century by members of a very real satanic cult.  We have told the story too many times, the Temple of Set as it moved into the US Army, from base to base, ritual child sexual abuse and the rape factories the service academies and American military bases around the world have become.

Today is nothing but a ritual bloodletting.

Forty-three Palestinian protesters have been killed by Israeli fire during demonstrations ahead of the US embassy inauguration in Jerusalem, the Palestinian health ministry said Monday.

More than 2,200 protesters have been injured in Gaza so far on what has been the most violent day of the six week long Great March of Return. Those wounded on Monday include 74 children and 23 women, according to the ministry.

The Palestinian government denounced Monday’s violence as a “terrible massacre” perpetrated “by the forces of the Israeli occupation”, and called for an immediate international intervention to prevent further deaths.


There are around 35,000 protesters gathered at the border fence and thousands more within half a mile of the vicinity, according to Israeli Defence Forces.

Clashes have also reportedly broken out between protesters and the Israeli Defense Forces in Bethlehem.

The first of Monday’s deaths was 21-year-old Anas Hamdan Qudeih, killed east of Khan Yunis, a spokesperson for the ministry said. A 29-year-old man, Mosaab Yousef Ibrahim Abu Laila, was later killed east of Jabalya. Some of the dead have yet to be identified. At least one child is among the fatalities.

Amnesty International has called the Israeli violence in Gaza “an abhorrent violation of international law & human rights.” Six children are among Monday’s fatalities, according to the human rights organization.



The majority of injuries have been caused by live bullets while some 320 people were targeted with teargas, according to the ministry. The Palestinian Health Ministry claims that Israeli forces are directly targeting emergency services and journalists.

Six journalists have reportedly been injured while covering Monday’s demonstrations, according to the Journalist Support Committee.




Meanwhile, the IDF said Israeli Air Force planes targeted Hamas posts near Jabalya after its soldiers came under fire in the area.


The latest deaths bring the number killed since the Great March of Return protests began six weeks ago to 88.

Dr. Mkhaimer Abuseda, professor of political sciences at Alazhar University in Gaza, told RT that the relocation of the US embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem is “a very sad day for the Palestinians, reminding them of their first Nakba some 70 years ago.”

“It seems to me that the Palestinians have decided that the US is no longer an honest broker in the MidEast peace process between the Palestinians and Israelis,” he said, adding that it will likely lead to further Palestinian rage and resistance.

Scuffles have reportedly broken out outside the new US embassy in Jerusalem as the inauguration ceremony took place inside.



Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag has condemned Monday’s violence, claiming the US, as well as Israel, is responsible for the “massacre” because of their “unjust decision” to move the embassy.


Tuesday marks the commemoration of Nakba Day, a term which Palestinians use to describe their forced mass exodus from their homes during the establishment of the State of Israel. It is celebrated among Israelis as Independence Day. Thousands of people have gathered near the border to take part in Monday’s protests.

Huge demonstrations are expected to mark the May 15 event, which brings to a close the six-week Great March of Returndemonstrations.

The IDF dropped leaflets warning people in Gaza to stay away from the security fence ahead of Monday’s protests. Demonstrators in North Gaza brought down an IDF drone that was allegedly dropping fire bombs on tents, according to the Great Return March movement.

READ MORE: Israel fires tear gas, drops leaflets warning Palestinians to stay away from border


US opens Jerusalem embassy on ‘great day for peace’ as dozens of Palestinians shot dead

The US has opened its embassy in Jerusalem following the highly-divisive decision by President Donald Trump last December. Pledges of peace during the ceremony came as dozens of Palestinians were killed by Israelis in protests.

“President Trump, by recognizing history, you have made history!” said a beaming Benjamin Netanyahu during a passionate speech punctuated by frequent ovations, referring to the decision by “Israel’s greatest ally” to relocate the embassy from Tel Aviv.

The Israeli Prime Minister said that Monday, which also marked 70 years since Israel’s foundation, was a “great day for peace,” adding that there can be no resolution to the Middle East conflict without accepting the “truth” of Jerusalem’s status as the capital.

Prior to that US President Donald Trump was also not short of words to praise the event.

“It’s been a long time coming… For many years we have failed to acknowledge the obvious,” said Trump in a recorded message, noting that Jerusalem has been Israel’s historic capital since ancient times, and presently houses its key institutions.

The US delegation was represented by Ivanka Trump, her husband Jared Kushner and US ambassador to Israel David Friedman who said that the US merely “extended to Israel the right we extend to any other nation – the right to designate its capital city.”

While the controversy of the decision, which has been criticized by Palestinians and Western nations alike, went unmentioned in any of the speeches, those inside could have heard the crowd of protesters that gathered next to the embassy, separated from the VIPs by an imposing police cordon.

But while protests remained peaceful inside the Jewish-controlled parts of the city, predictions that the move, which Palestinians consider a violation of the peace process, would spark a wave of unrest were vindicated.

The IDF said that over 35,000 Palestinians protesters staged demonstrations in 12 different locations, with clashes recorded mostly in Gaza, where demonstrators besieged a key checkpoint used to regulate the passage of goods into the region.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health says that Israel used disproportionate force to put down the riots. It has released the names of 43 Palestinians, who it says were gunned down by Israeli soldiers. Additionally, more than 2,200 people have been wounded.

This would represent the deadliest day for Palestinians since the war against Gaza in 2014. Israel has not released its own casualty estimates, but has justified its actions by claiming that many of the protesters were carrying semi-automatic weapons or preparing acts of terror.

Palestinian officials and activists on the ground accused Israeli soldiers of firing on unarmed protesters, and other disproportionate uses of force.

The Trump administration knew that protests against the relocation of the embassy were likely to occur, but was “totally unconcerned about the loss of life on the part of Palestinians,” international law professor Dr. John Dugard told RT.

By moving its embassy to Jerusalem, Washington has opted to be part of the problem in the Middle East rather than working towards a solution, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said earlier. According to the politician, the US has thus lost its mediating role in the peace process.


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  1. That’s awesome. 15 years ago our gas cost 60 cents.. I just paid $85 to fill my car yesterday and it wasn’t even quite empty!

  2. I feel it’s inevitable that Israel will eventually get what it deserves. Sooner or later, their neighbours are going to get fed up and join together to knock the bully out, for good. If and when this happens, those Israelis had better not show up at my border seeking refuge. Let them wander the desert with no shelter, no water, no food and no friends. Let them experience the same conditions they’ve imposed upon the Palestinians. Aside from a handful of blackmailed political prostitutes, there are many around the world who are sick of Israel’s behaviour and those who support Israel’s crimes against humanity.

    • “For many years we have failed to acknowledge the obvious,” said Trump in a recorded message, noting that Jerusalem has been Israel’s historic capital since ancient times..”

      BS, those ashkeNAZI Talmud thumping Europeans that invaded Palestine 70 years ago and created the apartheid state have zero historical connection to the geographical area of Palestine. Most of the founding fathers of today’s Israel were atheistic bolsheviks, yet they claimed the land as their God given right?

      David Friedman said that “the US merely “extended to Israel the right we extend to any other nation – the right to designate its capital city.”

      BS, the US extended Israel the right to designate it’s capital city on territory that Israel has been illegally occupying for decades. It would be like Germany invading France and declaring Paris as their capital city. Nobody in their right mind would support such a move.

  3. pros to Turkey ”s president Erdagon. The only head of state with the balls to call Israel what it is. … A terror state

  4. We have coddled the Christians and Jews too long in the US. It is time to tell them, the Catholic Church made it all up, and shame on the Vatican for not revealing this, because all these lives and any others in the past and future are due to this dogma of historical veracity of the Old Testament. Names were added, and the story modified to make it look like real people and places. The stories were in fact written with fantastical elements so people would know it is not real. Pious Fraud is killing people, and the benefit to society is well short of positive. Holy land my ass, looks like idiots at war over lies,….. again, The Vatican, scholars in Tel Aviv, and many other cultural students of sacred text know there is no historical veracity to Genesis, Exodus, Numbers and the entire Jesus character is an ancient archetype. It is all made up, and look what they are doing.

  5. 58 dead as of 5:16 Central Time (US): 770 injured by live gunfire. A day for all Jews to hang their heads in shame. What in all truth have the Palestinians ever done to deserve this? Well done Netanyahu, – it falls on your head, this Satanic orgy of blood-lust.

  6. What Tump is saying is this: “You Palestinian people are being dominated by European Jews, and we are going to arm them mightily so that they remain dominant. I am a pragmatic businessman, and I see no point going through some charade about peace negotiations, like former American Presidents, who were “fake news”. Instead, I am sending my son-in law who owns alot of land on the West Bank in order to to tell you what you can and can’t do. . These are the simply the facts of life. So you Palestinians people can either like it or lump it, and if you don’t like it, I will impose some sanctions on you for humanitarian aid, so you better listen to me when I say ” stay away from that fence,” for not only will you be shot by the wonderful arms we have given Israel, , but you won’t be getting any medical care to bind any of those holes in your stomachs, from lack of food or bullets. My suggestion to you is “forget about it” and to be happy in your enslavement. Good luck with that, and God Bless America.”

  7. America is so quick to cry about civilian deaths. Remember when Obama said Libya’s leader M. Qadaffi had murder 6,000 of his citizens. Well that was a lie. Remember what we did to Libya? Or how many died under our bombs? How about the most recent lies from Trump. “Animal Assad” gases his own. Another lie which led to missile attacks. Now Trump and Benji the NUTnYAHOO are lieing on Iran and we American citizens say nothing. We say nothing as Israel slaughters Palestinians or bombs neighbor countries without cause but to steal their lands. Shame on us.

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