…from the National Iranian American Council, Washington, DC
[ Editor’s Note: You just can’t make this stuff up. Congress stepped up to the plate with a surprise unanimous vote attaching an amendment to a Defense authorization bill stating that “no law exists which gives the president power to launch a military strike against the Islamic Republic.”
The National Iranian American Council was the first to publish this yesterday, but I waited until today to get more details. And here they are:
“The unanimous passage of this bipartisan amendment is a strong and timely counter to the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the Iran deal and its increasingly hostile rhetoric,” Congressman Keith Ellison said.
“This amendment sends a powerful message that the American people and Members of Congress do not want a war with Iran. Today, Congress acted to reclaim its authority over the use of military force,” he added.
I don’t have words to describe how shocked I am at the unanimous vote. I would have bet a bundle that such a thing in the current Congress would be impossible. Mind blower number two, sort of, it seems there is a total media blackout on this story.
Gosh, who would have the motivation and muscle to do that? Let me know what you think in the comments… Jim W. Dean ]
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– First published … May 23, 2018 –
Good news! The U.S. House just passed the No War with Iran amendment clarifying that Trump and Pompeo do not have authority to launch war against Iran.
This is a big first step in our efforts to rein in Trump’s push to escalate toward war with Iran. For the first time, a Congressional chamber has clarified that Congress has not authorized military action against Iran, which is all the more vital given the hawkish rhetoric coming out of the White House and State Department.
The amendment – offered by Representatives Keith Ellison (D-MN), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Ro Khanna (D-CA), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Jim McGovern (D-MA), and Walter Jones (R-NC) – is now in the House’s version of the National Defense Authorization Act. The bill is likely to be passed out of the House later this week.
Our work is not over. The amendment could be stripped out in negotiations with the Senate, as has happened to both productive and dangerous amendments in the past.
We will be in touch with ways you can help ensure that Donald Trump ultimately has to sign the No War with Iran amendment.
Thank you for all that you do.
Jamal Abdi
Executive Director
See the PressTV story on it here.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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The press release came from the National Iranian American Council, who we know well. They are in DC and their head guy is a top Iranian expert, work in Congress and was very involved in the JCPOA and the author of several major books on US-Iran geopolitics. If the amendment passed by one vote, there was no need to goose the story by saying it was unanimous. And lastly, if it were a bogus story Israel would have told us already and had trolls in our comments, which it does not. The Lobby is lying low. We published excerpts of the Sandia national labs 2003 report on what brought down the three World Trade Towers, got a ton of reads on VT, but a total blackout in corporate media, and not a call from anyone with a question, and no threats.
i have checked the annals Congress and National Iranian American Council, I do not see any mention of amendment restricting Trump.s power on Iran
Well we will be calling Keith Ellison’s office on Tuesday to thank him, and others, and if they know nothing about it we will print a retraction, but I doubt that would happen. The National Iranian American Council would not blow their credibility by putting out a fake report, that Memorial Day America did not see anyway. VT has down several news interviews on it and no one has called to challenge the story.
OK Jim, How did that one get past AIPAC? I am very curious.
They had to be on vacation. We will be calling Ellerson on Tuesday. Everyone should. Not to show a lot of support to him and crew for doing this would be beyond stupid. When to we get a shot like this out of the blue.
Please leave a call on Keith Ellison’s DC voice mail. We need to let people like this know it was noticed, especially with a media black out. You could even ask why corporate media has the story blacked out.
Jim: Maybe a back-door foreign media approach would be best by having Iranian or Syrian newsrooms pick up the story. Whatever contacts you have there could help expedite it. It is not like it is old news because it got limited coverage so far.
Clearly, the Zionist establishment is working frantically round the clock to keep the lid on the story. Nothing else can account for it. None of the Russian outlets either have gone with the story which says what about Zionist influence in and from Moscow? When Haaretz doesn’t carry it in Israel you know the extent of the clamp-down especially given that Haaretz carries an opinion piece today by Congressman Ellison against the gargantuan Gaza sniper fest by gun-toting Israeli goons against protesting Palestinians. Needless to say the piece received some withering responses from readers. You can measure the devastating impact of the story by this corrupt blanket cover – as against the needed blanket coverage, in the media. What an irony: to have to expose the entire MSM for killing a story! Keith Ellison’s telephone number in DC is 202-225-4755.
https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201805241064751523-israel-war-authorization-law/qually fettered is the bloodthirsty hyper-warmonger. .
People are getting a whiff of dystopian Evangelical policy, and they don’t like it.
“Truth begins by calling things by their proper names”. , This would be a religious based war between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The final proof , that these belief systems are poison. (not that we needed any)
The embassy massacre, increased the volume of anti-israeli sentiment significantly. And the Clown Bus, has delivered the Evangelicals to their tourist destination. The stupidity mirror.
Great move re Iran, but why limit this to just Iran. Congress is supposed to have the ONLY authority to enter into a war.
Good point. If they can stand against the Zio machine once, they can do it again. Will you please all report any media you see on this vote. So far the NIAC and VT are it.
Congressman Ellison’s answer to a prayer – Kyria Eliason = “Lord have mercy!”
However cynically people react to this astounding news I can vouch from my little, yet powerful admiration for Congressman Ellison’s efforts on behalf of peace in the Middle East. Obviously, there are others – many of them who have stood together as Americans for possibly the only times in eons and tranches of legislation passed since AIPAC became a blistering sore on the face of US decency. Congress knew the NeoCons and Zionist fellow-travelers are on the war path against Iran. The asinine and illogical – (when was anything of these criminals ever logical!) withdrawal from the JCPOA was a prima facie declaration of war by their puppet = פ״פפעת or in Ian Greenhalgh’s street lingo of England a “muppet” – A term for idiot or moron or in Trump’s case, someone who is incompetent or gormless. What a kick-in-the-cajones for the psychotic despots Pompeo and Bolton and their Israeli counterparts Bibi and Libbi (Lieberman) who took war against Iran as a ‘gimme’. Let them suck on icicles of pig doodle.
It is an outstanding development and a timely boost to a flagging US reputation in the Arab world. The upshot is a blow, a catastrophic blow to Israel. Let’s see how they work to rearrange – as against destroy, the political landscape in subservient Washington to allow the Israeli Pol Pot’s off the back burner.
The consequences of taking “Satan’s Shekel” is that one day the consequences from being a little foreboding suddenly appear fearful and inescapable. The inevitability of a major war and the catastrophic death and destruction it brings in its tail – is a ‘heads-up’ against such evil. Maybe this realization combined with the misguidance of a Zionist captain at the helm of the ship of state provoked this veritable volte face. Make a pact with AIPAC like the greedy Faustus of fiction, you do have the opportunity of saving your soul, instead of throwing it to perdition, into the sphere of the Devil and eternal damnation.
Politicians/bureaucrats always look out for them selves first. In the end they will always sell out the people
just to save themselves. Hard to believe they are doing this just because it is the right thing to do. Maybe
a turf war ?
This is great news as long as it lasts. By the way Israel has nukes doesn’t it? Why shouldn’t Iran have them since the U.S. backed out of the agreement? Israel has not even signed the non proliferation treaty and refuses international inspections yet they hypocritically criticize Iran. Look in a mirror you gangster hypocrites in Israel. The electorate must get tough with all members of Congress who are dual citizens of the U.S. and Israel or who place the selfish interests of Israel above the interests of the United States. Anyone engaging in these illegal activities must be booted out of Congress pronto. Frankly Israel is a much greater risk to world peace with nukes than Iran ever was. Israel did 9/11 and as Gordon and others have shown mini nukes were evidently used to destroy the towers on 9/11/01. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it
Personal Note, I also wanted to add about Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor past article child biography I read is very identical to my own male parent.
There is a song by musician Leonard Cohen a Canadian born, the words “No body knows the war is over, No body knows ……, and so on”.
No body knows except FOR National Iranian American Council, now lets sing along, No body knows in the United States, No body knows, sing along.
Mr. Trumps bi-handler lover is going furious and Alex shall write a good article to counter this nitwit’s fury.
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