The US Can Expect a Military Response, Yes Our Ships Will be Sunk, Duff on Press TV



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  1. Ian G- Haaretz is Rah Rah Netanyahu and Likud, pro-retention of occupied land, pro-western settlement, pro annexation of the Golan Heights,( often praising the vineyards and exported wine “much better than California wine”, anti BDS, constantly praising Trump ” He is the best President for Israel” ie Opinion on Treatment on Palestinian protesters , Netanyahu’s apartheid execution, Embassy move to Jerusalem, PLO liaison closures etc.
    So, Ian G. maybe my definition of “leftist” clashes with the nomenclature you are using.

    • Haaretz isn’t as you describe at all, try re-reading without the pre-prejudice against all things Israeli. Haaretz has always been noted for being liberal, left-wing and taking an oppositional stance on many Israeli policies, they have consistently opposed the retention of the occupied Palestinian territories and have supported every peace initiative.

  2. Dangerous games…. Dancing with the wolves… The West wants to keep this plague in Idlib alive. Turkey wants to stop refugees and show escalation (anyway, they will give up to Russia, ’cause the stakes are high). Iran doesn’t want to send its troops to die for Idlib (especially after their desires and Russian plans differ. Israel is the main obstacle). Syrian troops by quantity are not enough to fight efficiently against Idlib. Russia can fly&bomb 24/7, but without boots on the ground it is not the effective wayout….

  3. Thank you Gordon for an excellent, concise and true statement of the insanity of the U.S., which is a criminal invader, in Syria. Israel lover liar cheater con artist draft dodger, scammer, bully, gangster Trump is in way over his head. He is like a nursery school kid playing with matches in the school yard next to a can of gasoline. If a real war begins, the U.S. will not be immune from major hits this time. Major cities like New York will be ashes. Los Angeles will be ashed. The population will be in chaos. Power will be off. No gasoline can be pumped. Air conditioning and refrigeration off everywhere. Roving gangs will ensue. No one will have enough guns to fend them off. All anarchy will prevail. Americans do not have a clue. They are too preoccupied having the car washed or putting poison on the lawn.

    • By the way something good might result from war: Israel will be total ashes and the world will say a big “thank you”.

    • ” Israel will be total ashes and the world will say a big “thank you”.

      Let’s just fast forward to that part, withdraw the battle group, and send everyone home to celebrate!

    • I check out a site called “Haaretz” once a week, it is a Zionist newspaper that I think is owned by Sheldon Adelson. Anyway, they had an “article”
      today about Israelis being the chosen people and God would protect them from any harm! Israel thinks, I guess, that the super powers will destroy each other and only Israel will survive.
      Most people don’t realize that the Army Corps of Engineers has been building huge bomb shelters in Israel for years, so I guess that is what the Israelis are talking about: The ACOE = God!

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