Secret doc reveals Israeli military unprepared for war

What Israelis get to read about their domestic scandals is censored in the US media


…from Press TV, Tehran

[ Editor’s Note: Once again we find Israeli news publishing what corporate media will rarely touch here, as it might be viewed as being “anti-Israeli” and have to endure the repercussions from that. In the trade, we call this self-censorship.

But there is a story within a story here. The US pumps a lot of money into the Israeli economy and in supporting its military, some of it off the books.

By that I mean that, in addition to the ten years of funding pledged, Israel gets more that comes out of other US budgets, like the US Army Corps of Engineers to do construction projects in Israel rather than in our own country.

But I have to give Israel credit where it is due. These internal scandals are usually aired in public. On the flip side, the huge scandal in the US over the massive Israeli espionage that goes on here never raises any formal public concern whatsoever.

Congress does not care, nor does our military or intelligence organizations, the Vet orgs, or any other American institution. To push back against Israeli espionage here would be viewed as being “anti-Israel”, which seems to be an unwritten crime.

As for American media holding their feet to the fire, you can forget that. They are an empty shell of what we once had, and which had its problems, but at least it stood up to power from time to time, as publishing reputations were built and maintained by doing so.

Those days are over, and maybe permanently soJim W. Dean ]

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It looks like the Israelis will eventually throw the Palestinians off the Temple Mount

– First published … September 14, 2018

A “secret” dossier has revealed that the Israeli military is unprepared to engage in new warfare, contradicting previous assertions issued by Tel Aviv to the contrary.

The document prepared by Major General Yitzhak Brick, the ombudsman of the Israeli military, harshly criticized the military’s readiness for war, the daily Ha’aretz reported on Friday.

He sent his assessment to Israel’s minister for military affairs Avigdor Lieberman and Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot and others last week, calling for the formation of an external investigative panel into the forces’ preparedness.

Ha’aretz wrote that his demand for an inquiry reflected a deep concern over the state of the ground forces and a growing lack of trust in the Israeli military’s ability “to investigate itself and correct what needs to be rectified.”

Some Israeli lawmakers expressed shock at the revelation and expressed support for General Brick’s call for a probe into the preparedness of the Israeli military.

The dossier “is a harsh report that details the problems stemming from massive cuts of thousands of officers and noncommissioned officers in recent years, whose shortcomings are felt in dealing with routine [operations] — and will be felt even more so during times of emergency,” Knesset member MK Moti Yogev said.

Israeli forces run during a military exercise at the Tzeelime army base in central Israel on July 3, 2018. (Photo by AFP)


The dossier was preceded by two detailed letters to Lieberman as well as others in which General Brick focused mainly on the military’s manpower policies, describing a serious crisis that he said could have implications relating to the capabilities of the entire Israeli forces — particularly the ground forces — to fight a war, Ha’aretz added.

In an annual report released in late June, General Brick had cautioned that the Israeli military suffered from an acute shortage of doctors and psychiatrists, as well as the negative effect of cost-cutting measures.

The report had also found fault with the status of the forces’ training, training exercises, and the state of the weaponry used by the ground forces.

‘100s of Israeli troops desert military service’

A report says at least 300 Israeli soldiers have deserted military service in the occupied lands.

The assessment contradicts Eisenko who had asserted in a letter earlier sent to the security cabinet and a Knesset panel that Israeli forces were at a high level of readiness for war.

As the person responsible for the readiness of the Israeli military to go to war, he believed that the Israeli forces were prepared and ready “for every mission they were called upon,” Eisenko had claimed.


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  1. To be anti Israeli is to be anti-Semite? Is that what your saying? I think I’ll ask Jeremy Corbyn about that. Meanwhile their army is short of shrinks? Where’s Fraud, ‘er I mean Freud, when you need him? He’s where? In the toilet? Again? Bowel problems? Can you be more specific? Yes, I’ve narrowed it down. It’s his anus. He fixated on his A hole, and the poor bugger can’t seem to get his head out. Daddy, mommy want’s to know, what’s a bugger? We may have to call Einstain, ‘er stein, to figure this one out. I already did, and he said it’s all relative. You mean related? Related to what? Head to ass? yeah, you can say that, but be nice and just say, related to the next thing, OK? It’s all relatively simple, just think of a circle, you jerk.

  2. I visited Israel a few years back and one of the things I remember most were the small cliques of Israeli soldiers. They looked like high school kids with sloppily worn uniforms and poor military bearing. I could not imagine these kids would have a chance against battle-hardened terrorist fighters in the surrounding countries.

  3. Looks like this page got hacked, most of the articles text is overwritten by advertisement’s, judging from my side of the screen anyway!

  4. “Secret” document? Let’s face it our “relationship” with Israel is a one way street, we give them everything, they give us nothing. Israel doesn’t release anything they do not want us to know. This is just a ploy to get more military aid. They want more funding for their Hasbara program.
    I wonder how many Hasbara Cyber Terrorists are in the IDF?
    The truth is they would rather play with their computers and flagging software than actually fight, they would rather have the American Goyim do their dirty work for free.

  5. how well trained does the army have to be to pick off Palestinian kids with snipers?

    All joking aside – any problems can be solved by a suitably large increase in donations from the US gov. Until then, we can only hope that Israel can hold up against the assault on enlightened democracy by the dark forces of evil in the middle east.


  6. Remember the last Lebanon War when Israel got its ass kicked? The army was ill prepared them but an incompetent political leadership committed them to battle anyway, so they could play war time leaders. I only learned about it years afterwards, in you guessed it, an early internet article.

  7. Now is the time to launch a ground attack aye? LOL! Seriously!

    They are crack troops when it comes to slaughtering and maiming unarmed women, children, Medics, and any other perversions which they boastfully enjoy. The Pirates and thieves in their off shore coastal forces are quite heroic capturing loot from Gaza relief vessels, and robbing their prisoners. I read they ran up the balance of the stolen credit cards, sold cell phones, and lap tops from relief volunteer’s. What a wonderful people they are!

  8. No surprise here. With all of the billions of dollars given to Israel, when given a close look, they are just a 3rd world state.

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