New Christianity


By Bohdan Lysytsia for VT Ukraine (translated)

The book of Daniel is a book about the future, the main idea of ​​which is the power of Christ and the saints over the whole world. The book describes the empire: Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek (Macedonian) and terrible. The last terrible empire could create Rome, and could create Carthage, between them there were big wars, and Rome won. According to this book, after the Roman Empire, power over the world will go to the Church. This has already come true once. After the fall of the Roman Empire and until 1917, power over the world belonged to the Church. According to the book of Daniel, at the end of time the Roman Empire will be restored for a while.

Christianity was persecuted in the Roman Empire. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Christianity gained power over the world. Over time, Christianity split into western and eastern.

In 1776, the era of Western Christian dominion ended, and in 1917 the great era of Eastern Christianity, as the Lord of the World, ended. In 1776, the Society of Bavarian Illuminati was created. Also in 1776 Carthage was restored by Freemasons, the USA is New Carthage. After 13 years, in 1789, the Great French Revolution was organized by secret Satanic societies. The number 13 is a landmark for Satanists.

Soon a new era of Christianity will begin at a new high level. After the fall of Rome (Moscow), complete power over the world will again pass to Christ and the saints of the Most High. In the new era of the Millennium will be all new.

USA – New Carthage

New Carthage is the United States. If you transfer the map of the Mediterranean Sea to the map of the United States, you will get the following picture:

The city of Memphis, in which they built glass pyramids corresponds to Memphis in Egypt, where the original pyramids stand.

Gibraltar corresponds to California, the richest US state. The name Gibraltar is read in Slavonic, one of the oldest languages:


Gibbor is a giant, a great hero in the ideas of ancient peoples. The word “Gibbor” is often called God.

The altar is an altar, a sacrificial facility.

California is a giant altar. People living in California will be “sacrificed” – massively die. Most likely due to large-scale earthquakes.

Great lakes correspond to the Black Sea.

The border between the Canadian states of Ontario and Quebec corresponds to the boundary line between Ukraine and the separatists ORDILO (Separate Districts of Donetsk and Lugansk Provinces). ORDILO corresponds to French Quebec. French Quebec seeks to secede from Canada. France was often in opposition to the United States and an ally of the USSR-Russia.

Washington (DC) corresponds to Syria.

Carthage corresponds to Denver. Denver plans for the Illuminati – this is the new capital of the United States. The Denver airport in the Illuminati plans is the secret base of the future world government.

The Pale Horse of Death: Symbols of the Coming New World Order

The history of the United States is an alternative history, in which Carthage wins, not Rome. The third Rome is Moscow. At the end of history, the war with which it all began is repeated – a new war between Rome and Carthage, this time between Moscow and the USA.

New Carthage-USA is confronted by the Third Rome – Moscow.

New Christians of the West

In New Carthage-USA, Christians fled from persecution. They fled to the United States when the era of Christianity was already over or ended. They revived Christianity, created a new Christianity, and they built the United States.

During the presidential elections of 2016, these new Christians of the United States went to war with globalists, i.e. with bankers, sodomites, satanists. The whole world expected Clinton, a protégé of globalists, to win. But at the cost of tremendous efforts, the new Christians of the USA were able to snatch victory from the hands of the enemies of the human race. Christians brought Donald Trump to power. The text of the Apocalypse tells about this war in the sky:

And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought against them,

but they did not stand, and there was no place for them in heaven.

And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole universe, was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

(Revelation of John the Divine 12: 7-9)

Archangel Michael in this text is Michael Pence, Vice President of the United States. Also about Michael Pence, as about Archangel Michael, this prophecy of Daniel narrates:

And at that time Michael, the great prince, who stands for the sons of your people, will arise; and there will come a time of graveness, which has not happened since people exist until now; but at that time your people, who are found in the book, will be saved from your people.

(Daniel 12: 1)

For a long time, starting in the distant 1776, the Illuminati carefully built the pyramid of power in the United States. The pyramid is an important Masonic symbol depicted on the US dollar. The Pyramid of the Illuminati New Christians with the coming to power of Donald Trump in late 2016 – early 2017. turned into a new mountain of Zion.

But you went to the mountain of Zion and to the city of the living God, to the heavenly Jerusalem and the nine angels,

to the triumphant cathedral and church of the firstborn, written in heaven, and to the Judge of all, to God, and to the spirits of the righteous who have reached perfection …

(Epistle to Hebrews 12: 22,23)

After the victory of Donald Trump, globalists decided to bring down the US economy, in late 2018, the Dow Jones index was plummeting. Globalists left the United States without money, the United States does not have gold reserves. Globalists have condemned the US to state bankruptcy, economic chaos, the destruction of state institutions and the army. New Christians of the West

In New Carthage-USA, Christians fled from persecution. They fled to the United States when the era of Christianity was already over or ended. They revived Christianity, created a new Christianity, and they built the United States.

During the presidential elections of 2016, these new Christians of the United States went to war with globalists, i.e. with bankers, sodomites, satanists. The whole world expected Clinton, a protégé of globalists, to win. But at the cost of tremendous efforts, the new Christians of the USA were able to snatch victory from the hands of the enemies of the human race. Christians brought Donald Trump to power. The text of the Apocalypse tells about this war in the sky:

And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought against them,

but they did not stand, and there was no place for them in heaven.

And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole universe, was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

(Revelation of John the Divine 12: 7-9)

Archangel Michael in this text is Michael Pence, Vice President of the United States. Also about Michael Pence, as about Archangel Michael, this prophecy of Daniel narrates:

And at that time Michael, the great prince, who stands for the sons of your people, will arise; and there will come a time of graveness, which has not happened since people exist until now; but at that time your people, who are found in the book, will be saved from your people.

(Daniel 12: 1)

For a long time, starting in the distant 1776, the Illuminati carefully built the pyramid of power in the United States. The pyramid is an important Masonic symbol depicted on the US dollar. The Pyramid of the Illuminati New Christians with the coming to power of Donald Trump in late 2016 – early 2017. turned into a new mountain of Zion.

But you went to the mountain of Zion and to the city of the living God, to the heavenly Jerusalem and the nine angels,

to the triumphant cathedral and church of the firstborn, written in heaven, and to the Judge of all, to God, and to the spirits of the righteous who have reached perfection …

(Epistle to Hebrews 12: 22,23)

The name Trump, who bears the last (actually the 44th) President of the United States, is a variation of the word “triumph.” The word “triumph” means triumph, victory, glory, magnificence, beauty, radiance, halo. President Trump is the triumph of the Church.

After the victory of Donald Trump, globalists decided to bring down the US economy, in late 2018, the Dow Jones index was plummeting. Globalists left the United States without money, the United States does not have gold reserves. Globalists have condemned the US to state bankruptcy, economic chaos, the destruction of state institutions and the army.

Carthage Church

The Carthage Church is a historic, localized Christian church with a center in Carthage, which existed in the II-VII centuries. In the 5th century, this territory was conquered by the Vandals, the Carthage Church experienced Vandal oppression. In 533, Carthage was conquered by the Byzantine Empire. Later, due to the Muslim conquests, Carthage fell into decay. The last mention of the Carthaginian bishop dates back to 635. In 698, Carthage captured the Arabs. This church disappeared, and the Roman church came out victorious.

The New Carthage Church was able to emerge victorious in a fierce battle with globalists in 2016-2017. Conversely, the new Roman church (the reborn of the 3rd Rome of Moscow) recognizes the antichrist, and those of this church who do not recognize will be destroyed:

And it was given to him to make war with the saints and to conquer them …

(Revelation of John the Divine 13: 7)

New Messiah

Jesus Christ provided salvation for new Christians – the New Christ, a descendant of Jesus Christ, who will give the necessary real money for the salvation of society.

The Templars bring gifts to the New King

The new Christ will soon be lifted up to heaven, to Mount Zion:

And she [Ukraine] brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

(Revelation 12:5)

New Christ will arrive in the USA. The USA is the country of the victorious new Christianity, from the end of 2016 – the beginning of 2017, the USA is the sky, the mountain of Zion, the throne of God is located there. Mount Zion is mentioned in Revelation:

And I looked, and behold, the Lamb stood on the mountain of Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, in whose name His Father is written on the foreheads.

(Revelation of John the Divine 14: 1)

Zion is the United States after Trump’s victory, one hundred forty-four thousand are those Israelis who did not recognize Zionism and the state of Israel.

After this, I looked, and behold, a great multitude of people, which no one could count, from all the tribes, and tribes, and peoples, and languages, stood before the throne and before the Lamb in white robes and with palm branches in their hands.

And they cried with a loud voice, saying: Salvation to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!

(Revelation of John the Divine 7: 9,10)

This text describes the triumphant Church, the new Christians in the USA.

God is Jesus Christ, the Son of God is the descendant of Jesus Christ.

This text of the Revelation also tells about the Messiah of the new age of the Millennium:

And I saw thrones and those who sat on them, whom it was given to judge, and the souls of those who were beheaded, for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, who did not bow to the beast or to his image, and did not accept the mark on his forehead and on his hand. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

(Revelation of John the Divine 20: 4)

They … reigned with Christ [the Messiah] a thousand years. It does not say “reigned with Jesus Christ a thousand years.” This will be the Other Messiah, Whom the text in Revelation 12 above refers to.

New Joseph

The new Christ repeats the story of Patriarch Joseph, who has been stockpiling grain for seven years. When seven years of famine arrived, Joseph rescued Egypt using his supplies. There comes a time when the lack of real money will threaten the existence of the United States as a state. The New Christ will give the money of the Order of the Templars for the salvation of the new Christians and the USA.

New conquest of the Promised Land

Putin’s reign will end in a mass extermination of peoples, the Russians and Belarusians will be almost completely destroyed by Putin. By the end of Putin’s rule, the remnants of the peoples under his rule would be mired in great sins. At one time, God allowed the ancient Israelites to conquer the Promised Land, because the peoples living there were mired in sins. Lands from the Ural Mountains to the River Rhine will become the new Promised Land.

New Christ uses the army of New Carthage-USA to win on Putin and his world empire. The Illuminati for a long time engaged in building the strongest army in the world, and as a result, it will go into the submission of the New Christ, as once the most powerful army of ancient Rome passed into the subjection of the Christian emperors.

A deal is being prepared for dividing the world between the USA and Russia.

Ukraine in the Millennium era

Only the lands of Ukraine (except Kiev, Frankopol and some more) will remain the property of the Ukrainian people. Ukrainians are new Arabs, the Church is New Israel. Arabs are descendants of Abraham according to the flesh, Israel is descendants of Abraham according to the spirit. Ukrainians are related to the New Christ according to the flesh, the Church is related in spirit.

Perhaps Ukrainians will be the first to support Satan and rebel against the New Christ in a thousand years.

When the thousand years are over, Satan will be freed from his dungeon and will deceive the nations at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, and gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea.

And they came to the breadth of the earth, and surrounded the camp of the saints and the city beloved.

And fire came down from heaven from God, and devoured them;

and the devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet are, and will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

(Revelation of John the Divine 20: 7-10)

Perhaps the Ukrainians will forget the current time of the new genocide of the Ukrainian people. Perhaps in a thousand years, they, instigated by Satan, will want to restore the blue-yellow flag, instead of the yellow-blue flag, which will be the flag of Ukraine for the next thousand years. They may want to again make the hymn “Ukrainy has not yet died” and the trident as a coat of arms.

Holy Blood

New Martyrs of the East

At the beginning of the Christianity era, great persecutions of the first Christians took place in the Roman Empire. A large host of Christian holy martyrs appeared.

In 1917 a new Roman Empire was created – the USSR. Moscow is the Third Rome. History repeats itself.

In 1775, a year before the said 1776, the Russian Tsarina Catherine the Second destroyed the Zaporizhian Sich, destroyed the remnants of the statehood of South Russia. This event predetermined the catastrophe of Russia in 1917. If the Zaporizhian Sich had not been destroyed and continued to exist in 1917, the communist coup of 1917 would have been suppressed, the Russian Empire would have continued to exist. In fact, in 1775 there was a fracture of the Christian state in Russia, and a year later, in 1776, a similar thing happened in the West.

During the time of the godless USSR, a new large body of Christian martyrs, tortured in the gulag, by famines, mass executions, appeared. They are complemented by heroes of the “Heavenly Hundreds”. In the near future, their number will be supplemented by new martyrs throughout the world, when the antichrist will restore the new USSR.

God destroyed the USSR in 1991. But now Putin, who is the antichrist, seeks to restore it.

New Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is the most revered Christian saint after the Virgin Mary. In the new era will be the new Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. His time has come, God is already working through him. Nikolai Alexandrovich, the emperor of All-Russia, is a great martyr and saint. Nicholas II is the Second Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is already time to address him in prayers, as before addressed to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Perhaps, Poklonskaya will live to court, where she will be convicted of seizing Crimea from Ukraine, in fact, for the start of the war against Ukraine. At this court, her efforts to protect the honor and dignity of Emperor Nikolai Aleksandrovich must be taken into account. This is an attempt to public humiliation of the last Russian emperor by the creators of the film “Matilda”. This magical ritual act takes place exactly one hundred years after the revolution of 1917 and almost a hundred years after the ritual execution of the holy royal martyrs on July 17, 1918. Perhaps she will be replaced with the highest form of punishment, execution, twenty-five years of hard labor with confiscation of property and a life ban on working in government structures and holding senior positions at any level in other structures.

New Forerunner

Martyr Igor (Talkov) was born on November 4 on the day of the celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God – the liberator of Russia from foreign tribesmen.

When the poet was funeral, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God fell in the temple. This sign indicates times since the fall of Babylon-USSR. After 1991, the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian peoples did not gain true independence, they came under the influence of TNK.

The poet was killed in St. Petersburg on Sunday, October 6, 1991, at 4.30 pm He was not even 35 years old. On October 6, the Church celebrates the “Conception of the honest, glorious Prophet the Forerunner and the Baptist of the Lord John” …

New cross

The symbol of Christianity was the cross. The symbol of the new Christianity is the oblique cross in the form of the letter X, the “St. Andrew’s Cross”. Andrei the First-Called preached in Scythia, as the present Ukraine was then called. In a sense, St. Andrew’s cross is a Ukrainian cross, in Ukraine a new era of Christianity begins. Soon the new Christianity from Ukraine will spread to the whole world.

New Testament

In 2019, the New Testament will be concluded between God and mankind:

More precisely, the New Testament will be concluded in one of the years between 2019 and 2025.

New Jerusalem

Kiev is the Second Jerusalem.

The last Temple, described in the book of Ezekiel, will be in Kiev. From Kiev, the New Messiah will rule the world in the Millennium era, after 2025.

New Scripture

Everlasting Gospel

New day

Thursday, the fourth day of the week, will become the holy day of all the peoples of the Earth during the Millennium era.

Thursday before Easter is considered Clean. Mankind will strenuously purify itself, prepare itself for the formation of the Holy Four. On Thursday, the first participle occurred, i.e. On this day, for the first time, God gave people the opportunity to touch the saint. On Thursday, the feast of the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated, and, figuratively, on Thursday, God will bring humanity to Him. Symbolically, Thursday, the fourth day, is related to the “Holy Four”.

Michel Nostradamus wrote about Thursday as a sacred day in the future. Century 10, quatrain 71:

“The earth and the air will freeze the very great water,

When they come to honor Thursday:

The one who will, has never been so fair

From four parts they will arrive in order to glorify him. ”

“Honor Thursday” is an indication of the foundation of a new tradition, a new religion. Christians worship Sunday, Jews – Saturday, Muslims – Friday. With the adoption of the new tradition, the holy day for all mankind will be Thursday. “very fair” in this text by Nostradamus is the New Messiah.

A source:



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  1. Aside from being a decent display of how religion plays a part in the ramping up to war, it is also a clear example of how the uninitiated can string together fear mongering, biblical text, and duct tape some maps together to make half baked predictions. The text is designed to be widely applicable as to remain relevant through time. There are only two reasons Revelation was included in the Bible. Either they were really stupid and thought it was relevant, or they were really smart and knew it would be the hook to snag millions. I go with the latter. No other book is used more often to galvanize the fearful and faithful into all manner of ridiculous notions. It is subtle hypnotic by design, and clearly written by someone in a certain stage of spiritual metamorphosis , while dabbling in knowledge above their heads. It was modified and weaponized with great deliberate purpose for gaining adherents. It works.

    • I would go further and say, any military leader exposed and bought in to this mindset and hypnosis, is compromised. Any investigator or judge bought in is compromised. No sooner would I allow an invasion force to address our children in public school, than to allow this material to be fed to the military of a sovereign country. In the battle for hearts and minds, a compromised force cannot begin to advance their duties, else the product of their labor and efforts are directed elsewhere. A great many problems on this planet could be solved by preventing the spread of this deformation of consciousness and abortion of history. The issue is persistent subtle hypnosis planted and encouraged by repetition and braggadocio. The tedious nature of combating this can be compared to shoveling out a cow barn. Tomorrow brings more because the feeding never stops.

    • Geopolitically and militarily, it is a very serious matter. It becomes quite serious when proof is available.
      Unimaginable to most.

  2. I am really struggling to put anything together, either coherent or subliminal, between Ukrainians are Arabs, USA are Carthago and Poklonskaya and Igor the Martyr. Probably this is some sort of refuge or excuse for creating casus belli for sacrificing Ukraine for another global war on Russia, and give it millenial religious justification. But is still sounds too crazy alltogether, that Putin will make way for Antichrist will destroy Belarussians, the guy is one mandate away from retirement, and this is the guy who publicly questioned Vatican morals and doublespeak.

  3. OK, you asked the questions. Now can someone here answer them? Why is this here? How many concepts in a less than organized piece like this are both unique and plausible?
    What do they represent?
    Why are they important?

  4. And just why has President Putin ordered literally by the thousands across his country to be rebuilt and restored . Russian Orthodox Christians are the enemy of the Satanists . Go to Russia Insider or………..Ukraine Church just recently split from the one true Orthodox Christian Church only weeks ago and have become real sociable with Poroshenko alias Porky …

  5. Surely the old Carthaginians would have a thing or two to comment upon seeing USA chocolate-box borders, with all them equators and meridians. Dorothy, obviously Daniel-the-prophet scholars predict that Kansas is a bye-bye. Who would have thought?!

  6. I would guess that the depicting of Putin as being the Anti-Christ will be accepted by many gullible, so called Christians, who know very little about the Bible because they never study or read it. This article supports continued bloody war in the east with more to come and soon. Follow the money. This kind of article will take the heat off of VeteransToday dot Com.

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