The Integrity Initiative and the British Roots of the Deep State:                                



BIO: Matthew J.L. Ehret is a journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review. His works have been published in Executive Intelligence Review, Global Research, Global Times, The Duran, Nexus Magazine, Los Angeles Review of Books, VT and Matthew has also published the book “The Time has Come for Canada to Join the New Silk Road” and three volumes of the Untold History of Canada (available on He can be reached at

With the nearly weekly revelations that the British Foreign Office, MI6, and GCHQ have been behind the long standing agenda to undermine the Presidency of Donald Trump and undo the peaceful alliance between nationalist leaders in America, Russia, China and elsewhere, a new focus on the British hand in undermining the United States has become a serious thought for many citizens. In the first week of the new year, fuel was added to this fire when internal memos were leaked from the British-run Integrity Initiative featuring a startling account of the techniques deployed by the anti-Russian British operation to infiltrate American intelligence institutions, think tanks and media.

For those who may not know, The Integrity Initiative is an anti-Russian propaganda outfit funded to the tune of $140 million by the British Foreign office. The January 2019 leak, featuring documents dated to the early period of Trump’s election, demonstrate that this organization, already active across Europe promoting anti-Russian PR and smearing nationalist leaders such as Jeremy Corbyn, was intent on spreading deeply into the State Department and setting up “clusters” of anti-Trump operatives. The documents reveal high level meetings that Integrity Initiative Director Chris Donnelly had with former Trump Advisor Sebastien Gorka, McCain Foundation director Kurt Volker, Pentagon PR guru John Rendon among many others.

The exposure of the British hand behind the scenes affords us a unique glimpse into the real historical forces undermining America’s true constitutional tradition throughout the 20th century, as Mueller/the Five Eyes/Integrity Initiative are not new phenomena but actually follow a modus operandi set down for already more than a century. One of the biggest obstacles to seeing this modus operandi run by the British Empire is located in the belief in a mythology which has become embedded in the global psyche for over half a century and which we should do our best to free ourselves of.

Debunking the Myth of the “American Empire”

While there has been a long-standing narrative promoted for over 70 years that the British Empire disappeared after World War II having been replaced by the “American Empire”, it is the furthest thing from the truth. America, as constitutionally represented by its greatest presidents (who can unfortunately be identified by their early deaths while serving in office), were never colonialist and were always in favor of reining in British Institutions at home while fighting British colonial thinking abroad[1].

Franklin Roosevelt’s thirteen year-long battle with the Deep State, which he referred to as the “economic royalists who should have left America in 1776”[2], was defined in clear terms by his patriotic Vice-President Henry Wallace who warned of the emergence of a new Anglo-American fascism in 1944 when he said:

“Fascism in the postwar inevitably will push steadily for Anglo-Saxon imperialism and eventually for war with Russia. Already American fascists are talking and writing about this conflict and using it as an excuse for their internal hatreds and intolerances toward certain races, creeds and classes.”[3]

The fact is that already in 1944, a policy of Anglo-Saxon imperialism had been promoted subversively by British-run think tanks known as the Round Table Movement and Fabian Society, and the seeds had already been laid for the anti-Russian cold war by those British-run American fascists. It is not a coincidence that this fascist Cold War policy was announced in a March 5, 1946 speech in Fulton, Missouri by none other than Round Table-follower Winston Churchill[4].


The Empire Strikes

When the Round Table Movement was created with funds from the Rhodes Trust in 1902, a new plan was laid out to create a new technocratic elite to manage the re-emergence of the new British Empire and crush the emergence of American-inspired nationalism globally. This organization would be staffed by generations of Rhodes Scholars who would receive their indoctrination in Oxford before being sent back to advance a “post-nation state” agenda in their respective countries.

As this agenda largely followed the mandate set out by Cecil Rhodes in his Seventh Will who said “Why should we not form a secret society with but one object: the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, and for the making of the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire?”[5]

With the help of an anglophile, racist president in America, leading figures organizing these think tanks first advanced a program to create a “League of Nations” as the solution to the “nationalist problem” which humanity was told “caused” World War One. Nationalist forces in America rejected the idea that the constitution should be rendered obsolete and the plan for global governance failed. However that did not stop the Round Table Movement from trying again. Leading Round Table controller Lord Lothian (British Ambassador to the USA) complained of the “American problem” in 1918:

”There is a fundamentally different concept in regard to this question between Great Britain and the United States  as to the necessity of civilized control over politically backward peoples…. The inhabitants of Africa and parts of Asia have proved unable to govern themselves…. Yet America not only has no conception of this aspect of the problem but has been led to believe that the assumption of this kind of responsibility is iniquitous imperialism. They take an attitude towards the problem of world government exactly analogous to the one they [earlier] took toward the problem of the world war. If they are slow in learning we shall be condemned to a period of strained relations between the various parts of the English-speaking world. [We must] get into the heads of Canadians and Americans that a share in the burden of world government is just as great and glorious a responsibility as participation in the war[6]

A Chinese leader of the American-inspired republican revolution of 1911 named Sun Yat-sen warned of the likes of Lord Lothian and the League of Nations in 1924 when he said “The nations which are employing imperialism to conquer others and which are trying to maintain their own favored positions as sovereign lords of the whole world are advocating cosmopolitanism [aka: global governance/globalization -ed] and want the world to join them… Nationalism is that precious possession by which humanity maintains its existence. If nationalism decays, then when cosmopolitanism flourishes we will be unable to survive and will be eliminated”.[7]


New Name. Same Beast

By 1919, the Round Table Movement changed its name to the Royal Institute for International Affairs (aka: Chatham House) with the “Round Table” name relegated to its geopolitical periodical. In Canada and Australia, branches were created in 1928 under the rubrics of “Canadian and Australian Institutes for International Affairs” (CIIA, AIIA)[8]. However in America, where knowledge of the British Empire’s subversive role was more widely known, the name “American Institute for International Affairs” was still too delicate. Instead the name “Council on Foreign Relations” was chosen and was chartered in 1921.

Staffed with Rhodes Scholars and Fabians, the CFR (and its International Chatham House counterparts) dubbed themselves “independent think tanks” which interfaced with Rhodes Scholars and Fabians in academia, government and the private sector alike with the mission of advancing a foreign policy agenda that was in alignment with the British Empire’s dream of an Anglo-American “special relationship”. One such Rhodes Scholar was William Yandall Elliot, who played a major role mentoring Henry Kissinger and a generation of geo-politicians from Harvard, not the least of whom include Zbigniew Brzezinski, Pierre Elliot Trudeau and Samuel (Clash of Civilizations) Huntington.

The Round Table in Canada and the Coup Against FDR

In Canada, five leading Rhodes Scholars[9] were busy creating the League of Social Reconstruction as a self-described “Fabian Society of Canada” in 1931 which was meant to be a fascist/technocratic answer to the chaos of “greedy nationalism” that supposedly caused the economic collapse of Black Friday in 1929[10]. During the same time in America, a different path to fascism was taken by these networks during the early 1930s. This plan involved installing a General named Smedley Butler into power as a puppet dictator steered by the Anglo-American establishment. Luckily for America and the world, General Butler blew the whistle on the coup against Franklin Roosevelt at the last minute[11].

Kissinger’s British Takeover of America

Though it took a few assassinations throughout the post war years, Kissinger’s takeover of the State Department ushered in a new era of British occupation of American foreign policy, whereby the republic increasingly became the “Dumb Giant” acting as “American Brawn for the British brains” using Churchill’s words. While a nihilistic generation of youth were tuning in on LSD, and an old guard of patriots surrounding Wallace and Kennedy had fallen to the “red scare” witch hunt, geopolitical theory was fed like a sweet poison down the throat of a sleeping nation, replacing a policy of peace and “win-win cooperation” advanced by true nationalist patriots as FDR, Wallace and the Kennedys, with an imperial clone masquerading as a republic.

Sir Kissinger did nothing less than reveal his total allegiance to the British Empire on May 10, 1981 during a Chatham House conference in Britain when he described his relationship with the British Foreign office in the following terms: “The British were so matter-of-factly helpful that they became a participant in internal American deliberations, to a degree probably never practiced between sovereign nations… In my White House incarnation then, I kept the British Foreign Office better informed and more closely engaged than I did the American State Department… It was symptomatic”.[12]

During this period, Kissinger worked closely with CIA director George Bush Senior, who was later rewarded for his role in advancing the British-planned first war on Kuwait with a knighthood[13]. This war set the stage for the second wave of Middle East wars beginning with the Anglo-Saudi orchestrated operation known as 9/11 and the ushering in of the new “post-nation state order” by Kissinger and Blair. This was the era which was celebrated by both Kissinger and Bush in sundry places as “the New World Order”[14].

The Dystopic New World Order Threatened by a New Deal of the 21st Century

It is this dystopic geopolitical order which has been challenged by the Russia-China alliance which arose in earnest with Xi Jinping’s 2013 announcement of the Belt and Road Initiative as the Grand design for large scale infrastructure projects internationally and in September 2015 with Vladimir Putin’s intervention into Syria which defeated the Hobbesian regime change paradigm which poisoned the west. In 2016, the election of nationalist American President Donald Trump opened the door for the first time in over 50 years to a true national coalition of sovereign nations to eliminate the cancer of colonial thinking forever from the earth.

It is this same British-run deep state which owns Robert Mueller, who along with the Integrity Initiative, Five Eyes and other Deep State operatives are dedicated to overthrowing President Trump from office and undoing the great potential now facing the world as outlined by the Schiller Institute and American statesman Lyndon LaRouche: 1) an FDR-style re-organization of the bankrupt banking system and 2) the unleashing of a global New Silk Road as the New Deal of the 21st Century.

[1] A short list of presidents who died untimely deaths before ending their terms include: William Harrison (1841), Zachary Taylor (1850), Abraham Lincoln (1865), William Garfield (1880), Warren McKinley (1901), William Harding (1923), Franklin Roosevelt (1945), John Kennedy (1963), and Bobby Kennedy (who was destined to become President in 1968). All on this list were in opposition to British financial reforms within and imperial foreign policy without.

[2] July 27, 1936 re-nomination acceptance speech by Franklin Roosevelt

[3] The Danger of American Fascism by Henry Wallace, April 4, 1944

[4] FDR’s post-war plans for the internationalisation of the New Deal enunciated by Wallace in his Four Freedoms speech of 1942 were thus undone, as they required an America acting in its sovereign self-interest and peace among Russia, China and the USA.

[5] The Seventh Will by Cecil Rhodes, 1877 cited in Cecil Rhodes, The Round Table Movement and Eugenics, The Canadian Patriot #4, Jan. 2014

[6] Lothian to Lionel Curtis, Oct. 15, 1918, in Butler, Lord Lothian, pp. 68-70

[7] Three Principles of the People, Sun Yat-sen, 1924, copyright 1981, China Publishing Co. p.12

[8] In Canada, the name changed once again to the Canadian International Council which is behind the most vitriolic attacks on China and Trump today. These Chatham House-directed institutions formed a pillar for what became known as the “Five Eyes” in the post-9/11 era.

[9] Escott Reid (intellectual father of NATO), Frank Underhill, Eugene Forsey, F.R. Scott (mentor of future Technocratic reformer of Canada Pierre Trudeau), and David Lewis

[10] The reality was that the great depression was largely manufactured as broker call loans were all called in on the same day resulting in the “controlled demolition” of a speculative bubble carefully built up in the wake of President Harding’s early death in 1923 through de-regulation and easy money.

[11] “I appeared before the Congressional Committee, the highest representation of the American people under subpoena to tell what I knew about activities which I believe might lead to an attempt to set up a fascist dictatorship… the upshot of the whole thing was that I was to pose to lead an organization of 500 000 men which would be able to take over the functions of government” –Gen. Smedley Butler, November 1933.

[12] Reflections on a Partnership: British and American Attitudes to Postwar Foreign Policy, Henry Kissinger, May 10, 1981, Chatham House, Cited in Sir Henry Kissinger: British Agent of Influence, Executive Intelligence Review, Jan. 10, 1997

[13] It was after all, Margaret Thatcher who bragged that she “stiffened the spine” of George Bush on the matter of attacking Kuwait in 1990. Cited in Margaret Thatcher and the limits of the United Nations, Foreign Policy, Apr. 8, 2013

[14] As Franklin Roosevelt famously said “They who seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual rulers call this a new order. It is not new and it is not order.”


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  1. If you want to know about the intrigues of British elitists and warmongers then read Hidden History : The Secret Origins of the First World War by Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor –
    A clique of arch imperialists led by Sir Alfred Milner and funded by the vast wealth of Cecil Rhodes estate colluded with 2 main foreign policy aims. The first was the destruction of Germany as a trade rival and the second was to bring the United States back under British control. They tried to bring about WW1 in Morocco in 1905. They were also responsible for Britain signing a secret military alliance with Belgium in 1906. It was so secret that even some members of the Prime Ministers cabinet didn’t know about it. So naturally the general public in the UK were also kept in the dark. Therefore the claim that Britain entered WW1 over a violation of Belgian neutrality was a bare faced lie. The authors also state that King Edward VII was very chummy with the Rothschilds and also supported war against Germany. Three short films based on Hidden History have been made. If you wish to watch all three click on the links after watching the first part which is here –

    • That all sounds quite accurate to me, Rhodes was definitely working for the Rothschilds and it is my opinion that all of the empire builders of Britain in the 19th century were also working for them. Britain didn’t deliberately build much of it’s empire, rather, we ended up acquiring territories like Hong Kong and India by accident after having to bail out various Rothschild schemes,in the case of Hong Kong it was the Opium Wars, which the Sassoons and other Rothschild cohorts engineered, in the case of India, it was due to the Rothschild controlled East India Company’s warmongering on the subcontinent. Britain was interested far more in building a trading system than conquering territory and I think, without the Rothschilds meddling, Britain’s Empire would have been composed of trading outposts like Singapore and various freeports around the coasts of India and Africa.

  2. America needed a post rape shower after WW2 and never took it. Now we have Brexit and Trump. And Syria.
    And the longest war in our history, Afghanistan.
    We need to take a shower to wash off, Britania and all of it’s monarchy and pageantry. We are flooded with images of cute children and inclusive marriages. which are completely fabricated to maintain our military availability for British conquest. The US is supposed to be a new idea, and a new pathway to Unity, but instead is dragged back into Empire building for the benefit of a few. That idea is not wrong, but instead sidetracked and distracted by propaganda and expert imperialism. We need to understand we are dumb and lost, and easily confounded by the British after war poise. We need a shower.

    • Kill one person and they call you a murderer. Kill a million people and they call you king. Its long overdue, that shower you’re talking about, David. Long overdue.

  3. Hamilton was an agent of the Rothschilds and that is why he created a privately owned central bank in the US, but thankfully, it was only given a 20 year charter. Jackson did the right thing by getting rid of that bank, otherwise the US would have been enslaved by the Rothschilds and their cohorts a century earlier than 1913 and the founding of the Federal Reserve. Hamilton was a traitor, Jackson was a true patriot ad the Us is lucky to have had Jackson, otherwise it would never have enjoyed the growth and prosperity that it did in the 19th century, mot likely it would never have grown to encompass the entire area of north America, so the nation owes it’s existence in the form it took to Jackson. Hamilton, on the other hand, a total sell out and treacherous tool of the Jews, just like Trump is today.

    • Yup, America wouldn’t have enjoyed the growth it had without Jackson. He was instrumental in the continued genocide of Native Americans and the theft of their homeland and the resources on it. See, America can’t be great because it is founded on invasion, genocide, theft, and fraud – all of which has never stopped because that is what the USG is about and that is why they are doing the same to the Middle East and anywhere else they choose. The different power-plays by the different factions of the elite makes for interesting research and reading, but the fact is the left wing and the right wing are attached to the same dirty bird and both flap in unison to the detriment of the world’s people – even Americans suffer because of that.

    • Yeah, I agree with your points, Jackson certainly did a good thing in getting rid of the central bank, but he also did plenty of things that are reprehensible, just another example of how historical figures are always far more complex than a simple good guy or bad guy dichotomy. Life is rarely black and white, cut and dry, it is all shades of gray and the shade can be a matter of perspective. That said, genocide is genocide and I very much agree that the US was built on the bones of untold numbers of people who got in the way.

  4. Enjoyed the article & read. Some good research & some is missing. The common denominator is secret societies. Knight’s of Malta/Freemasonry is the nexus to British loyalty & Vatican. Any real student researcher of real history knows that’s where to look for a start. No coincidences or accidents. I don’t buy-in to the ‘agenda to undermine the Presidency of Donald Trump” as Trump is neck deep in the continuing societal/cultural alchemical psychodrama transformation underway by Deep State w/ Mafia/Mossad/Chabad Lubevitch/Jesuit’s etc. Trump can’t roll in it without getting on him.

  5. The alleged plot to remove FDR was a ruse –
    Smedley Butler helped to elect Roosevelt why would he suddenly turn around and want him ousted ?
    If Roosevelt was so much against the British establishment then why was he so pro British after they declared war on Germany in September 1939 ? He claimed to be “neutral” but supplying one side with arms and ammunition is not neutrality. He should have supplied both sides or neither that would have been genuine neutrality which is what most Americans wanted. And why sign the Atlantic Charter declaration in August 1941 along with Churchill if he was so anti British. This document was talking about the freedoms of people everywhere and yet it ignored the fact that hundreds of millions of people under British occupation in Africa, Asia and India had little or no say in the running of their own countries.

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