by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor, … with Press TV, Tehran
[ Editor’s Note: Venezuela is a mess, and I cannot see how Maduro can hang on much longer. Politically he is a dead man walking with so little support from the Organization of American States (OAS).
The US would prefer a military coup of course, quick, clean and tidy, but the brass there is holding steady. The sanctions have really squeezed the economy down to the point where the free food for the poor is no longer enough for the working class people who see no future with no water or electricity.
Despite having supported him in the past, if they feel nothing will change without him gone, he will be toast. When his own supporters come out to protest against him, then the military might move toward an interim government and new elections.
The bandied about military intervention would look bad for the US, if it resulted in a shoot out with the Venezuelan military. Nobody wants to see that, so we have a big game of chicken being played here as to who can stare who down… JD ]
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– First aired … January 24, 2018 –

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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