Exclusive: The First Opposition In Saudi Arabia and the History of Saudi kingdom


By  Dr.Osama Ismail for VT

Nasser al-Said was the first opposition to the regime in Saudi Arabia since its inception in 1932. Nasser al-Said was born in Hail in the north of central Arabia in 1923 – after the fall of Hail in the hands of Abdul Aziz al-Saud one year – moved to Dhahran in 1947 to work in oil extraction and refining with In 1953, Nasser led the workers’ uprising to demand Palestine’s support. He was arrested and sent to the Al-Ubaid prison in Al-Ahsa and released later, after the death of his father. King Abdulaziz A reception was held for the new King (Saud) in the city of Hail, in which Nasser Al-Said addressed a letter calling for the declaration of a constitution for the country and the reform and regulation of the state’s financial resources and the protection of political rights and freedom of expression rights of citizens. In 1956 he left Hail to Egypt after he received information about the issuance of a warrant for his arrest and execution .

Nasser al-Sa’eed Ali Al-Saud, where his grandmother was happy, women gather every Thursday and receive lectures that are political. Nasser Al-Saeed mentioned the names of some of his family’s victims in the defense of Hail, including Abdullah Al-Issa Al-Saeed, Issa Al-Saeed, .

Nasser said that he entered the prison with his grandmother when he was a boy. His grandmother refused a charity sent to them by the governor of Hail Abdul Aziz bin Musaed bin Jalawi with a servant. The old grandmother did not hit the servant. He arrested her. Before her release, Ben Mu’assid bin Jalawi Ali Shetmha, and that was a year and that was in 1930.

After the assassination of King Faisal and King Khaled’s declaration of amnesty for political prisoners abroad, all but Nasser returned to Syria. Happy, where he remained abroad.

Nasir al-Sa’eed  has his own radio programs opposed to Saudi rule on Sawt al-Arab radio in Egypt. He then moved to South Yemen in 1963 and established an opposition office there. He met with a young dissident army, Saudi opposition Abdul Karim Ahmed Qabtani, The island of Cairo in the mid-sixties, then moved to Damascus after the end of the Nasserite revolutionary era in Egypt with the death of the Nasserite President Gamal Abdel Nasser and then to Beirut, where he was kidnapped on December 17, 1979 in favor of the State of Saud .

where Nasser was thrown from the plane to fall his body in the desert and be lost forever. But the book remains a witness to the documented images and accounts of the scandals and adventures of members of this family since the founding father and even its modern kings. That mean  Ghashghai was not the first one get killed by the Saudi rogiem. Nasser’s life and death is a lesson for the Arab intellectual, the Arab despot and the Arab public. This is an important moment in the development of the Arab nation.

In his History of the House of Saud, Nasser Al-Saeed mentioned the following:

Damn history, Kill non-Jewish believers.

The Talmud

In 851 AH he went riding from the Masalikh tribe of the Anza tribe to Jalalhubb from Iraq to Najd. This was headed by a man named Sammi bin Hathloul. He went on riding the Masalikh in Basra. In Basrah, the men went to buy their supplies from a Jewish grain merchant named Mordechai Ibn Musa »…

During the sale and purchase negotiations, the Jewish man asked the grain dealer, “Where are you from?” They told him that they were from the tribe of Anza, and he heard that name until he took each of them and hugged him to his chest in a representative operation. And settled in Basra for the reasons of feud between his father and AfdqbilaAnaza), and concluded from the narrative of this lie until the order of his service to load all the camels of the clan with wheat and dates and the wish «Irazlaki» Vtkrkol Masalikh «for this generosity» and Sarwsurra great for the existence of (I support them) in Iraq, Iraq, And he sucked S Almsalej Jewish saying that (Abenam them) Khashoanh dealer wheat grains, dates and Altman! ..

And the most desperate of the hungry Bedouins to a cousin in Iraq has Tamroqh and wished even if it was from the children of Zion .. And then their money and the end!
(What happened is what happened!) And what happened is dates, wheat and hope … And since the intention of riding Masalikh to leave until asked the Jewish cousin Mordechai alleged to accompany them to his alleged country (Najd) welcomed him to ride the best welcome …

And so the Jew Mordecai reached the soul, and with him the Masalich rode …
Where he pretended to be mercenaries behind the princes, and in Najd, the Jew gathered some new followers, but on the other hand, he found harassment from a large number of people. The sons of Najd are led by Sheikh Saleh al-Sulaiman al-Abdullah al-Tamimi from the religious sheikhs of al-Qassim. He used to travel between Najdiyah, Hijaz and Yemen, forcing Mordecai to leave Al-Qassim and Al-Arar to Al-Ahsa. He then moved to a place near Qatif named now (Amalsa The name of this land is Arabic in the name of Dir’iya, boasting of the defeat of the Prophet Muhammad and the seizure of a shield bought by the Jews of Baniakinqa  .

… We now return from where we began to talk about the first Jew, Mordechai Ibn Ibrahim, to the following illustration:

He has been married to many Arab girls and has a great birth, and he names all Arab names, as is the case with his offspring now …

And his sons »successful» his son, who came with him from Basra and his name is Makran, whose name is some of the matter Vhorh to (Almkrn) proportion of the association of the proportions of Khay by the tribe of Masalikh tribe of Anza …,

This is the name known to the family of the Saud family, forgetting the names of their early fathers, who neglected to be named because of the fear of reminding many people of their Jewish origin. The name Saud is a common local name in Najd before the existence of Saud … Then after Saud, who was known to this family a number of children, including:

The second part of the history of the Jewish family, which became the name of the Saud family, remained in the village of Dir’iya, a village not more than three kilometers away. It was named Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud) and here he met “Imam Imam” another named Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab, known as the call «Wahhabism» … __


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