FFWN: Jim Dean on 9/11 coverup, anti-Semitism panic, suspected false flags in France, Kashmir, and Chicago

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Once again, former Head of Strategic Studies (Army War College) Alan Sabrosky‘s computer seems to have been hacked just in time to stop him from broadcasting live on False Flag Weekly News. Fortunately VT Managing Editor Jim Dean was able to stand in on only a few minutes’ notice. Jim’s impressive knowledge of world events was on display in his extensive and detailed commentary on 30 news stories—delivered cold, without any preparation.

This week’s FFWN covers a long list of suspected false flags. We also look at the “anti-Semitism” scare, as well as other Israeli propaganda tools.


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  1. WORLD CONQUERORS expresses some of the
    bitterness and contempt of enslaved Europeans for the
    rulers of the “victorious nations.” It shows that by being
    urged to throw off the German yoke, the central European
    nations were tricked into becoming satellites of the Soviet.
    WORLD CONQUERORS indites the real war criminals.
    It gives horrifying glimpses of the agony behind the Iron
    Curtain and describes the plot to extend the slave system
    to the Western world. Thousands of copies of the
    Hungarian edition have been sold and this English
    translation is published to warn the West. It is written by
    one who is a firm friend of the English-speaking people
    but an implacable foe of their vacillating and corrupt
    governments. also read “The World Conqueros” by: Louis Marschalko …Also on line –

  2. I was raised an Orthodox Jew. I studied Torah and Talmud for over 40 years. As a Real American who loves Justice and Equality, I can tell you that Judaism is the most racist, misogynistic, homophobic, violent religion I have ever studied. All the moral failures and hatreds that occur in Christianity and Islam (lets tell the damn truth here) came from Judaism, the Fruit of the Poison Tree. Almost EVERY time I say this right out loud, I am vilified, condemned and sometimes even physically assaulted. The JDL and AIPAC has called me an enemy of Democracy, and a Bad Jew. I am no longer a Jew, just as I am no longer a smoker, and for about the same reasons. Poison is not good for your lungs, or your soul. Thank you for listening.

  3. Thank you both Jim Dean and Kevin Barrett for a review of more depressing recent events further indicating the downfall of the once great United States of America. Perhaps the people can’t be blamed too much since the news most of them receive on those big screen perfect color television sets is so controlled and the truth so carefully obscured. What happened to enforcement of anti trust laws for the media? Americans are all very busy working about half their lives just to pay taxes to every different governmental agency. If the government can print money at will why not citizens?
    Why not abolish all the laws against counterfeiting and let the copy machines roll. This would solve the poverty problem wouldn’t it?
    After all isn’t this what government is doing every day? It is only a matter of time folks and I am sure both Jim and Kevin would agree. If not they are free to express their opinions here.
    Everyone must thank both Jim and Kevin for honestly expressing their views because obviously many powerful folks are offended by hearing the truth.

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