DISCLOSURE: VT condemns the horrific tragedy committed by the NAZI Party against Jewish Citizens of Europe during Word War II known as the "Holocaust". VT condemns all racism, bigotry, hate speech, and violence. However, we are an open source uncensored journal and support the right of independent writers and commentors to express their voices; even if those voices are not mainstream as long as they do NOT openly call for violence. Please report any violations of comment policy to us immediately. Strong reader discretion is advised.
by Vaughn Klingenberg, Holocaust Truther
How can anyone dare suggest that the Nazi did not want the Holocaust?!!! Six million Jews (allegedly) died in the camps. Thousands of Allied soldiers also visited the liberated camps and were eyewitnesses to thousands of dead and emaciated camp internees, and many Jews who survived the camps testified to the camps being “death camps” [sic].
No, it is ridiculous to even entertain the notion that the Nazis did not want the Holocaust!!! Anyone who does not agree with the standard, official, orthodox, narrative of the Holocaust should be shouted down with contempt as a Holocaust denier and ostracized.
Even Better, as is the case with most of Europe, they should be prosecuted, fined, and sentenced to a long prison term!
But wait a minute. I believe that no idea or alleged historical event should be so sacrosanct that it is immune from criticism, …”though Hell itself should gape/ And bid me hold my peace.” If someone really believes the official account of the Holocaust is ironclad truth, then why would they fear someone who questions this reportedly unimpeachable truth. It should be simple to reject the revisionist’s challenges and publicly humiliate him (and in so doing further support the orthodox narrative), but yet this doesn’t happen.
So what do orthodox Holocaust advocates fear? Why do they do whatever is necessary to avoid engaging a Holocaust revisionist in open, public, debate? Who is the real Holocaust denier?
In what follows I will document why it was that the Nazis did not want the Holocaust and why, instead, Jewish Zionists did.
It is not a pretty picture for anyone with Zionist leanings, and it goes a long way in explaining the militant refusal most Jews have when it comes to debating the real factors behind the Holocaust. With that said, let’s begin.
In the interwar years Jewish Zionists were a small, but vociferous, segment of the Jewish community. However, they had a problem: how to get ordinary, non-Zionist Jews to become Zionists and be willing to leave the comforts of Europe for the underdeveloped and inhospitable region of Palestine.
In sum, Zionists needed Jewish cadres to people a newly founded Jewish state, so how were they going to be able to convince European Jews to emigrate to Palestine en masse? That was the central problem Jewish Zionists faced.
As for Nazi Germany’s attempt to relocate Jews to Palestine there is the grossly under-reported Haavara Agreement of August 25th 1933 signed by Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews; it was ratified by the Zionist Federation of Germany three months later. The Agreement allowed Jews to sell their assets in Nazi Germany and have them transferred to British Mandatory Palestine where the Jews were relocating. The Haavara Agreement facilitated the emigration of approximately 60,000 Jews from Germany to Palestine from 1933 to 1939.
There were also some feeble attempts to relocate Jews from Nazi Germany before World War II.
For example, the Evian Conference of July 6th through July 15th, 1938 held in France. Significantly, Nazi Germany was not invited to participate in the conference and essentially not one of 32 participant nations agreed to accept Jewish immigrants (except for the Dominican Republic).

President Roosevelt did not think the conference important enough to send a State Department representative and in place of that only sent a banker and close friend of Roosevelt, Myron Charles Taylor, to function as the U.S. representative. It was as though Roosevelt did not want Jews to leave Nazi Germany, perhaps because he wanted them to emigrate to Palestine instead. In any event, Roosevelt did not take the conference seriously. It is, I believe, significant that Evian spelled backwards is “naïve.”
The world Jewish community declared an economic boycott against Nazi Germany on March 24th 1933. Simply put, Jews were not to purchase any German goods. This has often been seen as the first tangible salvo in the souring relations between the Jewish community and Nazi Germany.
This also added to the Nazi fear that Jews would act as fifth columnists that would undermine the German war effort should that come to be. As a result (just as the United States treated Japanese-American citizens during World War II), Jews would have to be placed in camps to prevent them from sabotaging German national security. No surprise there.
But there are other reasons the Nazis did not want to incarcerate Jews en masse: for one thing, it tied up tens of thousands of German troops who could better be used at the war fronts. It was a massive undertaking to search out, arrest, process, transport, house, and feed, millions of potential fifth columnist internees.
If the Nazis really were hell-bent on murdering all the Jews they could get their hands on, then why did any Jews survive the camps? In fact, it showed remarkable restraint on the part of the Germans that in a fit of impotent rage at their cities being fire-bombed by the Allies that they did not engage in the mass shootings of internees.
Furthermore, there was a famine in the last year and a half of the war in Germany, so who do you think would be last in line to be fed, German citizens or prison camp internees? Dah!–the prison camp internees. That is why so many internees looked emaciated when the camps were taken by the Allies–there was a severe shortage of food and the railroad transportation lines that transported the food to the camps was in many places bombed and cut.
Related to the starvation diet in the camps in the last year and a half, many Jews have claimed that the Nazis used Zyklon B, an insecticide that most commonly was used to kill the ticks that carried typhus, to gas to death newly arrived Jews at the internment camps. On the contrary, I believe the Zyklon B was being used on the internees and their clothing to disinfect them from typhus-carrying ticks.
In other words, the Germans, by using Zyklon B, were trying to save Jewish lives, not murder them! The crematoriums were then used to cremate those who already died of typhus and whose bodies might still carry the infectious ticks. I would like to see this investigated.
As for a sampling of statements from Jewish Zionists regarding their attitudes towards non-Zionist Jews:
“One cow in Palestine is worth more than all of the Jews in Europe.” Izaak Greenbaum.
“If I am asked, “Could you give from the UJA [United Jewish Appeal] moneys to rescue Jews, ‘I say, NO! and I say again NO!” Izaak Greenbaum — head of Jewish Agency Rescue Committee, February 18, 1943. Addressed to the Zionist Executive Council.
Ben Gurion: “If I could save all the [Jewish] children of Germany by bringing them to England and only half to Israel, I would choose the second”

“It is essential that the sufferings of Jews…becomes worse…this will assist in the realization of our plans…I have an excellent idea…I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth…The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends.” Theordor Herzl, founder of Zionism.
These quotes succinctly demonstrate the blood-thirsty, callous, attitude Zionist Jews had towards those Jews reluctant to relocate to Palestine. But there is more: the Zionist terrorist Stern Gang offered to ally themselves with the Nazis in a 1941 letter signed by no less a figure than Yitzhak Shamir.
The rational for this is transparent for all to see: the Nazis wanted Jews to settle in Palestine and the British were opposed to this, so it should be no surprise that the Stern Gang should offer their terrorist services to Adolph Hitler’s Nazis.
Then there is Rabbi Stephen Wise, a close Zionist confidant and close personal friend of President Roosevelt. Rabbi Wise, as Honorary President of the American Jewish Congress, President of the World Jewish Congress, and Co-Chair of the American Zionist Emergency Council, was the most powerful Jew in America and he advised Roosevelt on all matters concerning Jews. Rabbi Wise tried to exacerbate the Holocaust and squelch any knowledge of it during the war years.
For example, Rabbi Wise ordered that no Care Packages be sent to the Jewish ghettos or to Jewish internees in the camps even thought the International Red Cross verified that the packages were in fact delivered to them. Strict orders were given to World Jewish Congress representatives in Europe to immediately halt any shipment of Care Packages to the ghettos, despite the fact that these packages did usually reach their destination, namely, the Jewish Self-Help Association in Warsaw. As Wise cabled Congress delegates in Europe: ‘All these operations with and through Poland must cease at once, and at once in English means AT ONCE, not in the future.'”
Then there was the March of 500 Rabbis in Washington D.C. on October 6th, 1943. The purpose of this march was to bring to the public’s attention the plight of Jews in the German camps. However, when the cohort of rabbis arrived at the White House they discovered that President Roosevelt had literally and cowardly left by the back door before they arrived and then took the weekend off away from the White House immediately thereafter so he would not have to respond to the rabbis petition.
Rabbi Wise was in agreement with Roosevelt’s behavior towards the March and said as much: “Mr. President, you wouldn’t want to be associated with these people”.
Finally, Wise also attempted to squelch showing the broadcast of the pageant “We Will Never Die” which sought to bring attention to the plight of Jews in Europe. Again the only reason I can think of why Roosevelt and Wise would want to silence knowledge of the Holocaust is because if knowledge of the Holocaust got out it might require the Allies to speed-up their liberation of Nazi occupied Europe and, related to this, the Jews held in the camps may not have suffered enough to make them want to leave Europe for the barren, inhospitable landscape of Palestine. The more Jews suffered in the camps the more likely it was that they would convert to Zionism and wish to people a Jewish state.
As a further demonstration of the callous, Machiavellian, behavior of Zionist Jews in their attempts to people Palestine with Jewish immigrants, consider the sinking of the SS Patria in Haifa harbor on November 25th, 1940. The SS Patria was carrying 1,800 Jewish refugees bound for Palestine, but the British authorities would not allow the immigrants to disembark because they did not have entry permits and were going to re-rout the ship to Africa.
However, before this could be done the Jewish Zionist terrorist organization, Haganah, placed a bomb below deck so as to sink the SS Patria and force the British to allow the 1,800 Jewish refugees to land. The bomb blew off one whole side of the ship and it sank in less than 16 minutes killing 267 and injuring 172 Jews. The British allowed the survivors to stay in Palestine just as the Zionists wanted.

Finally, it must be noted that many Zionist Jews are aware of the fact that the Holocaust was manufactured by them. This is perhaps no better represented than by the stone markers placed over the so-called “killing grounds” where Jews were allegedly exterminated. I would like to see the graves of deceased Jews at the camps dug up so we can determine whether they were in fact gassed to death using Zyklon B (which would result in their skin turning a bright cherry red) or not.
Were the deceased Jews killed by typhus instead? By littering the camps with stone markers over where Jews reportedly were buried that makes it difficult, if not impossible, for an independent scientific forensic investigation of the bodies of the deceased, and this is exactly how Zionist Jews want it. It would be sacrilegious to disturb the graves of the Jewish deceased, we would be told, so we must leave the graves, and the memorial stones, untouched.

All that was left to do was to unilaterally blame the Germans and the Nazis for the Holocaust so as to deflect blame from the Zionists. It goes without saying that in the minds of the inculcated public that whenever one wants to blame someone or something as being the epitome of evil one only has to compare that said thing with the Germans or the Nazis.
Courtesy of the Jewish dominated Media, we have a Jewish moral vocabulary here in the West, and the worst one can label someone is a “Nazi,” a “fascist,” a “racist,”or a “Hitler,” and that is exactly how the powers behind the throne want it to be. History is written by the victors.
From all of the above we can see how Jewish Zionists conspired to exacerbate Jewish suffering in the camps so as to facilitate hitherto non-Zionist Jewish emigration to Palestine and people a Jewish state. By forcing Jews to remain in Nazi-occupied Europe and by denying aid to Jewish camp internees Jewish suffering was assured.
Moreover, by the Allies only willing to accept unconditional surrender from the Nazis and by delaying the cross Chanel invasion of occupied France until June of 1944 that further left more time for Jews to stew and suffer in the camps. It is not a pretty picture, but the truth has to be told.
By writing this I hope I have encouraged more readers to become Holocaust Truthers and look at the Jewish Holocaust with a more critical and skeptical eye. We are doing the Jews a favor by treating them as adults and having them address the true callous Zionist jackals within their own community. Only then will we all come to an honest assessment of true culpability for the Holocaust. QED

Vaughn Klingenberg has a Master’s Degree in Philosophy from Marquette University where he taught Logic. He lived in Europe; mostly Poland and England for two years and traveled widely throughout Europe and the Middle East (sojourning for a month in Israel). His areas of interest center on conspiracies; especially Jewish conspiracies. He considers himself a “conspiracy factualist”–not a conspiracy theorist–as well as a Holocaust Truther–not a Holocaust denier. He has self-published two books on Shake-speare under the pseudonym “Odysseus Er”: Hamlet-Christ (a Judeo-Christian interpretation of Hamlet), and Paradigm Shift: Shake-speare (an analysis of Jonson’s Introductory Poem to the 1623 Folio which reveals the 17th Ear of Oxford as the true author of the Shake-speare corpus). He has also written a booklet in his own name on the Holocaust entitled, The Big Lie: The Holocaust (An Introduction to the Greatest Fraud of the 20th Century). All his work and books can be found on his website at BooksByVk.org. – Vaughns’ VT Archives (2016-2022)
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When the Zionist Anti Defamation League goes worldwide to public schools and colleges, and presents to the students the ADL’s particular viewpoint of the Holocaust, then should the public insist that the other possible viewpoints about the Holocaust also be presented to these same students ?
https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ The Holocaust has become such a monster of a story it is amazing that the Germans were not completely wiped off the face of the earth which is what the Jews actually wanted when they declared war on Germany on the 24 of March 1933 and as far as the war is concerned it is worth reading this linkhttp://www.rense.com/general80/dist.htm The Germans were made out to be a barbaric race of monsters which is far from the truth in fact they were the most cultured intelligent race in Europe Think of operation Paper Clip and all the other scientists and engineers that were sent to many other countries.
The alleged killing grounds of Poland were overrun by the Red Army in 1944-45 and remained under Soviet control for the next half century. All the evidence we have for the four “death camps” that are the core of the Holocaust cult passed through the Soviet propaganda machine before it reached us.
It’s not coincidence that death-camp stories do not appear in western media until after Stalingrad. At this point it became clear that the hitherto invincible German Reich could be defeated after all, so the gloves came off in the propaganda war. In the original newspaper reports, you find virtually every lurid account is datelined the Red Army or the Polish Underground, both British allies and masters of disinformation.
British Intelligence analysts cracked the German “Enigma” code in 1941 and freely read encrypted radio communications between the camps and the Berlin headquarters. The data do not expose a program of mass murder and racial genocide, but reveal a determined to reduce the death rate, which was caused by tick-borne typhus epidemics whose most effective treatment was the insecticide Zyklon B was used..
And it remains an unspeakable truth that Jews occupy such an outsized role in western imagination solely because of the hatefully racist role they were long ago assigned in the mythology of Christianity.
David Icke has just been banned from a speaking tour of Australia, because he is accused of Holohaux denial.
Over and over on TV he was asked whether he was a H denier, but this wasn’t the issue.
The ADC is a jewish group who lobbied the immigration minister to ban Icke because he wanted to teach school children in NSW about H denial, an utter lie.
Australia, a zionist run country,prosecutes people who publicly state the H is false.
A few years ago, Jon Faine (a jew from NZ) a radio jock, tried with Parliamentarian Josh Frydenburg ( now Deputy PM) to destroy the reputation of Keven Bracken, a union official. Youtube “Enemies inside the gates”
The same evil and powerful cabal rules American policy TODAY in all of American life . From Public Education , media , movies and any military/political venues from State Governors all the to the White House .
Fact #1 Germany had more than 10 million soldiers at the front.
Fact #2 World Jewry declared war on Germany on the 24 March 1933 and Germany had every right to incarcerate and put them into work camps.
A question to all readers. Would you put all those capable Jewish workers and who were desperately needed into the positions left open by those German workers who were drafted into the Wehrmacht, or would you murder them?
The first step is to erase the term holocaust, and never allow it to be used to define events from WW2. It didn’t happen as they say. Ernst Zundel’s 1st trial proved that, as well as the extensive research by the great British Historian David Irving. So if it didn’t happen, and it didn’t, why use the word holocaust? REWRITE HISTORY NOW! Too many have been persecuted for telling the truth. It must stop AT ONCE.
Please help to remove the intentional deception in the traditional story of Hanukkah.
The purpose of the Menorah lights in the Jerusalem Temple was to light up the dark insides of the Temple so that the high priests could bring about in the Temple darkness, the brighter and greater miracle of lights in the Temple, that did not involve the Menorah.
The brighter Temple light was the sacrificial red burning flames used to sacrifice animals in the Temple, which people paid the high priests money to sacrifice in the Temple in order for the people to receive the much greater miracle of the forgiveness of sins from God.
The greater miracle of this sacrificial red burning flame, is that it supposedly caused God to forgive the sins of the people, who paid the high priests to do this animal Temple sacrifice.
God’s supposed forgiveness of people’s personal sins by paid animal Temple sacrifice is a much greater miracle than the miracle of the Menorah oil lasting just eight “days”, and especially when there has not been a Jerusalem Temple now for 1948 “years” and counting.
This supposed miracle of paid by money forgiveness of personal sins by God of Hanukkah is very rarely ever mentioned.
If you listen to many of the Holocaust survivor stories, you will find that many say the same thing that when the Germans came and gathered up the Jews in all of the different countries, that the Jews were taken by complete surprise and received no warning at all. With all of the many Zionists contacts with the Germans, surely the Zionist knew what was going to happen, and the Zionist wanted the Jews to be taken completely surprised in order to be persecuted. If the Jews had been given a warning, they could have scattered in all directions by land, and such as in Russia to the east and Siberia.
The Zionist Nazi Transfer Agreement encouraged Germany to persecute the Jews, because Germany only made much money profit when a rich German Jew volunteered to use the Transfer Agreement, and Germany wanted money profit. Persecution of the Jews motivated the rich German Jews to volunteer for Germany’s transfer help. Germany made no profit if the rich Jews completely ignored this offer to receive Germany’s help to go to Israel.
And another possible point is because the Jews did not want to go to Israel, the Jews were then considered to be antizionist, which meant by the Talmud laws, that these Jews were considered then to be goyem animals, with the right to be sacrificed by the Zionists as animals according to Gods laws, as no Jerusalem Temple is required to exist in order to make a Holy Temple animal sacrifice.
And this great article does not even include the work of Nicholas Kollerstrom, Ph.D. which also demolishes the Holocaust fake narrative with scientific evidence and facts:
How low can evil Zionists go to promote selfish evil agendas and goals to fool a gullible duped public? Of course it is not surprising that many relatively innocent Jews also are captured into this massive con and also blamed for it. Isn’t Netanyahu basically a Zionist Terrorist? But who elected him? Just Zionists? Why no, many Jewish voters in Israel today. So they rightfully share the blame don’t they? Cry a few tears for them.
The genius level engineer and industrialist Henry Ford recognized all this nearly a century ago and had the guts to speak up and do something about it:
Abridged from the original as published by the world renowned industrial leader,
Appearing originally in the periodical published by the Ford Motor Co.
“The Dearborn Independent.”
https://www.shutterstock.com/video/clip-4294304-stock-footage–s-the-funeral-of-henry-ford-in.html Look at this very long line of people, on a cold winter day in Detroit in 1947, waiting to say good bye to the single man who did so much to improve their lives. Henry Ford was a genius with little formal education born on a Farm in Michigan in 1863. Pray for more Henry Ford’s to come along and save America from the selfish thieves he sought to expose in his great newspaper the Dearborn Independent.
Henry Ford is also idolized by every Hot Rodder of my generation for producing the world’s greatest Hot Rod Template: The 1932 Ford Roadster with V-8 engine. His son Edsel was also a genius in different ways and had great design talents. Henry was grooming him to run his company but he tragically died in 1943 allegedly from cancer.
The article is superior. It asks the question, that is, Who Really Wanted the Holocaust? The article presents an agonizing yet crucial look at the European Jewish Holocaust with a more critical and cynical eye. It reveals that it is outrageous to even entertain the belief that the Nazis did not want the Holocaust.
Essays Author
I believe that Zyclon B was used to fill fleas, mites, lice and ticks. all carriers of typhus.
Tattoo numbers never reach over 400,000. Some claim IBM numbering system didn’t get going till later . Or they weren’t in the same camps . Either way no tattoos show million numbers of tracked people. Then there’s those pesky red Cross figures
I always try to view the holocaust as a murderer. From the standpoint, that what would I do if I wanted to exterminate a people ? I become stuck on a simple point. The one thing I would never do, is to tattoo numbers on peoples arms to identify them. The only reason that would happen, is if I wanted to track them while alive, and certainly it would be a bad idea, if I wanted the identities to be hidden.
Keeping records is not part of murder, destroying them is. Recently, in the US, numbers on the arms was used to keep and track Indigenous people arrested at standing rock. It was humiliating and demeaning, and it sent a message, but the message was not to avoid accuracy of events and identities. Curiously, during a period when Israeli training of US police was being observed.
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