Brits imploding over Brexit

Did May paint herself into a corner?

Corbyn: No-deal scenario must be off the table

by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor …with Press TV, Tehran

[ Editor’s Note: It has been painful to watch the back stabbing political elites in Britain carve each other up over Brexit, almost assuredly putting itself into a lose, lose situation.

I have long posed that the EU is more concerned with not letting the British Brexit be successful to the point where others want to follow. While losing Britain will hurt economically, I suspect it is willing to pay that price to put on display as an example to others, a broken Britain when it is all over.

This is the best divide and conquer psyop that I have seen in a long time, and I had hoped that the Brits would wake up from their smug stupor over their fight to take the country over the cliff.

We have a different but similar situation in the US where Trump came in on a thin margin with the result that we have a bitterly divided country, with both sides at each other’s throats.

Who gains from that kind of a situation historically? I think it’s the usual suspects. So we will now see who wins the fight to captain the new British TitanicJD ]

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Britain seems to be in the death throes of a self inflicted divide and conquer political suicide

– First aired … March 13, 2019

Top European officials have expressed serious concern over the rejection of the Brexit deal by U-K lawmakers. The European Council President Donald Tusk regretted the move saying that it has significantly increased the risk of a damaging no-deal divorce.

The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator also underlined that the bloc had done all it could to help win approval for the deal. The Dutch prime minister insisted that any request from London for a delay in Brexit must be supported by a credible and convincing justification.

The German foreign minister accused Britain of playing carelessly with the well-being of its citizens and the economy. Meanwhile, the limbo on Brexit reflected swiftly on the market. The British pound dropped sharply while the Euro made slight gain.

Some analysts said the current unclear legal status can potentially exacerbate the economic conditions further.


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  1. This whole thing seems like a painful farce. The question remains, to what end will the Zionists and Israel benefit? When things don’t add up, the default solution always points to the usual suspects.

    BDS 2019!

    • Since it was packaged up and planned by the usual suspects as you mentioned we know there will be a heavy price to pay just to exit the Bankster Agenda .

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