Intel Drop: Those Darned Iranians!


    By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

    Not much message today, working around the house for a “0” visitor 4th.  We are starting with a video you will love, one that ends with me rolling down a hill while Robbie the Pict does the narrative in the background.  You might want to wait for YouTube to upgrade these to 4k as some have stunning visuals.

    Icelandic ponies.  (very short video)

    It’s nearly the 4th of July and time for VT “lite.”

    I spent the last month out of the country, much of it in Iceland.  Absolutely everyone despises Donald Trump, Iceland, Britain, Ireland, every single individual.

    To hear it, all you have to do is use that American Midwestern accent and they come up to you and say how sorry they are.  They assume you must hate him too.

    Then again, Trump’s manipulation of stock markets allows me to spend money like water.  Thanks asshole.

    Carol and Robbie

    The video above was taken in Iceland, along with 4000 photos and more videos as well.

    We are taking a bit of a video look at Iran and their technological capabilities.  Their ability to serial produce drones, missiles and now 3rd generation fighter aircraft, please remember what happened to Britain in the Falklands, is problematic for, not so much “America” but for our no longer military but mercenary force working for Israel and Saudi Arabia (really the banksters but blaming Israel and Saudi Arabia helps “internet people” think they understand…though they never will….too much brain power needed)

    Things ain’t so simple.

    What are we seeing?  There is a war on Joe Biden.  If I didn’t like Biden, I would now rethink that based on how much bashing the Deep State is doing of Biden.  If you hate him because of what the Deep State puts in its media about him, including the fake conspiracy emails you get from Israel (all conspiracies begin there)…they you are a dupe.

    In the mess here, I  included some videos I took in Iceland and Scotland.  You will see Robbie the Pict, who spent several days with us.  Robbie has been with VT for a decade and was great company.  He is Scotland’s leading activist, running a bit of an anti-asshole war room as it were from the Isle of Skye, a pretty cool place.




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    1. the idea that joe biden is under attack and therefore proves he is ok…is beyond head scratching..and nothing can be further from the truth…..since he is the candidate put forward by the establishment to keep the democrats center right….as is the much younger petes booty.

    2. biden is under attack

      that means he is OK

      and there is nothing you can dig up that trump’s that

      common sense

    3. I visited Iceland years ago when a rogue wave hit our ship and beat us up so bad we had to limp in to Iceland. We got literally knocked on our beam end (I was actually clinging to a vertical pole in the wardroom watching green water through the porthole). Iceland was a wonderful place, though very expensive(30 bucks for a pizza!), and I wished I could have stayed longer. As for Scotland, there is nothing like steaming up the Clyde on a spring morning going past Renfrew into Glasgow. I still have video to this day. Glad to see someone remembers that Scots are actually descendants of Picts. In those days “Scots” were actually Irish. Just one of those odd historical facts.

      • They make a traditional German style ‘korn’ bread there, great havarti cheese and some acceptable mystery meat spam type loaf things. Without that, you eat at restaurants.

        There is a Friday’s….about 40% higher than here and one good thai place that is OK affordable.

        I had locals in tow part of the time, one ran a local restaurant….they hide those places where THEY actually eat.

        The food court at the mall is best bet. I did a pretty thorough job of finding how to chisel Iceland including making friends with a local car rental owner.

      • Truth, Pict is what the inhabitants of the Stratheclyde (sorry for the spelling) area called themselves. That was in the middle ages (post Roman Britain). Back in those days the people from what we call modern day Ireland were called Scots. Just different names for people back in the day. I found the people of Iceland to be wonderful people. I walked my legs off in Reykjavik going out to the edge of town to look at the restored Viking longhouse covered in turf. Vikings, that’s another strange name. No one use that name as a noun back then. It was a verb, going “A Viking” meant a raiding party. So I guess the exact translation for that word would be “Sea Raiders”. Just some old history from my families old stomping grounds.

    4. My sister and brother-in-law visited Iceland last year. They went out to dinner at a local place in Reykjavik (nothing too fancy) and the bill was $400 US. But I guess energy is free for the locals, so there’s that.

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