Middle East – Mediterranean Energy Corridor, Greater Kurdistan, Greater Israel



Dr. Abdullah Manaz, VT Istanbul

It is accepted by everyone that the wars and conflicts in the Middle East and the Mediterranean are an oil and energy war. The insecurity of the Strait of Hormuz and the influence of Iran on the Gulf necessitates the establishment of a new Energy Corridor for the West. That is why wars and deaths are all around on the oil fields and energy routes in the Greater Middle East for many years. We are observing Churchill’s word better now: “A drop of oil is worth a drop of blood”.

In today’s international struggle, neither an energy corridor to pass through Russia, nor an oil transport line that will pass through the Strait of Hormuz through Somalia and Suez, or travel around Africa is not conducive to the Western world. in these circumstances, the only option remains: The Middle East – Mediterranean Energy Corridor. This corridor is perhaps the most important conflict area of ​​the next century. All the major players of the world are now fighting to have their share in this corridor.

Let’s start with Israel:

In fact, the Middle East – Mediterranean Energy Corridor Plan emerged in the second half of the 1800s. Oil was discovered and then Iraq and Iran oil fields were found out. At that time, England, Germany, France and Russia made a series of plans for these energy fields. The Berlin Baghdad Railway Project, the Euphrates-Tigris River Transport, the invasion of the Middle East from the Suez to the West, and the Sykes-Picot Sharing were the results of the same idea.

Within this period, also two major political projects have been put in place: Greater Kurdistan and Greater Israel Projects. The politicization of religious Zionism and the idea of ​​European Jews returning to their homeland in Palestine was a great opportunity for Britain and the United States. Theodor Herzl offered Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II to settle of the jews to Palestine in exchange for a major bribe. Abduhamid II did not allow this, considering that the Jews would spread to Mesopotamia  in the future. In order to prevent Israel from spreading to the region in the future, it has placed Turkomans on 16 of the 17 hills in the Golan region.

The result has not changed over time. The Jews first acquired land from the Arabs in exchange a lot of money, and then they formed a Jewish presence with the military and political support of Britain,  in Palestine. Hitler’s Holocost Massacre also forced European Jews to migrate to Palestine. The European countries were not only freed from the Jews they defined as third-class people and thieves in their countries, but also established an Allied Country on the Mediterranean coast. Oil pipelines were set up to transport Iraqi oil to the Mediterranean (Lattakia-Syria, Tripoli-Lebanon and Haifa-Israel), but could not be operated during the Cold War.

100 years after the First Zionist Congress in 1897, the Great Middle East Project began and Iraq was invaded at the request of Israel. 100 years after the invasion of Jerusalem by British, Trump gave all of Jerusalem to Jews. Mesopotamia (North Syria, East of the Euphrates), the target of the great Israel project, was occupied by the PKK Terror Organization and the United States. This  area is the David Kingdom of Political Zionism. Now, the possible goal of the Zionist Government of Israel is to rebuild the Kingdom of David and to create a Corridor between Mesopotamia and Palestine. Israel’s plan and the Middle East – Mediterranean Oil and Energy Corridor plan combine at one point. If South Syria become an independent region with the support of the US, Britain and Israel , the Energy Corridor will be completed. That is why the United States and Britain are strengthening the bases of the Tanif region in southern Syria. Daesh Terrorist Organization that was established as a project in the Middle East, also is make presence only this area. Deraa region of South Syria is in constant rebellion with the support of the Druze in northern Israel. In other words, South Syria forms suitable basis for the Middle East – Mediterranean Energy Corridor.

This plan is no longer secret. Therefore, Russia did not to object the settling of the US in the east of the Euphrates, and Latakia, which will be one of the future Energy Corridors, occupied the Mediterranean exit. This is one reason for the deep conversation between Russia, the US and Israel in recent months. Everyone will get their share of this trade.

No one cares about hundreds of thousands of people, soldiers, civilians who died due to wars and conflicts in the region. Women are becoming widow and the people that has been bombed, are crippled. Millions of people are refugees. Tens of children die every day in neglected primitive tents, particularly in al-Hawl refugee camp. Big countries don’t care at all. The Great Kurdistan and Great Israel Projects led by the USA, Britain and Israel continue in the Middle East.

Because: “A barrel of oil is worth a human’s life!”


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  1. The US/ Saudi/Israeli goal is to have the Europeans fight a war with Iran preferably using US made weapons so that the military complex makes dollars out of yet another war.
    9/11 and the proxy war in Syria was supposed to kick this off but the Europeans refused to get engaged. Germany is instead building a gas pipeline directly to Russia.
    The US will not be sending any warships to the Persian Gulf – the point is to get the Europeans to send their militaries so they are ready and waiting.
    Everyone is aware than a nuclear false flag attack is planned for the US something that will be bigger than the events of 9/11.
    Israel’s constant rant – Iran = nuclear weapons – Iran = nuclear weapons connections had been done so that when the false flag attack happens in the US then Iran gets the blame and in ‘retaliation’ Israel is going to do a nuclear attack on Iran.
    This is why Trump has accused Iranian drones of ‘attacking’ the US military and having to be shot down.
    A handful of countries are ready and waiting for the war to start. Many thousands of long range missiles carrying nuclear warheads are pointed at Israel’s most sensitive sites including Dimona ready to turn the country to dust as soon as this all kicks off. The US defense ‘shield’ used by Israel does not work.
    Saudi Arabia’s oil fields are likely to be hit which will destroy the US petrodollar.
    North Korea has nuclear weapons and long range missiles that will do an EMP attack on the US.

  2. In 2013 I spent almost a year in Kurdistan, north of Erbil and my security and driver were local Kurds. We were not allowed to travel to Mosul and when I asked my security, who was Christian, who were the terrorists in Mosul, he mentioned they were Israeli and Saudi backed. He lost his father, a military man due to being killed by the imported terrrorists before that time. The locals were very nice and friendly and when I went for haircuts etc., to the local town, they were very hospitable. When I went past local coffee shops, there were people of mixed religions all associating in a friendly manner. I enjoyed it, in spite of the extreme security. The oil processing facilities were closed in 2014 due to the presence of terrorists and all expats were flown out. I’m not aware of the situation there now, since I’ve retired.

  3. Dovrebbe esserci petrolio per tutti almeno per altri 300 anni eppure qualche cervello malato lo vuole tutto per sé , ma se è vero ciò che ho letto ieri sul vostro sito questi pazzi saranno presto neutralizzati e rinchiusi .

    • For the purpose of good communication here and to Include the NonEnglish speakers I sometimes Translate into English ANY Foreign language Comments so that it saves Everyone the Effort to go and Translate the Comments into English
      Here franco29337 says in Italian =

      There should be oil for everyone for at least another 300 years and yet some sick brains want it all for themselves, but if what I read yesterday on your site is true these fools will soon be neutralized and locked up.

  4. Politicizing of religious Zionism has remained a great opportunity for Britain and US until this day. They crave they would have it in other places as well, like somewhere in the Caspian basin. A drop of oil is worth propagating myths about Churchill being a great statesman, while in fact nothing more to him than another in the long long list of Western debt-absolved and unindicted war criminals. When this world starts prosecuting and incarcerating British and US officials for war crimes then we will know the world is changing, until then not even supervolcanic earthquakes or millenial climate shifts can save us from these lunatics.

  5. “The Gulf” is the Persian Gulf; not the Gulf of Israel or the Gulf of Britain or the Gulf of United Staes. Besides, all ships rise with the high tide, eh.

    • Also Admit that the China Sea is for China and the USA trying to Strong Arm it’s way into the China Sea is an Interference and an attempt to mess with China …….. The Stupid Arm Chair Warriors of Zion that Dominate USA Currently Think that USA Should have War with China for Zionist Global Politicians and Since the Zionist Warmongers are ALL Bureaucrats That Have Never Ever Served and these Arm Chair Zionist Warmonger Will Never Ever be sent to the Front Lines so they have a completely different perspective of Conflicts and Agression ……… IF the USA Zionist Warmongers manage to take USA to WAR with China then the battle weary and very depleted American Forces will be Decimated by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army as The Chinese have the latest War Technologies bought from Israel and the Chinese have an Excellent and Cheap Manufacturing Capabilities and With the current Communist System in China They will just Pick and just Inform a Huge Chunk of population as Martyrs and then train these on latest weapon Systems and then maybe send maybe a Million Warriors Chosen for Martyrdom ……. The USA will get Fuked IF Open WAR is there between USA and China …….. Huge Warmongering mistake by the Zionist but Since it’s only USA that China will decimate and Not Israel too so the Zionist Warmongers want WAR with China for Zionist Purposes …………

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