Epstein the Satanist?: Will Australia Ever Investigate Its Role? (warning, graphic material)


Editor’s note: The articles and materials below, some of them unfit for children to see, depict what was done to children in Australia, the United States, Britain and is being done around the world.

This story alleges that the world is run by a satanic pedophile ring, just like the one we tripped over with Jeffrey Epstein, a story now being shut down in the US, one that leads not only to the White House, but beyond, touching every American institution.

It seems, and we now assume we can support this hypothesis, that the satiated bored and powerful, not just those affiliated with the American Israeli organizations around Epstein, this is much larger than that, turn to pedophilia and eventually child murder within a system of worship outlined to us years ago by Fr. Malachi Martin.

Martin, who was personal assistant to Pope John XXIII, said the Vatican had been taken over by Satanic child killers many years ago and that the pedophile and child butchery scandals now plaguing the church are a part of that.

It all came to the surface during the Reagan administration but the material below places Nixon at the heart of it.  We have no evidence supporting this, but we are certain about those surrounding Reagan and Bush 41 and, past that, the entire Bush 43 administration.  

Then we get to Britain…where the problem is, or we believed, much worse.  Now we are told it is the same everywhere.  

Mehran Keshe sent us on the trail of pedophile rings run out of Belgium and the Netherlands, which first spread across Europe, then to the US to the highest levels of power.  VT broke the story but the best coverage photos come from InfoWars.

Increasingly, it appears that America’s power elites, names few recognize, many philanthropists funding cancer institutes, building children’s hospitals, holocaust memorials, billionaires  with “socialite” wives, all mass killers.

Their work here, using very real evidence, substantially supports the allegations made below.  Disturbing read, sickening drawings, please make sure children are out of the room when you scroll down.

Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed in Australia (Just like in the USA)

The New World Order cult that rules the world administers a Satanic Pedophilia Network, including top-level politicians like Australian Prime Ministers and US Presidents.

The Testimony

The Satanic Pedophilia Network which underlies the New World Order was again exposed in the last few months by another brave whistleblower. Australian woman Fiona Barnett showed a ton of courage in going public at a Sydney press conference in October 2015 and naming names.

Fiona, a former victim of Satanic ritual abuse and part of an international VIP pedophile ring, not only exposed the existence of the Satanic pedophilia network and its international child trafficking ring, but actually named 3 former Australian Prime Ministers and 1 former US President as perpetrators.

She reveals that this network, composed of famous actors, celebrities, judges, politicians and other high-flyers, has infiltrated all the key organizations and institutions in Australia – just as it has in the US and Britain.

First, the Names

Antony Kidman (actress Nicole Kidman’s father) (Nicole Kidman is a victim of the ring too, but was nasty towards fellow victim Fiona);

– Dr. John Gittinger (Lithuanian Nazi concentration camp guard and CIA agent);

– Former US President Richard Nixon;

– Former Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam;

– Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke;

– Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating;

– Former Australian Opposition Leader Kim Beazley;

– Former NSW Premier Bob Carr;

– US Evangelist Pastor Billy Graham;

– Ted Turner (CNN).

Warning: what follows is graphic and requires a great deal of maturity to swallow, but if you’re interested in the real truth of what’s going on in the world, read on.

Fiona saw it all – Satanic ritual, rape, torture and murder – but actually says “the way I’ve been treated for reporting the crimes I’ve witnessed and experienced has been far worse than my original abuse experiences.”

That speaks volumes about people’s collective denial and amnesia, doesn’t it?

Pedophiles Running Rampant Down Under

Fiona proclaims that Australia is a pedophile haven. She explains how Australia took in a large number of Nazi war criminals, including her own step-grandparents. She was introduced by her own family to an international child trafficking pedophile ring based in Sydney.

Fiona Barnett, right, with her family.

Some victims are kidnapped off the street, some are “bred” for it (without ever getting birth certificates – more on this later) and some are brought into it through multi-generational abuse. These latter ones are trained and expected to become the perpetrators and future administrators of it.

Fiona has had flashbacks to being abused as young as the age of 2. Later on, when she was still a little girl, she was dropped off at VIP parties, instructed to say “the starchild is here”, then watch as famous politicians, actors and celebrities snorted cocaine, raped her, had sex with each other, then pretended to drown her in a pool.

She wasn’t just sexually abused and raped; she also suffered Satanic ritual abuse in the form of torture (e.g. suffering cattle prodding electroshock to cause disassociation).

She reveals how this pedophile ring goes to the highest levels, and included orgies at Parliament House (in Canberra) itself.

Barnett also mentions the brave Aussie politician Franca Arena, who got up in Parliament under parliamentary privilege and said there is a large pedophile ring involving politicians, judges, doctors and media moguls.

He named Kerry Packer, Bob Carr, Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, Robert Menzies, Alan Jones (radio announcer), Bernard King (cook), Molly Meldrum (TV presenter), Elton John (musician), John Kerr (Whitlam and Kerr were homosexual lovers) and Justice Lionel Murphy.

Fiona has drawn her abuse pictures here.

She also recalls being at Bohemian Grove. On one occasion she was in a pink bubble room and raped. On another occasion she had to participate in “Teddy Bear’s Picnic” a child rape hunt party, where children were hunted like animals and raped (as also happened to Kathy Collins and Cathy O’Brien).

Read: Australian Judge: Incest & Pedophilia ‘May be Accepted’ by Society

Witness at a Satanic Ritual in Bathurst, NSW, Australia, 1985

In this video, Barnett talks about being present at a real Satanic ritual with some of Australia’s famous people – Kim Beazley (later to become Australian Labour Party and Opposition leader) and Richie Benaud (famous Australian cricket captain and sports commentator).

She reveals how Beazley and Benaud started the ritual by worshipping their Satanic gods, chanting “Baal”, “Lucifer”, “Satan”, “Son of the Morning” and other such appellations.

Fiona Barnett exposing the Satanic Pedophilia Network and horrific ritual at Bathurst.

She then witnessed them ceremoniously killing a pregnant mother (a “breeder” to the Satanists) in the center of the circle.

After that, they pulled out the unborn child, chopped it up with a knife, put it on a gold platter, and proceed to do a type of dark communion or Eucharist.

(Barnett mentions here that the Catholic Church communion is based on this older Satanic version of a communion – in line with my article Are Parts of Organized Religion Satanic?)

After that, she states that several hypnotized children came forward like robots, who were probably mind controlled or completely dazed. Benaud came forward with a samurai sword and sliced off the head of each child.

Then, the entire crowd of Satanists, who were sexually aroused by everything that had just taken place, broke out into a bloody orgy. They had whipped everyone up into a frenzy, and then they drunk the adrenalized blood of the woman and child. (Satanists are addicted to and get high from adrenaline in human blood.)

Lastly, Beazley forced her to take a bite of one of the decapitated heads …

Why the Satanic Pedophilia Network?

Some may wondering at this point why I and many others are calling this the “Satanic Pedophilia Network” and not just the “Pedophilia Network“. The answer is simple: Satanism is most definitely involved in it – in fact, it is the driving force behind it.

Fiona herself mentions in this interview that some of the criminals who abused and raped her were “just” pedophiles, and she puts former Aussie PM Gough Whitlam in this category.

Others, however, worship a dark religion called Satanism which involves the summoning of dark forces (most probably the Reptilians and/or Archons, but that is the subject of other articles) through channeling and twisted rituals, allowing these dark forces to overtake them and use them.

Then, filled with this Satanic energy (such as during rituals at Bohemian Grove), these adherents commit all sorts of perverted acts such as rape, necrophilia, torture, murder, sacrifice and cannibalism.

Banned Discovery Channel Documentary Exposes: Highest US Government Officials are Part of Pedophilia Ring

The Satanic Hierarchy

Fiona explains how the Satanic hierarchical pyramid works.

Roughly speaking, at the lowest level, you have street gangs; next, you have organized crime and the mafia; next, you have recruits into the elite club; then, above that, you have “just” pedophiles (those who rape children but who have no Satanic connection); finally, at the very top, you have the elite VIPs who are full-fledged Satanists.

Fiona states that only bloodliners can make it to the top. These people come from the 13 or so Illumanti bloodlines (as exposed by Fritz SpringmeierDavid Icke and other researchers).

These bloodlines are revered as demigods; and the roughly 300 bloodlines or so below that can never make it to the top echelon. (Probably because they don’t have pure blood, i.e. “royal” or reptilian DNA, but again, subject for another article.)

The OTO, the Freemasons, Scientology, Catholic Church, the CIA, the Australian military and many many others are all branches of the same Satanic Pedophilia Network. It lies at the heart of the international child trafficking ring and the New World Order.

The World is Run by a Satanic Cult

It’s a tough and bitter pill to swallow, but we have to face the cold hard truth: the world is run by a Satanic cult, whose members have infiltrated the top layers and power centers of Australian, American and British society (and those of numerous other countries).

They are inter-related, and they are bound together by bloodlines and Satanism – with pedophilia, rape, murder, war and genocide to follow.

Fiona warns that every organization in Australia has been infiltrated, including hospitals, psychiatry, politics, child advocacy groups – everything.

The Satanists have even created a False Memory Foundation, a fake organization set up by pedophiles, to stop true victims from coming forward with their stories, by convincing people they didn’t really experience what they experienced.

Satanic black magic rules the world. Only when enough of us truly grasp the enormity, horror and shock of this fundamental truth – now exposed by a mountain of evidence and a ton of whistleblowers and victims – can we hope to heal it by bringing these psychopaths to justice and restoring some semblance of honesty, peace and freedom to our world.

Addendum I

Then the Victim’s Drawings

MK-ULTRA Psychologist John Gittinger

Note – the Australian government continues to hack and remove my abuse drawings. I expect this is because I get up to 100,000 views per day of this page. Each time they disappear, alert me in the comments section to this page and I will restore them and let WordPress know. Otherwise, visit other sites like Cathy Fox’s blog where you will find a copy.

Hang on for the ride!

Part 1:

Prostituted by the Australian government to RICHARD NIXON at RAAF Fairbairne military airport, Canberra. The Australian Federal Police unit ‘Operation Attest’ refused to investigate this incident. They promised to at least investigate and tell me whether or not there was a centrifuge at the base, used to train pilots in – to validate my memories. An ex-military perosn who worked at the base validated its existence instead.

Hang on for the ride! Part 2:

Being used as a guinea pig, subjected to child rape, electrocution & torture at Holsworthy Army Base & Lucas Heights nuclear reactor, for the JASON PROJECT by John GITTINGER and Dr Antony KIDMAN – with the full knowledge and approval of the Australian Government.

Hang on for the ride! Part 3

A former Holsworthy officer confirmed that an Asian man named named Chan was recruited in the army at Holsworthy. This man is thought to have been in the Army Reserves, but when I saw him he appeared to outrank all the Australian soldiers I witnessed under his command. Chan received the dead body of a girl named Michelle who was abducted by Engadine Boystown pedos, murdered beside the Weir on Heathcote Rd, and delivered to Chan through a side gate at Holsworthy.


Hang on for the ride! Part 4

Dr ANTONY KIDMAN was trained by Gittinger and others in the employment of torture, unethical hypnosis, and drugs to artificially induce a state of dissociation in children. He also was in a kiddie killing cult. His MK-Ultra programming was structured on a pentagram – the same emblem that featured in his inner Sydney City cult and Kidman’s local ‘Order of the Easter Star’ Freemason Lodge that burnt down immediately after I first went public.

Eastern Star


Hang on for the Ride! Part 5

Prime Minister GOUGH WHITLAM & his lover Governor General JOHN KERR raped me at a pedo party at Parliament House. Operation Attest refused to investigate this on the grounds they are dead – even though that federal police task force was established to investigate HISTORICAL child sex offences.

Hang on for the ride! Part 6

I was trafficked to the USA, to Bohemian Grove where I was drugged & raped by the Rev BILLY GRAHAM – Richard Nixon’s pal, in a pink bubble room. I was also made to dress up like a teddy bear and play hide, seek & rape. I also witnessed the ritual murder of a person by politicians dressed up in robes. I was taken via Sydney airport, in a crate like an animal. On the way home I was drugged, raped and beaten at an exclusive, after hours, pedo gathering at Disneyworld. Yes, Walt Disney was a pedo. Why do you think the Mickey Mousketeers go nuts and shave their heads? Why did pedo Whacko Jacko build a Neverland based on Disneyland?


Hang on for the ride! Part 7

Yes, ritual abuse does exist in Australia. A kiddie killing cult underpins the Roman Catholic Church, Engadine BoysTown, Holsworthy Army Base, Lucas Heights nuclear reactor. Here are the only photos I can present as evidence. First we have Leonas Petrauskas (aka Dr Mark) performing an abortion on me beneath Engadine BoysTown. Next we have the statue of ‘DAGON’ located on the ground floor of the 6-7 story underground facility at Holsworthy, located far from the main entrance gate. Then we have Dagon statue in fish form, kneeling beside a murky pool, on the ground floor of Lucas Heights nuclear reactor. Lucas Heights, like Pine Gap, are CIA facilities where the Jason Project was conducted. Both facilities were built by the same group.


Hang on for the ride! Part 8

Here’s a couple of cult rituals to their god ‘Moloch’ – the same one they pretend to sacrifice humans to at Bohemian Grove. Apparently, according to their religious beliefs, Moloch is happy when people are burnt alive in his name. One took place at Caltex Oil Refinery at Kurnell. The other on a remote Kurnell Beach.


Hang on for the ride! Part 9

And here is the nicest person I met in the pedo organisation – Grande Dame Veronica. No idea if that was her true name, considering they changed peoples’ names so I couldn’t ID them easily later. Veronica was my surrogate mother, tutor, mentor within the pedo network, from age 5 until age 14 when she was ritually murdered on the altar at St Mary’s cathedral in Sydney City. The church was packed full of Sydney’s social elite. An organ played, a choir sang, police guarded the doors. Veronica chose to die young because she was sick of abusing children like me. She was a victim forced to turn perpetrator. She lived in private living quarters at Sancta Sophia College at Sydney University.


Hang on for the ride! Part 10

And here’s my favourite – the one that epitomises the Australian government’s attitude toward government-sanctioned child trafficking, rape and murder in this country.

Hang on for the ride! Part 11

And now for something completely different! Some more Holsworthy secrets – an underground railway connects major sites in Australia, including Pine Gap, Lucas Heights/Holsworthy. Also, Gittinger used some kid of prop/virual reality program called Candyland, which had ‘Disney’ trademark written on it

Hang on for the ride! Part 12

And now for the pista resistance! At age 5 I was raped by future Prime Minister BOB HAWKE in a zucchini patch, at a BBQ, in a suburban Canberra backyard.

Another Bob Hawke victim, the daughter of Hawke’s architect Kevin Borland, was assaulted by Hawke after a party at her family home when she was 14. Hawke entered her room at night, awoke her in her bed, and digitally penetrated her. She immediately told her entire family who recall the incident today.

When I was 8, Dr Leonas Petrauskas took me to a crime scene at a secluded Kurnell Beach. There he met with prime minister Paul Keating who had raped and murdered a 5 year old boy and shallowly buried him in the sand. Keating was into necrophilia. Petrasukas was called in by Keating to do a clean up job. Petrauskas ordered me to dig up the body. As I did this, I heard the men talking about Petrauskas fabricating the child’s cause of death as a blue ringed octopus sting.

Operation Attest lied in their response to my complaint, saying they would not investigate mt claims because the alleged perpetrators were all dead. Last I checked, Keating and Hawke were still alive.Hang on for the ride! Part 13

I was also raped by actor BRUCE SPENCE, at Bathurst City Hall when I was 15. I met an apprentice carpet layer who laid carpet in Spence’s Sydney flat. He said Spence’s lounge room walls were covered in kiddie porn.

I was also raped by Shakespearean actor JOHN BELL, in the company of Dr Antony Kidman, on the eve of my 15th birthday, after a Nimrod Theatre post production party held at Kidman’s house that was attended by the Shakesperean play’s well-known cast. The following morning, Kidman tied me to a chair and beat me in front of his daughter NICOLE KIDMAN who stood there and smirked at me, with her arms crossed.

I witnessed actress JACKI WEAVER, playwright JOHN WILLIAMSON, and author of Puberty Blues KATHY LETTE at pedo ritual gatherings in Sydney. Kathy was based at Regina Coeli cathedral in Beverly Hills.

Other victims have identified Jacki Weaver to Dr Reina Michaelson, on whom the Australian Government placed a D Section gagging order, on the grounds that her disclosure of the government’s involvement in child trafficing etc would undermine the Australian public’s confidence in the Australian government.



Addendum II

My statement concerning my 13 ‘Hang on for the Ride’ posts:

My reasons for posting this information is as follows:

1. With the exception of the 2 detectives who took my statements in Sydney on 2-3 November 2015 – the NSW Police force have refused to protect me from my neighbour who moved next door from Wollongong 10 years ago. Ever since then, he has assaulted my family, poisoned my dog, constantly harassed and intimidated and threatened my family including 2 children. Further, police have targeted me for harassment during the past 10 years since I advocated for the many children abused by the Tweed Shire pedo ring.

2. I know from past experience that the 2 good officers who took my statements will be prevented from doing their job and investigating my claims. Dr Reina Michaelson attests that she witnessed a good female officer’s career destroyed by her command, because she pursued claims of ritual abuse and VIP pedo network in Victoria involving politicians, police, Channel 10 making kiddie porn, etc. I do not want these good officers attacked from within like Peter Fox was. Peter Fox’s police command rang his private doctor and insisted she declare Peter Fox medically insane.

3. Many victims of the same VIP pedophile network that I described to police have contacted me in the past month. Not one of the stronger capable group of these people have publicly supported me by joining me and speaking out. Consequently, the pedophile network have severely targeted me. I believe my life is at risk because the police and Royal Commission have failed to support me with witness protection.

4. I am exhausted. I have no other means of protecting my family other than sharing the information that places my family at risk as long as it remains a secret. It is out now – perhaps now my husband and children are safe.

5. I share this information so that other victims may recognise their own abuse experiences and know that they are not crazy, not alone – that YES this did happen to them.

6. Most importantly – I speak out to give a voice to the 100+ children I witnessed raped, tortured and murdered throughout my nightmare childhood. I saw children bred in captivity beneath Holsworthy to be used as human guinea pigs in horrendous unethical medical experiments – all in the name of national security. THESE CHILDREN DID INDEED EXIST!!

7. I would like to thank my supporters, including SNAP and others – they know who they are.

8. And now, on a deeply personal note – I acknowledge that many victims have been abused in the name of religion. God is not reflected in churchianity, Hillsong, the Roman Catholic Church, or any of the other infiltrated organisation. I know that many victims reel when I mention God, which is why I have avoided it. But many people ask me, what is the source of my strength and hope. My strength, perseverance and survival are a testimony to the existence and authority of God and His only Son Jesus Christ. That is what I believe. That is all I have to offer besides my witness testimony. That is all I had to comfort me throughout my abuse.



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  1. It astounds me that VT would publish garbage like this.
    I went to the link and read the comments. I understand she has disappeared. Everyone is being lead to believe she was “disappeared” as John would put it. More likely she wrote this and drew her little child like pictures to tug at your heart strings then disappeared herself.
    Not inferring that these things don’t happen to a great extent (I was raised Catholic) just saying this is just a tad over the top.
    She cut off the little babies heads and then took a bite? Really? Yummy.
    Please people get a grip.

  2. Who can forget the Stanley Kubrick movie “Eyes Wide Shut” starring Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise? Reminds one of this most disturbing and undoubtedly real and true in part (or whole) article does it not?

  3. If only half of this horror is true, what does that say about, HUMANITY? Are we ruled/trapped by those who can be classified as, ‘Devil Incarnates?’ They ALL should be wiped out! Give me a name with proof.

    • Allude to the unholy Roman Catholic Church and its vast litany of misdeeds, butchery and wealth beyond comprehension whilst accounting for the unending abuse of innocent children.
      Then account for the other side, located in a very small country in the Middle East; both at each other’s throats for a long, long time; whilst wrestling for ultimate power and control of the world, its people, and most importantly – its assets.

  4. Back in ’07 when Kevin Rudd was running for PM in Australia, it came out in the media that he had been to a strip club when visiting NY a few years earlier, but this was no ordinary club, it had private rooms, and he was taken to the Champagne room, so what did Rudd get exposed to, child sex, bestiality, even if only for a moment and filmed. We find he was taken by a Media official, and Rudd says he can’t remember what he saw,DUH. When I go to a car show I know what to expect, but it was after that, which raised concerns, straight away when he was exposed in the Aussie media, he started bagging IRAN. Connect the dots Aussies.

    • Blackmail is the oldest trick in the book….get em drunk or drugged, bring in a child or underage teen, boy or girl and start filming.. then they have them for life. Every politician and every actor who is anybody famous has a nice little film in the vault that they don’t want anyone to see!!

      Epstein the pedophile filmed everyone…he was caught once and agreed to do this even though he was still being a perp! Now the house of cards comes down!!

  5. its Rudimentary to Understrand the fact that IF the Satanist Pedophiles have been existing for more than a Hundred Years Undiscovered and Unaccountable then surely these DSatanist Pedophiles have Already Established the Mechanisms necessary to get away scott free and Fron these Criminals Anontmity its proven that the Satanic Mechanism that these Created Works PERFECT for them and ALL Pedophiles are getting away as they would want …… it’s a well oiled and well organised Pedophile Machine ……..

    • thousands of years…since the time of Ba’al worship and sacrificing of children! They were raping them then too!

  6. Very sad and sickening of the satanic psychos in power that abuse innocent people and mainly children for their insane evil desires. I wish you and your family to be safe – good luck.

  7. This is very disturbing and yet one of many hundreds if not thousands of cases… and those who made it out alive have a very sick story to tell! This is a worldwide “Synagogue of satan” that runs so deep I am sure that nations will be shocked at the outcome when names are named. The severe torture, rape, hunting episodes, cattle prods, sacrifices, cannibalism, drinking of blood, etc. are hard for anyone to even imagine . The elite are all involved as are the entertainment industry millionaires and other industry corporate heads and those who appear to have riches beyond their means. There are a few items in this story though that do not seem to match my years of research into this and some of the conclusions drawn as to whom at the very top are involved. I advise everyone to do their own research and come to the conclusions that you find rather than those that seem to all reach the same household names. The satanic cult is a true and disgusting murderous cult that rewards those who participate with wealth and power… they have designed a “system” of mind control that their victims can not fight but if they live through it, can only try to tell their story unabashed! May God give us all strength to be able to handle the sordid details, many of which are still coming out!

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