By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
US Attorney General William Barr is personally protecting Ghislaine Maxwell. Maxwell holds the key to Epstein’s personal blackmail files; the big file is on Trump, but more than 2000 names are there, video, DNA, lots of DNA, lots of “blue dresses,” outlining the biggest “honey trap” in spy history.
Ghislaine Maxwell is accused of unspeakable acts against innumerable children, of running a massive human trafficking ring for Washington “elites” of the National Prayer Breakfast and AIPAC, and now stands “above the laws of g-d and man.”
A close friend co-chaired this organization but had to be silenced. Though a 3-term congressman and former UN ambassador, he was arrested for treason and eventually blackmailed into serving 18 months in prison, where he was given a rare form of cancer that he miraculously survived.
Of course, she is holding the files, and we wonder how many of the 500 people Michael Cohen threatened were parents of children.

They burned everyone and now control the White House. They got in by taking down two organizations, first AIPAC, easy to do because it was AIPAC that funded the spy operation in the first place through “philanthropists” and “socialites” who give away billions in stolen cash to launder their public personas that, behind the fancy gowns and black ties, is pure mob.
This is the organization built by Meyer Lansky and Roy Cohn, then handed off to the “Neocons” who put a fake political face on the mob and now work day and night to control Donald Trump, a pure “loose cannon.”
Two weeks ago, Epstein went to officials at the Manhattan Corrections Center and told them of a plot to murder him by Israeli intelligence. This is a fact.
The organization that runs the National Prayer Breakfast, known as “The Family,” has been deeply compromised by the Epstein/Maxwell/Trump effort on behalf of Euro-trash “Black Nobility” and the Kosher Nostra. Shrimpton calls them the “DVD”, and Ben Fulford has his own names as well.
We also know that Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s partner, who is accused in nearly every crime, has never been questioned and moves around freely like an Avengers superhero.
She is holding Epstein’s blackmail files. The star of these is Donald Trump, with evidence of child rape, multiple events at the top of the list.
Past this, nearly 1/3rd of the members of “The Family” are involved as well:
The Netflix film covers the most powerful organization in the world, whose heads include VT’s Mark Siljander, a good friend of this writer, but also former Attorney General Edwin Meese. If you don’t believe it, watch Trump:
Every member of the Supreme Court, every former US President, over 80 current heads of state, every senior member of congress, every leader of American business belongs.
This was the organization targeted by Maxwell and Epstein on behalf of an intelligence organization serving the Kosher Nostra crime organization that runs Israel and the secret governments of Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Brazil, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Greece, Canada, Colombia, Australia, India and Japan.
Authors Benjamin Fulford and Michael Shrimpton write of these groups, and others are aware. This is the real power behind all crime, all terrorism, every sanction, every war, every major drug transaction, every market crash.
To maintain control, only 200 people needed to be compromised, half of them belonging to The Family, where we believe some of the finest people we know of now share membership with monsters, something the Netflix exposé will make clear. Of course, we have our own sources, but tearing down The Family and the National Prayer Breakfast is not a VT agenda item.
As for Epstein, until we have convincing proof that he was not replaced by a body double or spirited out of the country, we will assume that he was not betrayed by Maxwell and that his massive blackmail files on Trump led Attorney General William Barr, working with his lifelong partners at the CIA (which include Robert “the Mule” Mueller) and Israeli intelligence, to get Epstein to safety.
Either way, Epstein was believed to be a danger to the presidency and had to be eliminated. If he is alive, then a door is still open.
Now we look at William Barr. Barr is backed by CNN, the New York Times and 200 media moguls who are fully complicit with Epstein, all of whom “did time,” not just with the little boys and girls, a scenario that led to the death of Scalia, but more.
From a highly classified report:
“The aftermath of World War II, and the defeat of the occultist powers, Germany and Japan, by Russia and the West, is not an untold story, just one subject to military secrecy.
The occultist societies that drove those surrounding Hitler and the Japanese emperor were nothing new. Occultism, witchcraft, communing with entities such as jinns and demons is very much a part of Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
In addition, Hinduism and Buddhism are wrought with references to such entities.
The question we will be asking ourselves here is whether these beliefs, a less public but real part of our major religions today, often “closeted” as exorcism is within the Catholic Church, represent a valid expression of non-ordinary physics, another term for “magic,” or are the thousands of years of such practices entirely delusional?
We will be looking at this path today as the secret societies John Kennedy warned the United States of in his address at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York on April 27, 1961, are all, in fact, based on occult ritual and represent, even among the most innocent sounding groups, at some level, attempts to commune with “the old gods.”
One reason, and there are many, that this subject is topical is that we have received confirmations that occultist practices within the US military have become common since the end of the Vietnam War.
Occultist organizations have been discovered, initially at The Presidio in the 1980s, where first dozens, then hundreds of officers were recruited and took part in rituals outlined by Karl Maria Wiligut for the German SS.
Our sources tell us that the failures of Vietnam led the American military, which by the 1980s had become institutionally corrupt and almost pitiable, to align themselves with occultists that had taken control of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Almost all that is reported of such efforts and the legacy that has grown rather than diminished of these efforts is deeply veiled. After all, what are secret societies without secrecy?”
The report goes on from here, right into Epstein’s back yard, right into dozens of national leaders that, so often, find themselves part of the Neocon fake “coalitions of the willing,” leaders who have butchered children at ceremonies, who have, and we aren’t kidding, sought out demonic possession out of personal obsession with promised eternal life.
This is what is behind it all, but I suspect that, once reading this, the truth rings like a bell.
We have so much more, we have it all. We are only releasing this, just as a demonstration.
There is no one out there to fix anything, no one that cares, not really. This, and similar VT material, will be all that the current “worst generation of all time” will leave behind as a legacy, proving humanity still exists.
Cry for yourselves.

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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If secrecy is the hallmark of their power, then “conspiracy theories” are not theories. To call these people at their heart, occultist, is to give them credit for the mastery of some dark arts. Rather, at their base, they are nothing but empty, self-serving criminals. Apes, with their unfettered one hundred percent genetic makeup, have more honor. You’ve painted a dystopian nightmare, and I do cry.
Epstein’s dead man’s switch is a weapon of mass destruction and most likely has a hair trigger. Israel is not a real state. It is a banker’s concoction, meant to empower the rich and enable them to roam the world committing crimes, then get sanctuary in Israel. Israel’s East European citizens, pretending to be Semites, while the real Semites are imprisoned in a Gulag, is more window dressing. Pretending Suicide from pressure and guilt is American secret police SOP. An example: Bruce Ivins.
I have no insider contacts or knowledge from past employment. All I can do is read the news. Which means I have mostly misinformation. Epstein did seem to be a vehicle to expose corruption to viewers of mainstream media, but like Andy Warhol’s concept of a killing joke, Epstein’s supposed death instead confirms the control corruption has over our governments and institutions.
Makes one re-evaluate Heidi Fleiss. A child victim of the previous generation publisher/blackmail racket that turned predator and exploiter herself as an adult but was able to submit to criminal prosecution without being destroyed by her powerful customers. A fate that DC Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey could not survive to see.
This is the best place ever, to find conspiracy theories…
Scalia was bumped off by Dems so they could get control of Supreme Court. That was frustrated by GOP. but no worries, as Hitlery was 100 million to one to be the new POTUS. Trump pissed on that with a big win and appointed Neil Gorsuch to replace Scalia, then Kavanaugh to strengthen his position. RBG could well be like the mother in Psycho, propped up dead in a chair somewhere… to prevent another appointment to SC. I’m still sure that Trump is part of the solution, not part of the problem, but I’ll change my Ming if I have facts that fit…. not wild conspiracy theories as we have enough of those already.
The great thing about the Epstein story is that millions are being red pilled as the official narrative is not credible. I can’t wait to see how this all works out over the next few weeks. Could be a story quietly buried, or a firework being lit.
Change my mind…
Nobody cares what you think. You don’t matter and are too stupid to realize this. What I think matters…..figure out why.
“What I think matters…..figure out why.” – GD
“There is no one out there to fix anything, no one that cares, not really.” – GD
Sadly, the second quote appears to invalidate the first quote.
Hello, I’d like to serve in public office. I’m taking a stand against Satanism, Child Torture and Sacrifice, and Pedophelia. I have no other qualifications. In fact I shovel shit in Louisiana. Well let’s get behind our new candidate. I wish it were that simple.
Shit shoveling…you have a skill!
With a small cat colony in my, er their townhouse, I have strong poo scooping skills.
There was also sort of occultism around when birth of Soviet Union, originally 85% of comissars being Jewish. Centuries back elite White supremacists, with their Jewish lackeys, last century and today maybe more Jewish supremacists with their White lackeys. My bet is Epsteins still alive and well, they just made him a “ghost”, that is in psychological sense more frightening than living man for blackmailed.
But is the case bringing in Epstein action or reaction. Is it direct threat to politicians to vote right on upcoming war on Iran and economical meltdown to rember to support bank bailouts. Or is it crackdown for leading politicians of two branch (Rep/Dem) one party (Fed) systems to put their lower rank partymembers in position demanded by their superiors, not their voters.
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