The Russians or Germans killed Jeffrey Epstein!

“The moment Epstein and his lawyer mentioned they had information on not just Prince Andrew but one or more foreign heads of state and enough major financial figures to crash American markets, Epstein touched on a dozen ongoing investigations involving national security.”


…by Jonas E. Alexis

You just can’t make this stuff up. If you don’t think that the world is full of nonsense, then think again. Actor Alex Baldwin actually believes that the Russians—yes, the Russians!—killed Jeffrey Epstein. This is Baldwin at this best: “The Russians killed Epstein. They’re in charge of everything now.”[1]

I guess Baldwin thinks that this issue is another Hollywood script, in which actors and puppets can say whatever they want. But that’s not all. There are some out there who actually believes that the Germans killed Epstein! The Germans! Listen to this:

It would not have been too difficult for Frankfurt to set up the hit. Epstein had a lot of dirt on German assets in Washington and was in a position to cut a deal. I suspect he was already talking.

“If he was also talking about high-yield offshore programs, the means by which he amassed his wealth, then he was a particular threat. You can forget Ponzi schemes – he was trading. When the Germans say that they always look after their own what they mean is they will always whack their own if they look like talking!”

This was from our colleague Michael Shrimpton. The evidence that he provided? None. The argument that he put forth? Zero. Is the risible theory even plausible? Not if you’re thinking straight. If the Germans did it, how? Who is responsible? How did they actually get inside the MCC? What did they have to gain?

These questions never get a plausible answer because the theory that the Germans did it is irresponsible. We have provided enough evidence in the last three articles which shows that the oligarchs in America and elsewhere are behind the Epstein case.

What is even more interesting was that Shrimpton did not even mention the fact that Donald Trump’s Labor Secretary, Alexander Acosta, helped Epstein hide his crimes. When Epstein got a sweet deal, Acosta unequivocally declared, “We believe that we proceeded appropriately.”[2] As the Miami Herald puts it, Acosta gave Epstein “the deal of a lifetime.”[3]

But there is more here again that meets the eye and ear. As Gordon Duff is recently put it:

“The moment Epstein and his lawyer mentioned they had information on not just Prince Andrew but one or more foreign heads of state and enough major financial figures to crash American markets, Epstein touched on a dozen ongoing investigations involving national security.

“The moment the Saudi passport was found, whatever the age, this became a national security investigation and directly involved DHS and the CIA, who have never been questioned as to their interest or why they failed to take a role in anything but perhaps facilitating Epstein’s murder?

“We have a list of names of people who worked with Epstein, but let’s begin with Michael Cohen. We know that Cohen represented both Epstein and Trump in not just one, but perhaps dozens of non-disclosure payoffs to underage women who had been raped, allegations they had been raped by Maxwell, Epstein, Trump and perhaps one other woman.”

So does Shrimpton really think that it was the Germans who actually killed Epstein? Or is he perpetuating things that he knows are simply complete nonsense?

Shrimpton ignores simple, reasonable explanations and jumps to irresponsible conclusions without an iota of evidence. Shocking?

Not really.

  • [1] “‘Russians killed Epstein’: Go home everyone, Alec Baldwin is on the case,” Russia Today, August 13, 2019.
  • [2] Sanjana Karanth and Ryan Grenoble, “Alexander Acosta Out As Labor Secretary Over Cushy Jeffrey Epstein Plea Deal,” Huffington Post, July 12, 2019.
  • [3] Julie K. Brown, “How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime,” Miami Herald, November 28, 2018.


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  1. The steam engine was the only interesting part of his article. Over a century ago, the invention of the automobile ended horse manure being tracked into all homes and bars and replaced that stench with air pollution from the exhaust pipes of automobiles from the internal combustion diesel or gasoline engines. These fuels are highly refined products of crude oil, the cause of most of the world wars in the twentieth century. There were three options to power the newly invented automobile then: steam power (an external combustion engine), gasoline or diesel (an internal combustion engine) or electric power. Due to an “accident of history”, highly refined gasoline made from oil, won out from the steam engine used for over a century earlier to power our locomotives and industrial plants. The steam engine can run on any low grade form of combustion and does not require crude oil. If we had had a century of development of the steam engine as applied to the automobile, we would be energy independent today since long ago. Even the Nuclear Submarine runs on a steam engine as do most power plants today.

  2. I’m more and more convinced, that Shrimptons intel source really is a movie DVD, trailer here:

    Too bad that movie makes @realDoubleOSeven look like clumsy idiot, and that understandably make Queens English speakers somwhat frustrated, Shrimpton is too arrogant to make in on any intelligence community, or maybe in British anyhow. Thanks to them last WW2 cost Britain “only” 90% of her territory. I wouldn’t ask for third one, but Boris the Britain is asking it anyhow, like blaming Russkies for feeding red amanitas to Skripals etc.

  3. A lot of writers are proposing wild scenarios without putting up an iota of evidence. That’s just how journalism works today, and aided by photoshop they can even advance their personal agendas to the unwitting very well. Shrimpton is a rather funny guy who doesn’t hide his zionist leanings. He see’s Germans everywhere. In his last post he praised the fire bombing of Dresden. How’s that for showing your colors? Some people still believe the Steele Dossier, and that Bill Clinton is a fine fellow.

  4. The majority of the American public appears to believe the official 9/11 story so why shouldn’t they also believe the (developing) story of the Epstein suicide? Just another slam dunk.

  5. Leave Shrimpy alone. Have you read his book? I would rather guess not.
    As for insulting our Royal Family, well, what can one say. A maths teacher in Korea? Well,
    what can one say? North or south Korea?, the two are different, you know.
    Leave Shrimpy alone and leave Randy Andy alone. Remember Koo Stark? You’re too young I guess.

  6. Dear Mr. Alexis;
    With all due respect, I believe this post falls far short of your vaunted logic test.
    You are a math teacher in Korea with no presumed employment with any intel agency or experience in intelligence matters, meaning your sources are the same as mine; worse yet your ‘citations’ are laughable. The Miami Herald, Huffington Post and Russia Today…really? Seriously? My high school journalism teacher would have thrown me out of a 3rd story window with cites like that.
    Shrimpton may or may not be your cup of tea, but he is or was a carded intel officer with presumably thousands more connections with people who do more than write the latest rumors in the Huffington Post.
    Please list your present or past security clearances and the location of the last SCIF you were in.
    I can reasonably presume one thing..neither you nor I will ever know what happened.

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