by Gordon Duff, VT Sr. Editor, …with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow
– First published … September 26, 2019 –
American and Israeli politics have one thing in common, money buys elections. They have many more things in common, simply put, “predictable corruption” and a “rigged process” as well.
Of late something extremely strange happened. The “king makers” for both nations make up a short list. The Adelsons by far front of the list, the Koch Brothers, the war lobby and opiate sellers, George Soros, few surprises there.
In Israel, we had a big change hit, one that turned an election – long rigged for war-candidate Netanyahu, who according to writer Barry Chamish is a “fake person,” former furniture salesman fronting for war profiteers – into something unexpected and, as of this writing, undecided.
Part of the issue is that Netanyahu and his wife face prison for corruption charges, some of which originate from, of all things, the Adelson family, who have testified for investigators advocating the removal of Netanyahu and his wife, and we will get into that in a bit, in order to save Israel.
Yet the same Adelsons, year after year, have virtually underwritten America’s war candidates, the fake “Tea Party,” the Neocons, literally buying the worst imaginable candidates for congress and other key offices, flooding elections with money from their gambling empire.
The result of 14 years of what has to be deemed “interference” by the Adelsons in American politics, has tripled America’s debt, started wars around the world, begun a massive arms race, abrogated treaties intended to guarantee peace and justice around the world, and significantly lowered America’s standard of living.
The Adelsons believed, and I am sure this is correct, they were doing the right thing, that the maniacs and malcontents they supported who promised to fight wars on behalf of Israel, even if that involved massive injustice and endless deaths, was right based on their loyalty to Israel.
Now it seems the Adelsons have become aware that their dominance of Israel’s politics and their backing of the Netanyahus has all been a terrible mistake – one that has cost the lives, were one to examine the ramifications, of endless thousands, just as their American political endeavors have.
Here in the US, having seen the break between the Adelsons and Netanyahus in Israel, a question is then asked. Will the Adelsons, in an act of conscience or enlightenment, release their financial stranglehold on nearly 250 members of congress that wrongly stay in office supported by their efforts?
Behind that are other questions, perhaps for another time, key among them is needed electoral reform in the US that might well end that nation’s role as “mob enforcer” for the world. The use of the term “policeman,” one the press loves, part of that fake narrative Trump loves to talk about, no longer applies.
Nothing America’s military does is “policing,” not the drone assassinations, not the sanctions, not the piracy, not their endless roll of brutal dictators and toadies. We begin.
The “first couple” of American politics, particularly since 2005 when an extremely dangerous decision by the Supreme Court virtually legalized and “cloaked” with wide protection, outright bribery of politicians, aren’t even American citizens.
Shelly and Miriam Adelson, the king and queen of the world’s largest gaming and “associated adult activities” empire are Israelis.
Shelly, or “Sheldon,” served in the US Army at some point, but later, in a public statement, said he regretted serving America and wished he had served Israel. This was a regrettable statement.
As is the case, the first issue we deal with is this, why should we care about two rich people? The first context, based on the political crisis in Israel is this, the Adelsons were Benjamin Netanyahu’s primary backers and, technically, Israel’s wealthiest citizens as well.
In August 2019, the Adelsons were both questioned by Israel’s Attorney General about both Netanyahus. The Adelsons, who had been not just close friends, but the Netanyahus closest personal friends for many years, had an interesting story.
They told investigators that Sara Netanyahu ran Israel and her husband, the prime minister, simply took orders. Then both Adelsons, and Miriam is a licensed psychologist, said the Netanyahus were mentally incompetent, violently explosive and extremely corrupt.
Thus, as Benjamin Netanyahu may have lost an election, something he has done twice before. However, he has managed to, perhaps using huge amounts of cash made available to him, correct that “problem.”
He has repeatedly done so through methodologies that establish to the trained political “watcher” that Israel is a dictatorship and that elections can be “engineered”, as they seem to be in the US and so many other nations that love referring to themselves as “liberal democracies.”
Taking things a step further, one must understand that the Adelsons also financially control America’s congress, dozens of state governorships and even local political races.
This is the couple that has only recently discovered that Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu are “not as they seem”, that they are insane, violent and corrupt, facts the rest of the world has known for a very long time.
You know, it is assumed that politically powerful and very “involved” billionaires have access to private intelligence, and by that we mean the truth behind the fake news. However, based on transcripts of the Adelsons testimony regarding their relationship with the Netanyahus, it’s clear that not only do they not have any access to “behind the scenes” knowledge, but they are poorly informed, even more so than the average American.
This is frightening.
You see, without their money and sponsorship, it is likely that Netanyahu would have been removed years ago. Think how many people would be alive today, how many women and children killed in Israeli bombing attacks, how many homes plowed under, how many olive trees, how much land stolen, the numbers are staggering.
But it gets worse.
Recently, President Trump chided America’s Jews for supporting opposition candidates. America’s Jews are among the nation’s best educated and informed, politically at least. There are, though admitting so is not politically correct, differences that apply in general ways to ethnic groups, though seldom do they analog internet smears.
Jews typically live in urban areas, work in professions mostly, often law or medicine, and have a cultural history of cynicism toward political leaders who make generous promises. Simply put, Jews remember who Hitler was, what he did and see the “little Hitlers” who show up from time to time and tend to oppose them politically.
Trump found this aspect of Jewish culture “treasonous,” and that’s the term he used. In Yiddish we would call that “klug,” meaning clever or wise. Another term is “shmartsn.”
It seems the Adelsons, “good Jews” according to mutual friends, were blind to evil for so long. Do note that this is a couple that made billions in the gambling business around the world, competing with organized crime. I would have thought them to be geniuses.
Compounding the problem is America’s existing political weakness. America’s capitol, Washington, was actually built on a swamp and things only got worse, and it happened in the early 19th century, not “recently.”
America’s constitution has, built in, a number of critical flaws that favored special interest.
- Presidents were elected not by voters but by “electors.” Nobody in the US knows what this means though the system is still used. You can lose an election and become president. Trump and Bush (43) are proof, and the majority of Americans generally reviled both political leaders throughout their terms of office.
- A Supreme Court, nominated by a president picked by electors and endorsed by senators who were not subject to election until the 20th century, could simply make up any law or overrule anything, often on a whim.
- As America added states, regions of land with no population, often owned by mining or rail interests in Europe, new Senators worked directly for banks or industries and represented almost no population at all. Some states, like Montana or Wyoming, barely have enough population to provide candidates at all, or so it seems.
The concern that drives the Adelsons and, to an extent, very powerful Jewish interests around the world is sometimes clear, sometimes not.
It is true that Israel is besieged by neighbors; but under Netanyahu, Israel has been the worst neighbor itself, fomenting wars and, most frightening, using political influence to set the United States on a path of international mayhem not seen since Genghis Khan in the 12th and 13th centuries.
There has been no turn to diplomacy and regional security concerns, but rather a clear policy of continual war, typically fought by America and NATO, and a covert policy of fake “color revolutions” that have involved not just the Middle East and Africa but Ukraine as well.
Even India’s current war footing over Kashmir is driven by a President rumored to be tied directly to the powers behind the same wars, the same revolutions, the same descent that has turned the 21st century into madness and mayhem.
Our story here today involves one family with immense influence and a partial awakening. So much could happen, peace could break out, disarmament, a return to systems of justice such as the ICC and Geneva Conventions, long abandoned or derailed, and hope could reign.
We love to throw the term “oligarch” around, describing those so financially powerful they are above the law, so powerful that, in fact they virtually are the law.
Why do so few “oligarchs” respect human values? We are certainly told they do, their names are on hospitals and great charitable foundations, but the underlying truth is far more visible.
At every fundraiser, when a mindless political thug screams out for blood, there they sit, checkbooks in hand. Well, it seems the Adelson family may have moved back a bit from this practice, in Israel at least. What would it take to get them to do the same, show some mercy at least, for America?
Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of VT, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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Gordon, It is much more that just the Adelsons! You never mentioned Billionaire players like Soros, Rothschilds, Warburgs, Morgans, Browns, Rockefellers, Kochs, Waltons, Mars, Sauds, Cargill, MacMillans, Mellons, just to name a few. The world’s Billionaires are our secret rulers who hide behind the political curtain. The politicians are puppets on a stage. The Puppet Masters call the tune and pull the strings. Tom
I do not believe that for one moment all of a sudden the Adelsons had a moment of revelation and realised that they were friends with a crooked politician. To be in the kasino business you have to be crooked. Adelson and Netenyahu are both crooked as far as I am concerned. I believe Adelsons sudden remorseful inner self reflection confession was nothing more than a show. Possibly because the exposure of Netenyahus corruption and his association to the Adelsons has placed them in a not so nice light and is making the Adelsons come into a spotlight within US law agencies and politicians. Maybe there is now more scrutiny on the Adelsons from the authorities that they want the world to think they were naive in their judgement of been friends with the Netanyahus?
Adelson and Netenyahu are both crooked as far as I am concerned.
I do not believe that for one moment all of a sudden the Adelsons had a moment of revelation and realised that they were friends with a crooked politician.
Maybe there is now more scrutiny on the Adelsons from the authorities that they want the world to think they were naive in their judgement of been friends with the Netanyahus?
Possibly because the exposure of Netenyahus corruption and his association to the Adelsons has placed them in a not so nice light and is making the Adelsons come into a spotlight within US law agencies and politicians.
Wellll that’s an easy question. The short answer is… huh, I’ll get right back to you.
There is no blinding flash on the road to Damascus. I have the distinct feeling in this article of wheels within wheels, plans within plans within plans. What they are saying about Netenyahoo is the same as the Reagans. Robin Williams summed it up perfectly: “Do you notice, he never speaks when she’s drinking water”? Priceless. This kind of stuff is nothing new. Think of the origins of the word “Byzantine”. Be careful looking deep into the rabbit hole, here be dragons.
I’ve read internet stories that stated that LBJ had an Israeli mistress, that with her husband, often lived in the White House. They even owned a house adjacent to his ranch. If true, many of his Anti American political actions might be better understood. I only read the stories, I have no way to verify them.
The Addled-sons aren’t benevolent naive suckers, they are neck deep in evil. It seems one of their cheerleaders here might be hoping to fall into grace with them. Maybe they will make an endowment to him if he speaks praises to them…
It seems like RDS has taken over the narrative of this site. “Shelley” is like Ted Bundy, he can have a come to Jesus moment but he still is accountable for vast evils of the past. Life imprisonment or execution for both of the Addled-sons. If their spiritual life has been corrected good for them… but in the words of Desi Arnaz, ‘Lucy, you got Some ‘Splainin to do’….
He’s full of shit, blatantly so, and it’s causing me to have major reservations about continuing with VT. I put in a lot of hard work writing the truth about Trump and am none too pleased to have it pissed all over by an egotistical blowhard who is clearly kissing arse for his own advancement.
IAN… I hear you. “…deep in evil. It seems one of their cheerleaders here might be hoping to fall into grace with them. Maybe…”
Ian, I don’t believe that neither of those crooks Adelson or Moglievich really decides how the World turns. There are stronger forces behind with majority goyim support. I don’t believe that the Fed Act just happened, when the Congress was on Christmas Holiday. They were all on it, and that Christmas Turkey explanation sounds equalluy poor as jet fuel or pancakes.
Denmark is a advanced country. They usually have a minority Government, So the Prime Minister don’t automatically have the majority of Congress backing. I’m not that good aware of present day, but I think when the PM of Denmark said to Trump, that Greenland is not for sale as a cheap whore, she didn’t have the majority of congress backing her, but instead the whole nation.
When have I ever stated that the likes of Adelson or Mogilevich runs the world? Above them are a handful of Sephardic bloodline families, principle among them the Rothschilds. They have been in control for a very long time.
We call people insane violent and corrupt based on comparisons to our own norms and morality. I believe these Deep State Actors have a different set of norms and morality. Separating them from us should consist of iron bars and concrete walls with them not us on the inside.
This is a hugely important article because it sets the stage for a full break between the Adelsons and the invented criminal genocidal apartheid state of Israel (never to be confused with Judaism which rejects Zionism). It sets the stage for a Presidential state visit to Iran and agreement on a transition plan toward restoring Palestine to the Palestinians while protecting Jewish rights and property.
The one mistake in this article is Gordon’s oversight with respect to the Electoral College. We are the United STATES of America not the united mob of America, and the 50 sovereign states, not their publics, elect the President of all 50 SOVEREIGN states. The 16th and 17th Amendments, the first on income tax the second making Senators a public election vice appointed office, do not appear to have been properly ratified and should be overturned by President Trump. This will, among other things, end all discussion of his actually being convicted in the Senate by RINOs switching over.
I have a theory that many of the same technologies, protocols, people used in the 9/11 attacks are the same people behind the targeting of innocent civilians with their directed energy weapons.
The airplanes used to stalk and harass cannot be willing pilots and instead must be AI. You can draw lines from Epstein to the Singularity Network and Lifeboat Foundation of which they boast of Brain mapping studies describing their Iridium Satellites that are used as high power DEW weapons, Elon Musk and Google launching satellites, Intel chips being made in Israel, 5-G smart meters in your homes, Credit Suisse hiring Detectives to harass, while they also use DEW’s on employees when they want them to quit. Donating to NYPD to what buy X-Ray vans to irradiate Mosques?
These are creatures and need to be dealt with once and for all. What are we waiting for?
Well Mr. Odell,
In a perfect world we would be using free energy technology and not burning fossil fuels as basic science taught in the third grade about the water cycle and the carbon cycle would enplane all you need to know.
Put simply? Who hates science? First the oil companies and their paid prostitute scientists and second the demented evangelicals who say “God is in control” as the combination says we are doomed…..
I rarely comment on VT articles as by there nature they are from “clandestine” sources as Mr. Duff documents we have no active working free press in America.
The war has come home.
Wow! About all I can say!
However, did not our founders distrust mob rule? But as documented in this great article many evils have occurred due to concentrated power. And many if not most “educated” folks I know are so miss informed as try discussing what happened on 9/11 in any American work place and hold on to said job….
I live in a 99.9 % GOP controlled area as even talking against that in public one needs one of Mr. Duff’s fine weapons and I simply state during any conversation about something the GOP does not approve of that “its above my pay grade” as that is the reality where I live and then add the Religion of the demented evangelicals to the mix….
Well, if “Shelly” woke up and can fix this mess?
More power to him….
There is 99.9% of chance that is theory is correct. This kind of people, they are severely mentally ill in ways we can barely understand and expecting any sort of redemption from them is naive.
You see them doing this kind of stunt to appeal to the good nature of the gentles, I mean, the gentiles.
A very interesting read. As always, a good article Mr Duff.
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