By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
The court decision below overturns the Nixon era justice department opinion, never confirmed by the Supreme Court, that a sitting president could not be indicted.
The short introduction, including the link to the full decision, bases the claim on a number of obvious issues.
A president could be involved in crimes with others and cover for them.
Presidents are not Kings, they are both president and a private person, and this is from the founding fathers.
There are restrictions to arresting a president but not prohibitions and of the cases involved, many before Trump took office, no immunity is possible and arrest could happen at any time.
On others…issues arise here as to procedures and possible protections. Best read it yourself rather than depend on pundits.

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7558955/Florida-businessmen-tied-Rudy-Giulianis-Ukraine-effort-arrested-campaign-finance-charges.html. Interesting development. Too bad federal election campaign laws forbidding foreign nationals don’t include dual citizens.
Obviously why Agent Orange’s hero is the brutal dictator who told SCOTUS “Let’s see you enFORCE the law and stop me”, then committed the ethnic cleansing, deadliest US terror event.
Sadly, the dictator was right: SCOTUS couldn’t enFORCE the law, Congress (save Davey Crockett) didn’t even try, and the US Army was… Just following orders.
But we honor that dictator on the $20, and Don Cheeto sees himself so honored, one day.
One thing you can count on with the fundies is how stupid they are!
Yes crime in rural areas is rampant with the opioids and meth as added to the religion their brains are addled.
What a mess….
The US is now under violent occupation by a criminal oligarchy. Perhaps Trump’s civil war is due. I can give you an idea who will die first…say goodbye to the 1% and the criminal oligarchs. Maybe Trump’s long-desired civil war will bring Americans together and restore Jefferson’s dream over the bodies of those who think their control of the press makes them safe.
Toying with violence can backfire, more than that, I can assure Trump and gang, it will come to bite them in their huge nasty asses.
“I can give you an idea who will die first…say goodbye to the 1% and the criminal oligarchs.” – GD
I hope you are correct in this if a civil war does happen – maybe they will leave people who do not live in fully detached homes and do not drive luxury cars alone?
Wishful thinking the public doesn’t read VT.
Mr. Duff,
Pastor Jefferies of Dallas first Baptist is calling for open rebellion over Trump if impeached as I believe millions of them will follow this nonsense!
Where are the FBI and the Marshals to put a stop to this?
you know, I remember joining the Marine Corps some 51 years ago, went through training with lots of religious southern boys along with messikans and black folks….and bad attitude city kids like myself
and when it came down to killing, the southern boys weren’t so much.
don’t expect much more now as well unless it requires dealing meth or robbing old ladies. which is what small town/rural America is up to nowadays
people watch too much tv
The southern boys weren’t too shabby at killing in the 1860s. I realise that was a very long time ago and things have changed a very great deal.
But is it really so hard to find sociopaths and psychopaths that can be riled up enough to set them off on the path of violence?
There are plenty of examples of violent unrest being stimulated, Ulster for example, where the IRA was no more than a couple of dozen malcontents in East Belfast. Then the Brits shot a few peace protesters in Derry and the IRA was swamped with volunteers overnight.
I personally doubt there will be violence if Trump is impeached, but I also recognise that there are well-established and much practiced techniques for causing violence and the people behind Trump are most certainly not above using any and all dirty tricks.
Gosh, Can you belief the president and his crew were just making shit up? Imagine that.
Wow no there is as suprise! Looking deeper into government lifetime appointments as well there is the contigency of acting on good behavior. I am sure the court is aware of that.
I like beer too, but not when it includes assualt.
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