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Yearly Archives: 2019

Caught: Massive GOP Election Rigging, North Carolina, They Simply Steal the Ballots

Editor's note:  Want to know how the GOP wins elections while controlling only 30% of the vote? You can see it here and they have...

Trump policies deepen US-EU divisions at Munich summit

Pence was met with silence at the Munich Security Conference in Germany after he delivered his signature line: “I bring you greetings from the 45th president of the United States, President Donald Trump.”

Intel Drop: Parasites and the Strange Case of Pamela Ramsey Taylor

The real problem is the economic parasites who live off all of us, do no work, run our governments, make our laws, and make America and many nations around the world hell for anyone but the wealthy and powerful.

Is Imran Khan a Stooge of Pakistan’s Military?

Nauman Sadiq for VT Islamabad During Imran Khan’s four-month sit-in and political demonstrations in front of the parliament in Islamabad from August to December 2014,...

Ann Coulter: Trump is “an idiot”

What we are seeing here is that both Trump and Coulter are locked in the same Zionist ideology. Since the ideology has been incoherent and diabolical from start to finish, then both Trump and Coulter have to be incoherent as well.

Is Ilhan Omar Cynthia McKinney 2.0? Will the Zionist Parasite Be Purged from the...

Is Ilhan Omar Cynthia McKinney 2.0? Will the Zionist Parasite Be Purged from the USA This Time? Robert David Steele American Herald Tribune, 18 February 2019. Reproduced with...

Online Gambling: Industry Overview in 2019

What exactly can we expect from the world of online gambling this year?

Ways in which cosmetic surgery can improve your professional life

If you're considering cosmetic surgery, it's important to research all the likely physical and psychological changes that procedures will offer.

Israel training mercenaries for Yemen war in UAE camps in Negev

Jim W. Dean - Haaretz steps forward to reveal Israeli's long running contracting support not only for regime change mercenary training but assassinations.

Exclusive: The First Opposition In Saudi Arabia and the History of Saudi kingdom

By  Dr.Osama Ismail for VT Nasser al-Said was the first opposition to the regime in Saudi Arabia since its inception in 1932. Nasser al-Said was...

Scotland and Ireland Project

Will be heading to Scotland and Ireland in the spring, photos a bit of writing.  Feedback desired from any of our regulars there. g

Pravda: Russia responded to Ukraine only with 12 “knife blows”

Former NATO representative in Moscow, Harry Tabah, said that Russia "struck a fraternal Ukraine in the back." According to Tabakh, this happened after "Ukraine surrendered nuclear weapons to Russia...

Indian Report/Bias Detected: Iran accuses Pak ISI of cross-border terrorism

Posted onby M. K. BHADRAKUMAR for https://indianpunchline.com/iran-accuses-pak-isi-of-cross-border-terrorism/ In a devastating condemnation of Islamabad that has no precedent, the Military Aide to Iran’s Supreme Leader, Major General...

Censored/Blocked: President al-Assad: Syria will be liberated to the last inch…Constitution is not subject...

Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad said that holding elections of  local councils on time proves the strength of the Syrian people and the state. President...

What? Are Russian Trolls Saving Measles From Extinction?

Introduction by Gordon Duff with Jeffrey Silverman in Tbilisi Jeff and I have been going over this today.  The articles began with the BBC last...

Pakistan: Time to unleash long arm of ISI

Editor's note:  The ISI is Pakistan's version of the CIA, often reviled in the US by the zio-media and their Hollywood friends.  I have...

The Oligarchic Rule, Financial Parasites, and Fordism

The central issue is that the oligarchs always try to play dice with the economy, a pernicious enterprise which goes all the way back to the Ciompi Rebellion which took place in Florence in 1378.

Real ‘obscene masquerade’: How BBC depicted staged hospital scenes as proof of Douma chemical...

Vanessa Beeley is an independent investigative journalist and photographer. She is associate editor at 21st Century Wire. In an extraordinary turn of events, corporate media...

Haaretz/Israel: The Undercover Spy Op Targeting Journalist, Lawyers Battling Israeli Cyber Firm NSO

Khashoggi's friend sues Israel's NSO: Spyware that hacked my phone had major role in murder Report: Israel authorized NSO's sale...

100 Million Cancer Dead “Engineered” by Big Pharma?

By Gordon Duff with Russia Today and Supporting documentation The media of late has been flooded with discussions on measles epidemics, blaming not only the...

Israeli PM Netanyahu: Purpose of Warsaw Summit is “War With Iran”

The common interest of Israel and other nations at the summit is “war with Iran”

What Trump is About to do is Shocking (video interview)

Editor's note:  Robert and I look at Trump differently.  He has infectious optimism, and I think sees signs where none exist.  Yet, we do...

Pakistan’s War on Terror and Ouster of Nawaz Sharif

By Nauman Sadiq for VT Islamabad In a momentous decision on July 28, 2017, then Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif was disqualified from holding...

Democratic party elites silence Ilhan Omar – and defend Elliott Abrams – at their...

Trita Parsi and Stephen Wertheim (Submitted to VT by Trita Parsi) The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/feb/16/democratic-party-elites-silence-ilhan-omar This week Democrats plunged into two controversies that portend danger for the party...

How the British Really See Donald Trump

By Robbie the Pict, VT Correspondent Without meaning to be discourteous to your President of course! R.    Someone asked "Why do some British people not...

Trump declares national emergency over border crisis

Jim W. Dean - The claim is being made now that the caravan folks in the Mexican border area are under a more crime ridden threat danger than the places they came from.

Take Control of Your Cholesterol

Health Editor's Note: Atherosclerosis is a build-up of plaques in the walls of the arteries which cuts down the ability of blood to flow freely...

Devil’s Bargain and Overreach of Power

Catholic Sisters and Advocates of NETWORK Lobby Condemn Budget Deal and National Emergency The Catholic Sisters and Advocates of NETWORK Lobby have released their statement...

Ilhan Omar vs. the Khazarian Mafia

Jimmy Carter’s former top domestic policy adviser Stuart Eizenstat: “From the New York primary [in March 1980] onward, I believe Carter was left with the view that New York Jews had not only defeated him in the primary but were also a factor in his loss in November.”

The Strange Case of Julian Assange

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor I am writing an introduction to an expose on Wikileaks from 2010.  Let's take a second to look at what...

On the Putin Assassination Attempt in Serbia January 2019

Introduction by Nahed al Husaini and Gordon Duff The stories below that cover the January attempt on Putin are lies.  We know that 7 Russian...

NEO – How Come the World is Suffering from Stockholm Syndrome?

Jim W. Dean - Andre is out in the field in Syria, getting out more than Gordon and I do. He is younger, and we have been there and done that, but it brings up all the memories of faces and places long past.

Intel Drop: A Tickle

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor We withhold so much, just to stay alive, stay online, and publish in the Middle East and other area where...

Stop Alleging Anti-Semitism Just to Score Political Points

Jeremy Ben-Ami President and founder of J Street There’s little doubt that Israel is shaping up to be one of the hottest of hot-button issues in...

Treason? NRA Membership Undermining American Democracy? Proof?

Introduction:  Years ago, we caught the NRA engineering an ammo and gun shortage, the biggest consumer ripoff in history.  That $2000 AR15 in your...

BBC producer says hospital scenes after 2018 Douma ‘chemical attack’ were staged

Russia Today: A BBC producer believes that scenes from a hospital in Syria’s Douma, which ignited a media frenzy in 2018 after showing children...

Censored/Banned: Tulsi Gabbard presents bill to stop Trump from pulling out of INF treaty

https://www.facebook.com/RepTulsiGabbard/videos/392532871559753/ Russia Today: Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard has introduced a bill to Congress which would prevent President Donald Trump from withdrawing the US from...

Serious Drawbacks in Ukraine’s Adopted ‘Church’ Bill

On January 17, Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada (parliament) passed the bill No. 4128 on new amendments regarding the subordination (denomination) of religious organizations and the...

Warsaw summit was a failure for Trump – but a win for Netanyahu

Submitted by Trita Parsi for VT MiddleEastEye.org https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/warsaw-summit-was-failure-trump-win-netanyahu With a joint statement that did not even mention Iran, there is little doubt that the Trump administration's anti-Iran Warsaw...