Trump’s controversial Middle East plan, the “Un-Deal of the Century”

The Burning of the Temple - Francesco_Hayez

by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor,  …with Press TV, Tehran

[ Editor’s Note: The Deal of the Century was doomed from the beginning, as it was never intended to be a “deal”. Trump’s putting Jared Kushner in charge was a dead giveaway that he would be the back channel deal maker with Bibi and bin Salman, with the State Department and US intelligence cut out of the process.

The new “Butch and Sundance Kid” of the desert

Nothing would be passed between them that was not person to person. The rest would be theater. We may never know what the real deal was unless Kushner goes “full Bolton” on Trump, as John Bolton did in writing his new book.

There was never any pretense of a deal, which our cowardly media pretended not to notice. If the Palestinians rejected a deal where they had no participation, then the US would unleash Israel to put a whammy on them.

Someone forgot the look up Webster’s description of a deal. The Palestinians were supposed to jump for joy over being offered a change from living in a concentration camp on their own land, to a new concentration camp in the desert on the Israeli-Egyptian border where their rockets could not reach Israelis.

They would have no sovereignty of any substance, and would be totally dependent on the whim of their Israeli masters cutting off any and all supplies, including gas and water if “non-Jews” got the slightest bit “uppity”.

But I have saved this best part for last. The “deal” with its alleged $50 billion resettlement offer was to be paid out over time. That means if the payee wanted to stop, it would not be reversible. Even if there was some kind of forfeiture clause in the deal if that happened, how would the Palestinians enforce it?

That is why I wanted to give this charade a new name in honor of our reality show President, the “Un-deal of the Century”. Yes, I know that it is not a real word, but I just made it up, as what good is a language if you can’t add a few words now and then? Let me know what you think in the comments Jim W. Dean ]

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– First aired … January 31, 2020

More reactions pour in against the U-S President Donald Trump’s so-called Middle East Peace Plan. The U.N. aid agency for Palestinian refugees said the plan would result in an escalation of violence. It also said that the right of return of Palestinian refugees is “enshrined in international law and various U-N General Assembly resolutions.
Iraq’s top Shia cleric Ayatollah Ali Sistani strongly condemned the plan. Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called the deal an occupation project. Tunisian president Kais Saiedm rejected the
People in the Gaza Strip, Yemen and Jordan hold rallies to denounce President Trump’s controversial Plan. In tonight’s debate we will discuss Trump’s Middle East Plan which some call it a deal between the U-S and Israel.


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  1. Otherwise the party of no who kept the status quo of that born again George W, throughout the eight years of Obama, until the new Israeli firster showed up, were all hardcore religious zealots all pro settlement expansion.

  2. Mr. Dean, the left side of my screen, down the page, in the typical advertising spaces appear over typed into an unreadable jumble, so, I presume there has been some hacking of sorts. I haven’t clicked on any of them, but many of the feature story photo’s are now visible mixed in with the ad’s.

    You guys have stuck a nerve again, apparently right on the money and zeroed in the dark side. Keep up the outstanding work!

    BDS 2020

    • That has been a temporary glitch that comes and goes, and does not effect everybody at the same time. The main hacking issues we deal with, besides taking the site down, which has not happened in a long time, is their going in and deleting archival material on VT and then also “editing” material in, including adding stuff that was not original so the can grad a nasty quote and attribute to VT. Only an intelligence agency level hacker can do stuff like this, getting through all the security at the data center. We beat it by using our offline back ups and then just keep reposting, like NEO is doing with the links to articles that Google is breaking.

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