VIDEO 23:23 Dr. James Fetzer On Thinking, Truth, JFK, False Flags, Fake News, & Censorship


Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives. James Madison, Founding Father

Full Description with links below the fold.

Dr. James Fetzer, a Marine Corps artillery officer in the Viet-Nam era who then went on to earn a PhD in history and the philosophy of science, is one of America’s most proven and substantive critical thinkers, with twenty three academic books focused on how to create intelligence (decision-support) with integrity. A few representative titles: Scientific Knowledge; Principles of Philosophical Reasoning; The New Theory of References; The Place of Probability in Science.

As with most of us, he was shocked by the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and undertook a rigorous scientific investigation, bringing together multiple world-class experts and ultimately producing several books that documented beyond any reasonable doubt that the government narrative was false.

He has received many honors for his non-fiction investigations, and is today the Distinguished McKnight University Professor Emeritus for the University of Minnesota.

When 9/11 occurred he was again shocked. What had seemed like an isolated incident was now back in much larger form. He applied the same critical thinking and expert crowd-sourcing skills.

In 2012, after the US Government changed the Smith-Mundt Act to permit active propaganda against the US public using taxpayer funds, a series of event occurred in which there were allegedly many victims, the police were empowered to go door to door without warrants, and America became a land of fear.

For each of those events, Dr. Fetzer recruited experts, conducted a scientific analysis, and published a book of conclusions, generally edited — presenting the work of many minds.

He was now a target for dark forces seeking to censor him. Today over five of his books are censored on Amazon and he has been subject to cyber-stalking and malicious legal actions one of which is likely to go all the way to the Supreme Court.

Robert David Steele, his interviewer, is a publicly-known former CIA spy who both ran a false flag operation for the CIA, and also ran a global media influence operation for the CIA. Approaching the truth and lies from a different path, Steele is a top non-fiction reviewer in the English language, with over 2000 reviews across 98 categories.

Together Dr. Fetzer and Steele examine three approaches to citizen investigation and reflection on catastrophic events in which the government narrative simply does not make sense.

Steele concludes that false narratives persist in the USA because our Congress, our judges, state governors and legislators, have been bribed and blackmailed, while our FBI is now worthless as a counterintelligence organization because it has been politically neutralized by the a Congress that works for the Deep State, not for We the People.

Steele ends with a challenge to all: get back into politics as a citizen. #UNRIG!

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  1. Good to see Mr Fetzer back on VT, just watched on Bitchute an interview by Fetzer with Fred Leuchter talking about WW2, Chk out “the Raw Deal/Fetzer/Leuchter”.

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