You just can’t make this shit up


US cop handcuffs, arrests 6-yr-old girl, crying ‘help me!,’ video shows

…from Press TV, Iran

[ Editor’s Note: I have been on the planet long enough to have developed a tough skin, that nothing that people could do could surprise me.

But this Orlando cop caught me, seconded by the school who had to call the police to deal with a six year old. One would think there would be other options to follow other than zip ties.

Yes, Officer Ramos screwed up. You have to be at least 12 to be arrested. Could this possibly be a case of an affirmative action hire where he was allowed to skip that class in training.

He will be punished enough, by his fellow cops, and I suspect by many that know him. Mom will have a lawyer pronto and Ms. Kaia might end up with an early college kitty held in escrow for her. It might end up being a big day for her in a good way … Jim W. Dean ]

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I did not see him frisk her for weapons, maybe another department policy violation.

– First published … February 25, 2020

First-grader Kaia Rolle was placed in a police car in Florida with her wrists bound as she begged for help, shows the video released Monday.

“What are those for?” she asked the Orlando police officers.

“They’re for you,” Officer Dennis Turner said about the zip ties

“No … no, don’t put handcuffs on! Help me, help me, please!” she complained to no avail.

Kaia was placed in a police SUV to be taken to the Juvenile Assessment Center

“I don’t wanna go in a police car,” Kaia said, to which the second cop responded, “You don’t want to? … You have to.”

“Please, give me a second chance,” the girl responded, still crying.

No school staff member tried to prevent the arrest with one employee asking, “The restraints, are they necessary?”

“Yes,” Turner said. “If she was bigger, she would have been wearing regular handcuffs.”

Orlando Police Department officials have said Turner has violated agency policy on arresting children younger than 12.


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  1. Time to have empathy, compassion, and righteous anger, focused and directed, for the thousands of people who, every day in the USA, suffer from mishandling, frank assault, and robbery at the hands of cops, the terminal end of the “long arm of the law”. Hardly any of these other people victimized by “cops” are as cute as a six-year old white girl. Nonetheless, hundreds of such incidents get reported to raise one’s blood pressure to dangerous levels, even if soon tossed down the memory hole.

    I think that concerted feedback and input from a well populated network of concerned folks might help shift the emphasis from “tsk tsk” and hand wringing. We have to build a base for community-based action to inform, proactively and not just in reaction to a soon-to-be-forgotten incident, local Powers That Be that such insolent, arrogant, inhumane behavior will not be condoned or tolerated in the community. And have a list of penalties, punishments, and recall ballots ready!

  2. The cop should spend a week in old style wooden stockades in front of city hall at the main entrance along with all teachers and administrators involved… and then get fired and sued…

    • The days of Adam-12 are decades behind us now. We’ll all be treated like Palestinian’s from now on!

      BDS 2020

    • ln My Immigrant to USA Family Everyone has Nice well paid jobs as ALL of Them got High Security Clearances to Score Quite a Few Jobs But then there is One Real Nephew of mine Once Declared that The Only job that Me the Young Delinqueint can get in USA is as a Cop so He did it for a Few Years But His Parents were not Delighted and a couple of Years later give him an ultimatum that Quit this joking Police Business and get a Real Job , so he Quit and retrained and Now He’s a Pilot …… His Parents were Disgusted While He was a Cherished Cop and Never told anyone unless they already knew , his mother been Very busy all the time of being Cop She was looking for Cop -like images and destroying them , there’s barely a Cop Uniform Picture that Survived His Mom’s Cleaning ……

    • My Nephew When in Police used to get lots of “” Canons “” from the department , His Parents Always Mildly Protested BUT After a couple of Years they HAD To Put Their Foot Down AND NOW He’s Strictly Forbidden by Parents From Touching Any Fire Arm ………..

  3. Everyone involved in this crime against a child by teachers in a school to the principal to the police officer to the police chief must be fired and fined the maximum and even jailed for as long as possible. The potential damage done to this child is not even measurable. What a disgrace. Thanks to Jim and VT for having the guts to publish this obscenity by governments at all levels in the cesspool State of Florida which everyone must avoid at all costs. Everyone involved must be named and shamed to the max. Is this an example of government run amok in Florida or what?

  4. It is a trash! Poor kid.
    How come?! What was in cop’s mind? Is he a father of his own children? What is written in their instructions about dealing with the kids?

    • Some of us who live in Florida call this place: FloriDUHH and guess who controls this state from the PTA’s (Parent-Teacher Associations) to the State House: the same ‘chosen-ones’ who run IzraHell.

    • @JohnZ – i know and understand, Sir. They have their job, tasks, instructions. They are given a total power. Power over the society which has guns. We see and know everything about USA Robocops and it kills the brain. Really. I would never condemn the police service- it must be and it is needed, but what US Police does – mostly a terrible circus. I believe that there are good guys there, but they live by their own. Russian Police is like church ushers comparing to those in the USA.
      John, i got some pals from both sides in Russia: bandits and cops. You know – they both have dignity. Even to each other. DIGNITY. Both sides are romantics, criminal or police. In any case – dignity for them is above all. And they are not trained by izrayell, they are trained by common sense, human values. Both sides always remember that a single tear-drop of a child costs more than everything else. I do not say our criminals and cops are so good. But they have moral codes and laws.

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