Trump Says Lockdown Protesters like ‘Rosa Parks,’ – VT Says ‘Enough of the Lies and Bullshit


This is Rosa Parks:

She and millions of Americans of color were brutalized in their attempts gain human rights after a century of fake freedom and abuse by those who now back Donald Trump.  The current round of fake protests, coordinated by Trump liaison to the neo-Nazi/Supremacist community, Stephen Miller, backed by the DeVos, Prince, Koch, Coors fortunes is the antithesis of Americanism.

By abuse we mean this:


What we don’t mean is this:
These are the faces behind the dogs and fire hoses, these are the hands of the whip and truncheon, and they aren’t protecting anyone’s rights, not fucking hardly.  This is America:

Imagine this gang running from dogs?  Imagine them running at all.  Oh, the biggest risk for COVID mortality is smoking and obsesity.  Might we title the photo below, something unpleasant?  Let me know.

VT has some simple advice. If you can’t respect our laws, our culture, our history and the sacrifice of those who fought two wars to end slavery and oppression, then we offer you an option.

Get the fuck out.

We are sick of whining assholes trying to find honor in hatred, bigotry and cowardice. Not hardly fucking ‘American’ in any way, manner or form. People fought for this country and they didn’t do it to see this place turn into Nazi fucking Germany at the hands of the Kosher Nostra and fake militias paid by a group of billionaires.

What happens to our Lockdown guys in real life?  Watch:

If you don’t think black folks have no patience for Nazi’s, there are more than a few white folks out there who are far more expressive than this.  Who is it that we saw in Lansing?

Daily Beast: White House economic adviser Stephen Moore has equated pro-Trump protesters demonstrating against stay-at-home orders with civil rights icon Rosa Parks. “I think there’s a boiling point that has been reached and exceeded,” Moore, who sits on the White House council to reopen the country, told The Washington Post this week. “I call these people the modern-day Rosa Parks — they are protesting against injustice and a loss of liberties.” Speaking on a YouTube livestream earlier in the week, Moore said he was helping to organize a legal defense fund for those who are arrested as part of the demonstrations, which in some cases have included Confederate flags. “So this is a great time, gentlemen and ladies, for civil disobedience,” Moore told viewers. “We need to be the Rosa Parks here, and protest against these government injustices.”

Less than a year ago, Moore withdrew as President Trump’s preferred pick to head the Federal Reserve Board after a number of old sexist remarks resurfaced. Among them was an assertion he made in 2000 that it was “not a good thing that black women are making more than black men.”

White House economic adviser Stephen Moore has equated pro-Trump protesters demonstrating against stay-at-home orders with civil rights icon Rosa Parks. “I think there’s a boiling point that has been reached and exceeded,” Moore, who sits on the White House council to reopen the country, told The Washington Post this week. “I call these people the modern-day Rosa Parks — they are protesting against injustice and a loss of liberties.” Speaking on a YouTube livestream earlier in the week, Moore said he was helping to organize a legal defense fund for those who are arrested as part of the demonstrations, which in some cases have included Confederate flags. “So this is a great time, gentlemen and ladies, for civil disobedience,” Moore told viewers. “We need to be the Rosa Parks here, and protest against these government injustices.”

Less than a year ago, Moore withdrew as President Trump’s preferred pick to head the Federal Reserve Board after a number of old sexist remarks resurfaced. Among them was an assertion he made in 2000 that it was “not a good thing that black women are making more than black men.”


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  1. Can US liberty be restored and advanced without the civil riot, without the “Spring” , only through electorate system? I guess that should not be hard to answer.
    Many foreign officials (globally demonized by US) even had admitted to having a Republican president in office (Bush, Trump) makes the “evil” visible, whereas with Democrats it goes hidden in plain sight.

    • When in history has any change in governance good for non-elites come about without pressure from “below” in the form of resistance (non-violent or violent)? Never, which makes it foolish to think that choosing between two candidates that are in almost all cases either rich themselves or selected by the rich by controlling party funding/support in primary elections will lead to meaningful change.

  2. I remember on joining Eng. Co. 22 the Chief spoke to me about when the local cops wanted him to use his men and engines to use fire hoses on the local black population. He refused. He and the Ass.Chf were old Navy hands, CPO’s from the damage control rate. The cities that surrounded our small volunteer dept. had a hard on for us ever since. This didn’t let up until the county incorporated all the local VFD’s into their system, thus spoiling the cities plans to take over using eminent domain. As I have said before in VT, all this crap is yet another attempt to instigate a rebellion using useful idiots. This will give the excuse to crackdown. This plan has been around for ages.

  3. Ian: Thanks for this article, and your comments. I am sorry to hear your ‘leaders’ have not been responsible in the face of overwhelming evidence of the seriousness of this pandemic. I sit on the planning commission in the small village (pop. 2400) where I live. When this is over, I intend to recommend, and to help organize, a task force to investigate possible future threats to the village, including pandemics. For instance, a village task force, empowered by village council, can implement communications systems, periodic checks for compliance for basic stocks of materials in our local hospital, etc. April 1st, I ordered 50 three layer masks from Walmart for my son and myself, only to have them delayed by some mail go-between Walmart and the U.S. postal service. In future, I will hopefully have an adequate supply of masks and gloves on hand. There are other things one can do, stocks of nonperishable foods, etc. This pandemic makes it very clear that we should not leave preparations for our survival completely to our ‘leaders’ and corporations, but take the initiative to help ourselves as a community. Best of luck over there Ian, and stay safe!

    • You’re a good egg Joe, I hope your efforts pay off. Smaller, less wealthy countries are rushing to study the Rep. Of Ireland’s response to CV19 as they have had far more success than Britain and elsewhere despite having far fewer resources and financial reserves. The best response appears to have been South Korea, closely followed by Germany. Of course, these are both among the most wealthy of nations, so they have been able to expend considerable finance and resources. The key to their success appears to be the very high level of testing they implemented early on and maintain to this day.

  4. These are the same guys that wanted to make a law allowing people to run over protestors with cars, but I guess that was only for minority protestors.

  5. Well Jack,

    Maybe Covid 19 will do the work of culling for us as its transferred to the UP by these geniuses.
    Their rural hospitals will be overwhelmed and even Amway money cant stop what’s coming! Besides, who is going to feed these slugs? Civil war? From them? LOL!

  6. Clearly the Orange Fat Man knows Civil War is inevitable, or at least his handlers do. I don’t think he knows very much of anything. Their endgame is to instigate it enough so that he can cancel the elections. No one’s very happy with the Democratic candidate anyway. If he can juice these yahoos up enough to start shooting even the New York Times is going to back him up when he does so and declares Marshall Law. Christ we are one step away from it right now…

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