…from Press TV, Tehran
[ Editor’s Note: The Trump regime, ignoring the possibility of letting the public have some respite over a Memorial Day weekend, one like the country has never experienced in terms of all the events that had to be cancelled, decided to keep the anti-Venezuela-Iran propaganda boiling at full steam.
The idea of threatening military interdiction of fuel ships from Iran carrying a critical commodity without which the Venezuelan people would suffer worse than they already are, is something I would classify as “un-American”.
Our government issues orders and our military accepts orders to inflict deprivation on civilians of countries where the US is trying to implement regime change by any means necessary.
This is an activity that is illegal under the UN Charter, but which even the UN does not like to bring up, as it risks funding cuts similar to what the US has threatened for the WHO, part of Trump’s re-election campaign propaganda to dodge his own pitiful bungling as he attempts to keep the stock market up.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, as the US has blocked medical supplies going to Venezuela by confiscating all the bank holdings it had in the US, putting them under control of its Juan Guaido puppet simply by recognizing him as president.
My Debate opponent here was the most reactionary one I can remember having in several years, in the ranks of the ISIS supporting jihadi in England I debated once who later did some prison time for, wait for it, wait for it, aiding and abetting in terrorism.
In an odd twist, this is something that certain parts of the US government do when they choose, under the convenient cover of diplomatic immunity.
The good news in the article below is so far the first two ship loads of fuel have arrived in Venezuelan waters with any major silly events happening. Maybe some grownups at the Pentagon wisely chose not to besmirch the military by “sea-jacking” these ships.
While we pay our respects to our fallen military, something that unites us all, I suggest we start talking about what we need to do to protect those who take the oath being forced to engage in aiding and abetting terrorism in what Mr. Pompeo would call “persuing our interests”. Old American Western bank robbers were never afforded such a convenient cop-out, pardon the pun.
Our President is off playing golf at one of his courses this weekend, pumping more government revenue into his private business for the cost of all the logistics and security involved.
He has done this over 220 times, including during the early weeks of the coronavirus during the period when he was claiming it was a hoax and would just end one day. November 3rd will be a solemn judgment day for either Mr. Trump or the American people, if they elect him again. Thus ends my cherry missive for today… Jim W. Dean ]
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– First aired … May 24, 2020 –
Iran’s second fuel tanker sails into Venezuela’s waters: Telesur
The Venezuelan media announce that a second Iranian tanker loaded with gasoline has sailed into the South American country’s territorial waters.
Venezuela’s Telesur television network said on Monday that the Iranian vessel, Forest, had entered the territorial waters of the Latin American country, and just like Fortune — the first Iranian tanker — was escorted by the Venezuelan Navy to its destination.
“Iranian ship Forest approaches Venezuelan coasts. Military forces of that country affirm that in the next few hours she will cross the north of the island of Margarita to continue heading to the El Palito refinery,” Telesur said in a post on its Twitter account.
The first of five Iranian tankers carrying 1.53 million barrels of gasoline and alkylate reached Venezuelan waters late Saturday to ease the Latin American nation’s fuel crunch.
The shipments have stirred the wrath of the US administration in Washington as both Iran and Venezuela are under illegal sanctions imposed by the White House.
The administration of President Donald Trump, which has returned US sanctions against Iran after leaving a historic nuclear accord between the Islamic Republic and world powers, said earlier this month that it was considering “measures” to take in response to the shipments.
Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani warned on Saturday of retaliatory measures against the United States if it caused problems for tankers.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has also dismissed threats of harassment for the shipments, insisting that Tehran and Caracas “both want peace, and we have the right to trade freely.”

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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Do you think the other zionist stooge and wall street dirt bag Joe Biden gets elected he will remove the sanctions? Or continue making the usa look like the worlds biggest asshole?
Prairie he might not remove the sanctions but for sure he will not be getting into Iran’s face 24/7 pushing the terrorists Saudis and Emiratis to create friction to lead to a larger scale war. Don’t forget that he was involved in the JCPOA and wouldn’t have shredded the agreement like this Likudnik clown did. I think if this more on gets re-elected, Adelson and the rest of the zio filth around the White House will take their idiocy to a new height which will lead to an all out war. Trump has nothing else left in his bag of tricks on its downward trajectory. This is when they say that the Republicans will not go down easily.
Jim there was also the years of Clinton-Khatami rapprochement that should be emphasized as the years where full detente would have been a possible outcome if only the architects of PNAC weren’t so adamantly set to reverse all of Bill’s efforts with Iran and the region to satisfy Israel. Bibi hated Bill.
The Israeli lobby influence has generally moved between parties seamlessly, other than, in recent times with Obama, whom the Likuds hated with a passion. They took a cheap shot at him after he won the election and was not sworn in. The IDF bombed the crap out of Gaza while Obama was waiting to be inaugurated, and he could say nothing. But later he removed the Aegis destroyer that had always been kept off shore as its radar was the heart of the “iron dome” then. Without it a lot of Gaza rockets rained down on South Israel during the next flareup, so the event was not as much fun as the former Gaza Turkey shoot where Israelis trucked in sofas and tables to set up in the hills to drink wine and watch the bombing. He got the last laugh with the JCPOA, something that Bibi did not think was possible.
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