Israel and the U.S. escalate their war against Iran
by Phil Giraldi
[ Editor’s Note: Phil takes us on a bird’s eye view of the current world chaos theory in motion, political, economic and military. We start with rioters with low history appreciation destroying monuments that they have not done their homework on, other than to determine the subject is not a person of color.
As we always do here at VT, one of the first questions we ask is who benefits? As the US and others are distracted with the coronavirus and the accompanying economic scourge, what better time than to increase military provocation overseas, where domestic publics do not view them as a matter of importance.
As an example of the irony he shares, Yeshiva University senior Michael Weiner writing in the Jewish magazine “The Forward” argues that “…like Columbus, Robert E. Lee, and King Leopold II, it too must come down.
You just can’t make this sh_t up. We have a young Jew sitting in judgement on all the goyim, while Israel is still running open air concentration camps in Palestine, and fully intends to keep doing so despite some liberal opposition like Gush Shalom, where VT was honored to share Uri Avnery’s columns here for years before he died.
My old friend Rabbi David Weiss of Neturei Karta disapproves of the racist IsraelisI use the goyim term to be historically correct, one not generally understood by most non-Jews, but is roughly meant to signify all lower humans who are not Jewish.
To this day, current arch Talmudists from the old school do not consider that any of the laws of humanity are relevant to goyim, as they are “between man and beast”. Yes, that is right out of the book, but not one in a thousand Americans will know that, and for most of my life I had been unaware.
Race and religious wars aside, the Covid-economic chaos has created opportunities for Western continuing attacks on Iran, both military and economically, which Phil covers well below.
VT reported this week that Robert Barr and Trump are well along in their planning to frame an expected election loss on Democratic vote rigging and Chinese interference. Portland, Oregon is the current testing ground for federal forces being inserted into Democrat strongholds to disqualify their election outcomes.
This could trigger a civil war of sorts, where our sources tell us that AG Robert Barr feels he can win. Glenn Kirschner, ex-federal DC prosecutor has recently on his YouTube channel called for Barr to be impeached now, and not to wait for the elections to be over, as there is plenty to charge him with right now.
But the big question there is where could Congress find the time for such an event? Kirschner is calling for charges against a non-president Trump to begin in January, with a list already prepared. Glenn is not a one man army by far.
We see nothing that Trump would not do to avoid the court dock that is waiting for him as private citizen, including what Ghislaine Maxwell might add to the pile… Jim W. Dean ]
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– First published … July 16, 2020 –
As the combined impact of the corona virus and the wholesale destruction of America’s history and culture, or at least the part of it that is white, continues, it is nice to see that other nations are getting into the game that will lead to the de facto elimination of western civilization.
No one is yet quite up the U.S. level of senseless destruction and looting by the heroes of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa, but in Britain mobs are beating policemen, statues including that of Winston Churchill are being attacked and the Cenotaph commemorating the country’s war dead has been vandalized.
Phil GiraldiIn a bizarre incident demonstrating the fundamental ignorance of the wreckers, a memorial to those who died at the 1651 Battle of Worcester in the English Civil War has suffered “significant damage”, with the letters BLM painted on the marker.
Perhaps the most ridiculous SJW demand arising out of the ethno-racism nonsense that has induced the politicians and journalists to go down on their knees and beg for forgiveness is the argument that the Arch of Titus in Rome.
It has been standing for two thousand years, should be destroyed because one of its panels depicts the triumphal parade that displayed the loot obtained from the Roman capture of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
Yeshiva University senior Michael Weiner writing in the Jewish magazine “The Forward” argues that “…like Columbus, Robert E. Lee, and King Leopold II, it too must come down.
There is no excuse for Italy to maintain, fund, and proudly display a structure that celebrates the destruction of Jerusalem, the forced displacement of the Jews of Judea, and the burning of the Temple… As an ancient propaganda tool to glorify Rome’s bloody conquests and a modern emblem of Christian persecution and Jewish subjugation, the Arch of Titus is a cruel symbol.”
Weiner seems unaware, or more likely does not care, that there is considerable irony in his denunciation of the Roman subjugation of Judea while ignoring the very real contemporary genocide of the Palestinian people by his co-religionists in Israel.
It just goes to show you that once the destruction game starts, anyone who has a grievance can join in and the damage will increase exponentially as every foolish demand becomes self-justifying.
If the current political turmoil ever reverts to anything like normalcy, what is likely to emerge out the other end is a coalition of grievance groups that have figured out that destroying things indiscriminately to make some people feel consumed with guilt so you can steal their money and property is a whole lot easier than actually having to come up with something reasonable.
Whatever it winds up calling itself the “NewPolitics” will look a lot like Nancy Pelosi’s groveling Democratic Party or possibly Britain’s Labour Party under its new dystopian leader Keir Starmer, whose overriding mission appears to be ridding the world of anti-Semitism.
Be that as it may, and assuming that the world will not end in the next year or so, the distraction arising from the virus and demonstrations has provided plenty of opportunity for the Trump Administration’s consigliere Mike Pompeo and his foreign allies to make mischief all around the world.
Indeed, there have been opportunities for several “twofers” with condemnation of China’s and Venezuela’s relations with Iran permitting attacks on multiple “enemies” simultaneously.
China is completing a “New Silk Road” trade agreement with Iran that will reduce the impact of U.S. sanctions while Iran has been supplying refined petroleum products to Venezuela. Washington has been working hard to disrupt both developments, even threatening to use counter-terrorism legislation to intercept the Greek-owned but carrying-Iranian-fuel tankers in international waters.
The real question all along has been whether the United States and Israel will attack Iran now or later, but the usual anonymous sources in Washington that provide the New York Times with fodder for its fabricated foreign policy pieces are now suggesting that we are looking at something that might be called “incremental conflict management”.
This is something which would consist of a series of “short-of-war clandestine strikes, aimed at taking out the most prominent generals of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and setting back Iran’s nuclear facilities.”
Brian H. Hook, the State Department’s special envoy for Iran described the U.S. government’s vapid Iran policy by observing “We have seen historically that timidity and weakness invites more Iranian aggression.” Also, in an election year, “incremental” sounds better than real war and it also obscures the reality that Israel is already attacking Iran and its allies, almost daily, aided by the Trump Administration and also encouraged by a belligerent U.S. Congress.
The U.S. approach to Iran is only marginally more subtle than that of the Jewish state, consisting of seeking to destroy the country’s economy by blocking its oil exports and its banking sector. Last week a U.S. court in Washington cited “anti-terror legislation” to rule against Iran, awarding $879 million in damages to the survivors and families of the U.S. airmen killed in the Khobar Towers bombing attack in 1996.
Iran has denied involvement in the bombing and there is certainly no hard evidence that it was behind it, but the victims will in any event have a hard time collecting their money as the Iranian government has had many of its bank accounts frozen by the U.S. Treasury.
The “incremental war” crowd sees a situation in which the United States and Israel have de facto been pursuing a plan to bring down the Iranian government while also devastating its nuclear program. The United States is applying the economic pressure through an increasing use of sanctions, while Israel regularly bombs Iranians and Iranian proxies in Syria and Lebanon.
The two governments believe that the combination of military force and economic sanctions will eventually force the Iranian regime to basically surrender and effectively disarm without having to escalate into an open, shooting war.
The only problem with the staged approach is that Israel has already, in the past two weeks, directly attacked major research and development facilities inside Iran, and has apparently done so in part with missiles fired either from Israeli fighter-bombers or from ships offshore in the Persian Gulf.
The two attacks took place on July 2, 2020, one directed against the Iranian nuclear research facility at Natanz and the second was targeting a claimed missile development center at Parchin. Neither attack was much reported in the western media even though they together appeared to be a major escalation of the Iran-Israel conflict, with potentially significant consequences.
Even the Times, again relying on an anonymous “Middle Eastern intelligence official with knowledge of the episode,” eventually reported that Natanz was not hit by a cyber-attack, as had been previously suggested, but by a “powerful bomb” which might well have been placed in the site’s main building by an Israeli agent.
One assumes that the “Middle Eastern official” was Israeli and Israeli media sources also confirmed that Parchin was hit by missiles fired from an F-35 Israeli Air Force plane, which suggests that the Benjamin Netanyahu is not exactly being shy about what his government did.
The point is that the U.S. and the Israelis are intent on going to war against enemy number one Iran and are packaging their actions in such away as to suggest that they are really behaving in a moderate fashion. They are assuming that Iran will retaliate, but in such a way as to avoid intensifying the conflict.
In reality, taking action to destroy a nation’s economy is an act of war just as much as is staging attacks using bombs carried by spies or using missiles fired from planes. There is already a war going on, but the smokescreen provided by the coronavirus spread and BLM means that no one seems to want more on their plate and there is great reluctance to call it for what it is.
Philip Giraldi, Ph.D. is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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“The two governments believe that the combination of military force and economic sanctions will eventually force the Iranian regime to basically surrender and effectively disarm without having to escalate into an open, shooting war.”
Lol … “the two” lol… one is taking orders from the other who’s been lying and deceiving for generations. They do know the mullahs, they just pretend that their terror methods that hasn’t worked since 1948 will somehow bloom out of nowhere … the comedy just writes itself.
I’m with you Jim. The sentence stands out in a fluidly written article like this.
But now that you’re pointing out, other than the Bush/Rumsfeld doctrine that the MIC is using to make Iran’s “problem” immune from politics, the new breed of Iranian expats working with the present “cabaret owner” (a word General Soleimani was using for Trump) and his entourage of crooked attorneys and contractors who have promised Likud to put an end to Iran, and have the full support of the Saudis and UAE, are adding a new layer to the dissent coming from inside Iran, making people who have endured this war since 1979 feel that this is a new workable strategy and will put an end to IRI. The same type of charlatanism used in occupied Palestine.
The other play here is that the “two governments” don’t really care if Iran surrenders, but maybe more that they don’t, as they they can keep their justification for their continued low scale warfare, news coverage, both claiming they are protecting their publics, when it is exactly the other way around. Nobody hate peace and harmony more than the military and defense companies, and the business crowd that loves the business opportunities created and the pressure to get the public to agree for paying for it all. One military guy messed up in a news interview and when asked how long the war on terror would take, he said “at least a decade, and maybe forever”.
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