…by Jonas E. Alexis
First of all, it must be pointed out that Moshe Feiglin, a former member of Israel’s Knesset, called the recent explosion in Beirut “a gift from God.” Feiglin wrote explicitly:
“Today is Tu B’Av, a day of joy, and a true and huge thank you to God and all the geniuses and heroes really (!) who organized for us this wonderful celebration in honor of the day of love. Marking Tu B’Av holiday, we’ve got a fantastic fireworks show from Beirut’s port.”[1]
Feiglin even went further by saying that the explosion was not an accident, and that Israel “should be proud” of what happened. Obviously that should have gotten everyone’s attention.
But the Jerusalem Post has recently given us something new. It indicated that VT was right all along: Israel decimated Beirut and reduced the area into different atomic particles. In an article entitled, “Nasrallah threatens to blow up Israel with same chemicals as Beirut blast,” we are told:
“Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened in the past to destroy Israel by causing a massive explosion in the port of Haifa using ammonia tanks that he said would be like a ‘nuclear’ explosion. In addition Hezbollah allegedly sought to acquire ammonium nitrate via Syria since 2009 and tried to infiltrate the agriculture ministry in Lebanon to do so, according to leaked diplomatic cables.”[2]
Throughout the article, it is implied that Beirut deserved to be blown to hell because the area itself was a terrorist organ. The article, of course, doesn’t mention Israel by name as the main culprit behind the blast, but it does give enough force to assert that Israel knew everything about what was going on in Beirut. Listen to this:
“The footage of the speeches which has come to light after the explosion of ammonium nitrate that was stored improperly for years in the port of Beirut suggests that Hezbollah studied the use of ammonia as an accelerant that would multiply exponentially the power of its missiles. It may be that Hezbollah studied the warehouse in Beirut and the ships that deliver this chemical. Ammonium nitrate is commonly used in fertilizer but can be used in explosives as well.”[3]
In other words, if people happen to die in the blast, then Israel or any other agent supporting Israel would be acting in self-defense, and that Hezbollah is largely responsible for the blast. The blast so far is responsible for the deaths of 158 people, “with more than 6,000 injured.” It will also cost at least 15 billion dollars.[4]
Of course, McKenzie Sadeghi of USA Today has already come out with baseball bats and pitchforks and declared that Israel was not behind the attack because, well, Benjamin Netanyahu said so. But Sadeghi said something again that should make you think a bit:
“BREAKING: PM Netanyahu of Israel has just confirmed the drone strike in Beirut, Lebanon as their own in another Attack against the vicious terrorist organization Hezbollah. The location was a firecracker factory which is said to have been storing and possibly even creating weapons for the terrorist organization in multiple plots against Israel.”[5]
So, let’s just suppose that the last statement is true, that Hezbollah was amassing weapons for attacking Israel in that specific area. Then who would benefit if the location is blown to hell? Hezbollah? The people in Beirut? And given the information that has already been published by the Jerusalem Post itself, Israeli officials cannot simply wash their hands and announce themselves innocent to the entire world. It ain’t gonna work that way.
Finally, when was the last time that Netanyahu tells the world the whole truth and nothing but the truth? You remember the book that he wrote way back in 1995? Netanyahu explicitly wrote in his 1995-book Fighting Terrorism:
“The best estimate at this time place Iran between three and five years away from possessing the prerequisites required for the independent production of nuclear weapons. After this time, the Iranian Islamic republic will have the ability to construct atomic weapons without the importation of materials or technology from abroad.”[6]
Forty years later, Iran still does not have the bomb. In fact, it is generally agreed among U.S. and Israeli intelligence that Iran abandoned its nuclear weapons program.[7] Did Netanyahu start rethinking about his relentless lies and fabrications? Did he apologize to the world for slandering Iran? Did he listen to the head of the Israel Defense Force Lieutenant General Benny Gantz, who said that “the Iranian leadership is composed of very rational people” and is not interested in building nuclear weapons?[8]
No. Netanyahu is still making things up: Iran has nuclear weapons, Iran is planning to attack the West, Iran is building terrorist networks around the world, Iran…You get the drill. Israeli news commentator and former politician Yossi Sarid eventually was fed up with Netanyahu’s perpetual lies and declared that “this Israeli Politician is a Psychopath.” He moved on to say: “Could the various Knesset slates be housing people who should be receiving [psychiatric] treatment?”[9] Why is Netanyahu a psychopath? Well, according to Sarid, some of the signs of a psychopath includes “Repeated lying for the purpose of gratification, confusing reality and imagination.” Sarid again declared: “Do three or more characteristics remind you of anybody?”[10]
In a subsequent article, it was pretty obvious Sarid was talking about Benjamin Netanyahu,[11] who has a long history of lying[12] “for the purpose of gratification.” Mark this down: in the next few years or so, after everything is calm and when virtually everyone seems to forget about the Beirut blast, documents will almost certainly come from the Israeli archives admitting that Israel was indeed responsible for the blast. Remember the USS Liberty? You remember how Israel denied it for years? And you remember how Israeli archival documents and even the Jerusalem Post eventually showed that Israel was indeed responsible for the whole debacle?[13]
Retired U.S. Naval Officer James N. Ennes, author of Assault on the Liberty, and one of the crew members aboard the ship at the time of the attack. I happened to correspond with him for a book that I was writing at the time, and he said very explicitly that Israel knew what they were doing and that the United States should have responded to the attack.
- [1] Emily Czachor, “’Gift From God’: Former Israeli Parliament Member Celebrates Beirut Explosion,” Newsweek, August 6, 2020.
- [2] Seth J. Frantzman, “Nasrallah threatens to blow up Israel with same chemicals as Beirut blast,” Jerusalem Post, August 8, 2020.
- [3] Ibid.
- [4] “Death toll of Beirut blast rises to 158, with more than 6,000 injured: Health Ministry,” Daily Star, August 8, 2020.
- [5] McKenzie Sadeghi, “Fact check: No evidence Beirut blast was an Israeli attack,” USA Today, August 7, 2020.
- [6] Benjamin Netanyahu, Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic and International Terrorists (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1995), 121.
- [7] “‘US, Israel agree Iran abandoned nuclear bomb,’” Jerusalem Post, March 18, 2012; James Risen and Mark Marzetti, “U.S. Agencies See No Move by Iran to Build a Bomb,” NY Times, February 24, 2012.
- [8] Julian Borger, “Israel army chief contradicts Netanyahu on Iran,” Guardian, April 25, 2012; “Israeli military chief: Iran will not decide to make nuclear weapons,” Guardian, April 25, 2012.
- [9] Yossi Sarid, “This Israeli Politician Is Basically a Psychopath. Guess Who,” Haaretz, January 23, 2015.
- [10] Ibid.
- [11] Yossi Sarid, “Beware: Republican Jews on the Warpath,” Haaretz, February 8, 2015.
- [12] See for example Akiva Eldar, “Netanyahu’s Speech of Lies,” Haaretz, September 26, 2011; Scott Peterson, Imminent Iran Nuclear Threat? A Time of Warning Since 1979,” Christian Science Monitor, November 8, 2011; John J. Mearsheimer, Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International Politics (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011).
- [13] See for example Arieh O’Sullivan, “Exclusive: Liberty attack tapes revealed,” Jerusalem Post, June 6, 2004; Miriam Pensack, “Fifty Years Later, NSA Keeps Details of Israel’s USS Liberty Attack Secret,” The Intercept, June 7, 2017.

Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the book, Kevin MacDonald’s Metaphysical Failure: A Philosophical, Historical, and Moral Critique of Evolutionary Psychology, Sociobiology, and Identity Politics. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.
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It´s all Makes Sence Now ! The Perestroika Deception: Behind the Mask..
“The Perestroika deception is Soviet Russia’s faking of its own death in the 1990s as a way of lulling the West to sleep over the communist threat, thus advancing its world communist agenda unhindered.”
Putin is a proven fraud and communist, Russia and China in final preparations for military conquest of the West. https://fitzinfo.net/perestroika-deception/
Not having visited Lebanon very much — except from visits from Iran during the Shah’s times and on missions to turn radars a feuw years later (Pahlavi command langueage) I am not very qualified to know about bombinggs in Lebanon aside from those nasty atttacs on Thyre and Sidon — probably motivated by racially induced from those non-qualifeing Yemenite Abrahamic spawn enjointing kannanite hatred against those daughty phoenicians and those purveyors of civilization — the ‘Peoples of the Sea’!
HOWEVER, I should like to add this onto the evaluaitons of all these stories:
In Northern Europe, there are lots of experts critical of Izre’ël. However, most of us in early years had close contact with Zionistic Jews and marriage- or sexualist relationships with suchalikes. Many of our Izraeli lovers/childbearers/whatevers were not even real Jews ackcording to the definitions of “Who is a Jew” of thóse times in the sixties to eighties. And except telling us if we chritisised the Zionist entity overmuch, were then additionally hínted to thair childrens’ future in Izra’êl wolud be at peril. Of course, this made many amongst us avoid the most affroantable and scary og Izraëli misbellirenge: THE USS LIBERTY is not mentioned in any of the books rescentlu´y for 10 years publishen in Denmark, SWeden, Norway or IcwlND ABOUT THE MIDDLE EAST., — as far as I heve read.
— Any coundter-examåles? RSVP!
And of course motivated m´buú the anti-semmitic feelings og the Jewis anti-semites of Europe, who were Germanic Enlish an d German steakers (Yiddish is a German dialect) and to some degrees Slawic (Russian and Ykreinian/Polish/Lithaunian and Russian Speakers.
Our Command language, however, was ol Persian — because som many also hailed from Tajikistan!
One of the responsible parties to this bombing is the USA CONGRESS PASSING the 35
billion aid package to Israel ????
USA amazes me NO money for education or healthcare or rebuilding infrastructure etc but there’s always plenty for Israel and for constant wars
And to think over half the states of America have passed laws to stop citizens from stepping on dog turds like Feiglin. What a blessing to have laws that curb Zionist turds. Thank you AIPAC, thank you ADL!
“The huge chemical explosion that hit Beirut’s port, devastating large parts of the Lebanese capital and claiming over 150 lives, left a 43-metre (141 foot) deep crater, a security official said Sunday.”
If this is true, that would be a crater 12 stories deep blasted into solid rock. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, that would require a bunker-buster like the US B61-11 dialed up to at least 200 kilotons. According to the New York Times, 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer is equivalent to 1,155 tons of TNT.
Do the math, Jonas. How much fertilizer would it actually take to blast a 12-story deep crater into solid rock? The next question is… Why? What could have possibly been down that deep that needed to be destroyed?
OK, I’ll do the math. By my reckoning it would take over 476,190 tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer to blast a hole in the ground 12 stories deep, and that’s not even considering that it would require a bunker-buster bomb to actually do that. That, of course, would be totally absurd and yet that’s the “official” narrative that the MSM would have us believe, just like they did with 9/11 and other false-flag attacks.
The Zionist-controlled MSM is obviously telling us lie after lie and can’t seem to even keep their story straight. As Jonas would say, they have totally abandoned logos and are beholden to the “father of lies” and you know who that is. St. Paul called them “the powers that be” and Jesus called them the Synagogue of Satan. The CIA/Mossad agents who are currently rioting in Beirut also rioted in Tehran a while back. Heaven help the Lebanese if they fall for all these lies and throw in with the AngloZionist Empire. Arch-Zionist Elliott Abrams is there to coordinate it all. Only time will tell how this all turns out.
USSLibertyMovie(.)com > trailer & fund raiser for documentary
“Breathtaking: Solving Nuclear 9/11” > VeteransToday(.)com
Two independent investigations, same conclusion on WTC
Hezbollah is not stupid. They would never store arms in a public facility in Beirut. Caves and tunnels outside of town are easily accessible to defenders who rush in to fight the invading Israelis.
Zionism is EVIL! Those in America who support, promote, this EVIL, are just as Demonic Creatures, as the Zionist Zealots! Maybe even more so, since they are, TRAITORS, to their OWN! ‘USS Liberty’ http://www.holocaustonthehighseas.com !! and ‘9/11/2001’, comes to mind, that the Zionists ‘PULLED’, on the People of the United States, most likely, with the help, of enablers, within our own Government Entities, the, DOMESTIC ENEMIES WITHIN! Sad, that the US Government, LEADERSHIP, has morphed into the, ENEMY, of their own people!!! ZIONISM is the CURSE of MANKIND! DOWN with Zionism! TIKKUN OLAM! GOD Save America! I start to believe, that it is TOO late, even for the ALMIGHTY, America is ENSLAVED, we are living on the, PLANTATION, where the ‘CAPOS’ (JAILERS), are our own LEADERS, for the Zionist Overlords!
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