…from PressTV, Tehran
[ Editor’s Note: The rats are leaving the Trump ship, in terms of realizing they backed the wrong guy. There will be a lot of recriminations going around about why those that had money to support him did not put some conditions on him getting it.
By that I would mean not bribing him to do favors for them, but rather having him agree to not do crazy shit, and give him a list. They could loan money to him personally to give to his campaign, but then have a contract with him to avoid a default.
Yes I know that such a scenario is not a real world one, but we need to start thinking about how to create a system where we can never get a Trump like candidate into the White House.
The main failure in my book happens on day one, where we don’t require a very thorough FBI clearance on all those wanting to run for president BEFORE they can even file. I was surprised that no one even brought this up, when Trump has quite public baggage that even a rank and file FBI would instantly spot.
His Kosher Nostra connections alone tagged him as a major security risk. And in reading a recent Politico piece on what a bull in the china closet an ex-President Trump could be, we have a situation that screams for a complete rebuild of how we do our elections.
Frankly, the one we are having is just a zoo and a laughing stock around the world, where the great US is looking like a third world slavishly corrupt country doing another rigged election, like so many of them are.
Why do the Intel and security agencies have such a poor record in protecting their respective countries from election ‘irregularities’? Why are there no criminal penalties that pertain to illegal campaigning?
Am I to believe they think that all campaigns are on the up and up, and that subversive parties might not be engaged in a major way? Rather than wait for the slew of post Trump era books to come out, we need to get on the table right now what parts of our government failed us, via illegal subversion, as with Robert Barr and his gang, and then just the incompetents.
Expect the Biden people not wanting to do this, as it would be an ongoing news distraction to his building momentum for his new administration, but that would be a cop out.
Even if Biden wins, he needs to be shown from day one that rooting out the loopholes that were abused to facilitate the Trump chaos are a major national security issue that if he does not fully address, then that could be grounds failure of his duties …Jim W. Dean ]
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First published … October 31, 2020
White House officials and senior aides to President Donald Trump are preparing for “a disaster” on Election Day as they expect the president to be soundly defeated by Democratic nominee Joe Biden, according to a report.
In interviews with the Daily Beast, multiple officials and associates in Trump’s inner circle indicated they expected the president to lose the November 3 election.
Many of them have come to accept a Biden victory after a year of campaigning marred by coronavirus deaths, economic devastation and racial and civil unrest across the country.
Stephen Moore, a Trump advisor, lamented the prospect of a defeat, saying, “I believe the betting markets, which say there’s a 60 percent chance that Biden wins, and a 40 percent chance that Trump does.”
Moore said he had hoped that the Gross Domestic Product report that was released on Thursday would have given the Trump campaign a boost. He recalled advising the president during a White House meeting last month to play up the report for the American voters.
However, shortly after the report came out on Thursday—showing the economy had regained much of the ground it had lost in the spring– Moore said he saw no political benefits in promoting the numbers.
“I really don’t have a good feeling about this,” he conceded.
Moore was not alone in his pessimism about the state of the presidential race.
Out of the 16 sources—campaign aides, Republican donors, senior administration officials, and close associates of the president and his family—whom The Daily Beast interviewed only five said the president had a good chance of winning.
One major donor, Dan Eberhart, chief executive at Canary, said he regrets donating to the Trump campaign.
“I think Trump has a 25 percent chance of winning the election. His campaign focused on exciting his base not on pursuing people in the center. COVID was a massive headwind that minimized the roaring Trump economy,” he said.
“The president has struggled to maintain message discipline. And the left is highly motivated to vote, as seen by the record turnout so far. That’s not to say there’s not a window for the president to win. It’s just being realistic that he’s the underdog in this contest,” he added.
Eberhardt said in retrospect he would have used his contributions to save the Republican-controlled Senate in this election cycle rather than donate to the president’s floundering campaign.
“Honestly, I would have put all my donations towards holding the Senate. I never thought the Senate would be in play,” he explained.
According to data provided by the Center for Responsive Politics, of the more than 1,100 donors who gave the $5,400 legal maximum to Trump’s 2016 campaign, about 450 of them have not made any contributions to his reelection effort.
Trump is behind Biden by an average of 8 percentage points in national polls, but the president claims the polls undercount his army of silent supporters who helped him win in 2016.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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Trump is a sicko who would go down on that corpse Adelson if it means winning. This rapist gets a kick out of a surprise element in any situation. I wouldn’t put it past his psycho base of evangelical “Christians” to be all lurking in the back to jump in there last minute and close the gap again. The sheer amount of deceptive religious junk that I saw on YouTube in the last days of the 2016 elections was amazing and the view counts on brand new garbage clips with “he’s our messiah” having 30 million views overnight was an indication of Adelson’s foot soldiers working the system.
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