How can Republicans survive a rogue Ex-President?

"Trump is leaving office but he has changed the political DNA of the party for the foreseeable future," said GOP strategist Ken Spain


Republicans already racing to fill Trump power vacuum

…from Politico

[ Editor’s Note: American politics may never be the same, after four years with the Orange buffoon at the helm. But is there something that could be worse, like Trump setting himself up as a kingmaker within the Republican party, where no one can get his “Trumper” votes without his blessing.

And even worse, the Trump spawn seem to want to remain permanently in the public spotlight. Hence we have Don, Jr. already putting himself out there as the daddy’s kingmaker.

Can you imagine the torment they can inflict by unleashing the Trump rednecks against ‘unapproved Trump family candidates’ in Republican races? Why would they invest in this effort?

How about daddy wanting to run again in 2024 and needing to eliminate any strong primary contenders?

You can rest assured that normal Republicans will be burning the midnight oil to save themselves from having Trump around their necks as a political albatross. The most obvious path is not to interfere with the hopefully agressive prosecutions of the Trump family that so many want to see to restore the independence of the Justice Department, so that no future president will dare do what Trump did. If there aren’t consequences, then Trump’s “techniques” will stand as enduring precedents.

This could be one of Biden’s biggest challenges and historically new presidents do not want their new administration’s roll out fighting for public attention with an ex-president administration criminal investigation.

The temporary solution to that challenge is to keep it low key. Investigations often go on for some time before charges are brought, and my context here is crimes during Trump’s administration. But what Trump is wide open from is criminal prosecution from New York on his pre-presidential crimes.

The best outcome would be a quiet arrangement with the Dems and Repubs to carefully allow the Trump political terror machine to collapse under the weight of its past crimes, to be penalized to the fullest, which would make it politically toxic for ‘normal’ Rpublicans to associate with his covert organization.

Frankly, the Trump family is a Republican political arm cancer that needs to be chopped off. The idea that they could ever be public servants is beyond the paleJim W. Dean]

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First published … November 09, 2020

President Donald Trump’s defeat has set off a flurry of activity as would-be successors start to position themselves for 2024 and a battle to lead a Trump-less Republican Party begins to take shape.

The Republican National Committee is bracing for a possible fight over its chairmanship. And Donald Trump Jr. is aggressively staking out a role as a future GOP powerbroker.

Party officials, meanwhile, are grappling with how to keep intact the massive political infrastructure that Trump helped assemble with him on his way out of the White House.

“Trump is leaving office but he has changed the political DNA of the party for the foreseeable future,” said GOP strategist Ken Spain, a former top National Republican Congressional Committee official. “Presidential candidates and congressional leaders will continue to ally themselves with the ascendant blue-collar wing of the GOP.”

Yet Trump’s loss also means the party will need to find a way to distinguish itself from a president who turned off a majority of voters.


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  1. The most important thing about this election is that the usual ways Republicans win elections didn’t work this time. Mail-in voting overcame the systemic voter suppression that has always gone on in the big cities. That’s what the Republicans are so pissed about. They thought they had the election rigged in their favor, but when states took the time to count every legal vote, Trump lost.

    Trump’s lawsuit in Arizona is about, at most, 180 votes. Really? This is a formerly Republican state that is in the process of turning Democrat like it was in the 1980s when I first moved there. Same goes for Georgia, a state notorious for voter suppression. Now with mail-in voting, that didn’t happen. Grow up and face the facts, Trumpsters, or continue to live in your faith-based alternative reality.

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