Sad Day: Putin proven to be the Zionist shill Syrians and so many others believe (Blockbuster)


List of world’s gangsters and Freemasons, one in the same, stand against Biden victory led by Vladimir Putin as head of the ‘Dictator’s Club’

We are ashamed

VT: The endless stream of Trump insiders heading to Ukraine and Russia have been doing so since 2015 as part of broad treason against the United States. VT perhaps has gone too far to defend Putin and Lavrov based on their defense of Syria and the quality of their rhetoric.

Their meetings, as alleged by the FBI and CIA, were with intelligence operatives of the Russian government running Donald Trump as alleged. Russiagate, Pissgate, all of it totally real but “debunked” by smear campaigns orchestrated by Russian intelligence aided by the power of AIPAC and the Mossad.

Turkey’s Erdogan and MBS are signed on as well, and both have gotten sweetheart deals of advanced weapons and trade deals for joining the Bolshevik club behind Trump. We disputed evidence from the FBI and other groups, given to us in private.  We were wrong.

LONDON — As Joe Biden was declared president-elect Saturdaycongratulatory messages poured in from leaders around across the world. But several have remained notably silent, including some of President Donald Trump’s long-term allies.

Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro, who is often referred to as “the Trump of the Tropics,” has stayed mum about Biden’s victory.

Ahead of the election, Bolsonaro, a far-right populist, threw his support behind Trump and called Biden’s comments that Brazil should suffer “significant economic consequences” if devastation of the Amazon rainforest continues “disastrous.”

Before the election, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Moscow would work with any U.S. leader, but there has been no official comment from the Kremlin about Biden’s win.

Throughout his term, Trump has been accused of being sympathetic to Putin, whom he has called “a strong leader,” despite intelligence reports that Russian interfered in the 2016 election.

Biden has been much tougher in his stance on Russia, calling it the biggest threat to U.S. national security last month — an assessment the Kremlin said encouraged hatred of Russia.

Opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who was recently poisoned with a military-grade nerve agent, was the first high-profile Russian political figure to publicly chime in on the U.S. election Sunday, congratulating Biden on his win.

Leonid Slutsky, the head of the international affairs committee in the Russian parliament, or Duma, told the state media agency Tass on Sunday that Biden was “unlikely to make positive adjustments to Washington’s policy towards Russia,” because he personally participated in the launch of the anti-Russian sanctions while he was vice president.

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Turkish strongman president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, an on-and-off ally of Trump’s, also had not yet commented publicly.


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  1. I know this from VT that the head of the snake has always been Khazarian Bolshevik Mafia boss Semion Yudkovich Mogilevich for many decades who apparently resides in San Petersburg. It doesn’t come as a surprise that he owns Net the chicken shit and the Orange D(tr)ump as much he owns Putin.

    • If Mogilevich is the head of the snake, the snake reports to higher ups (whether human, alien, or earthly non-human is an unanswered question). He is too much of a “Johnny come lately” (when did the crime families expelled from Spain in 1492 get their start?) and a relative small fry to be hidden ruler of the world.

    • Pandora’s box is open. The genie is out of the bottle. Trump is looking for a new “Reichstag Fire” that will justify invoking special powers under the USA Patriot Act. I’m sure Israel will give it to him.

  2. Russia’s economy is dominated by a large number of billionaire oligarch Lubavitcher zionists. What does it have after Putin (which is apparently is why it finds it necessary to make him president for life)? The state of California has a bigger economy than Russia.

  3. MOSCOW, November 9 – RIA Novosti. Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov explained why Vladimir Putin has not yet congratulated Joe Biden on his victory in the US presidential election. When Trump won, the Kremlin officially congratulated him as soon as the vote was announced. According to Peskov, the difference is “quite obvious” as Trump has already announced plans to challenge the election in court. His lawyers have prepared claims in the courts of various states. “Therefore, we consider it correct to wait for the official announcement. Then (at the previous presidential elections. – Ed.) There were no announcements of legal challenge,” he explained.

    • Meanwhile Russia Today hasn’t stopped its causing division. Once they were a good source of news, but now that they have apologized for every move of messiah Trump the King of Israel, they have become the laughingstock of reporting.

    • I try not to fill my head with all sorts of rubbish. I have my own sources, where I read analytics, expert opinions and draw my own conclusions. As for congratulations – there is still no one to congratulate officially. If I were Putin, I would have done the same, so as not to look like a fool, a vassal or a sneak. And he was always skeptical of the category of people who hang labels on others or change their minds like a weathervane – 50 times a day. A single bla-bla-bla may cost a good reputation damaged.

    • It bears mentioning that at least the American system has a way of getting rid of an unpopular or autocratic politician, unlike in Russia, where someone like Putin is able to make himself president for life. What’s that all about? No one else capable of running that country?

  4. Disappointing that this has been confirmed, but now we know. There was more than a strong hint with the way Russia allowed Israeli airstrikes on Syria to occur with impunity, but Putin is such a cool character who plays it so close to the vest. I’ll no longer be bothered by sanctions against partners in Nord Stream 2.

    • The Russians had always said that their air defenses were there to protect Russian troops and installations. And it did beef up Syrian defenses. It never promised to put a no fly zone over Syria, and Assad knew that. The new series of sanctions on Iran is in progresss, so we see Trump’s plan is to do a lot of stuff in an attempt to tie Biden’s foreign policy up as an act of spite. I think Biden undo. But I don’t know for sure that if there is a Senate vote for them it would take a Senate vote to reverse, which would not be likely.

    • Jim I suspect that Biden will rejoin the JCPOA early on before Rouhani moves out. Although Rouhani is skeptical of any future agreement with the US he will likely help accelerate the process of the return so sanctions pressure will be lifted and the JCPOA remains as his important achievement.
      And both sides succeed the nuclear related sanctions will be lifted.
      The rest of the sanctions that the Trump the loser has imposed will be tougher to lift as they are mostly on individuals.
      Either way Europe will remain as the facilitator while Iran keeps exporting its 1.5 million barrels per day without giving a hoot as to what the loser and his cronies think.

  5. Realize that when we talk about Russia being the “enemy” we’re really talking abut the so-called “Russian” mafia, which controls Putin just as it controls Trump. It all goes back to the money changers that Jesus threw out of the Temple. He called them the Synagogue of Satan. They’ve never forgiven him for that, to this very day. To his credit, Putin has exiled many of these devils to Israel where they became Likud, the same Likudniks that now surround Trump. They won’t be going away any time soon.

    • We’re all waiting for the other shoe to fall, John. The Zionists and Likudniks who surround Trump are clearly not going to go quietly into that dark night along with him. Trump just fired Mark Esper who was standing in the way of his using US troops to quell domestic disturbances. Now the way is clear for Trump to declare a “national emergency” and assume near-dictatorial powers under the USA Patriot Act. Israel attacked the USA on 9/11 and I wouldn’t put it past them to do it again. As Netanyahu once said, “We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.”

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