
This interview is a bit different. I was contacted by this fellow who asked to be a guest on my show, instead, he wanted me to be a guest on his show, that I posted on my youtube channel. The things we do in the days of censorship just to be heard. Bottom line is I did most of the talking, which I am good at. I hope you all find it enjoyable and find the truth as I perceive it in the current situation we in the USA and the World find ourselves in. We are being controlled by gangsters, who want to rule the world, and we must stop them. This is the battle between good and evil. I hope you choose your side wisely.
In Solidarity
Mike Harris





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  1. So, in the intervening two decades between “bringing down three buildings containing 200,000 tons of steel and 800,000 tons of concrete at free fall speed”, and ” using the Imperfect Instrument (Trump) to rise against the Usurers and fulfill the Soldiers’ Duty to Democracy and The Constitution”, where exactly does Giuliani stand? He seems like a fly in “your ointment”?

  2. If you read “The Thirteenth Tribe” by Koestler, then you have the :”Ten Arrows” – three Khazars and seven Huns. A bit like the Master Blaster in the Dystopian Movie, with the Little Guy sitting on the shoulders of the Warrior Giant and calling all the shots. Well this is how the Usurers (Canaanites/Phoenicians/Venetians) worked in with the Tribe of Dan (every place with “Dan” in it – Macedonia, Danube, Don, Dniester, Dnieper, Sardinia, Denmark et al) the Vikings and Archetypical Aryan War Lords. Well the Good News is that the Hex Is In and the Tribe of Dan HATE LIARS AND BACK STABBERS, the “Dumb Soldiers” have always known this, but took the money fighting their way to the End of The Earth. Now what? Mixed into all that Biblical Prophesy is that the Warriors (Tribe of Dan) will turn on Judah (Canaanites now, led by the Levitical Rabbis, Sanhedrin and 70 Elders away from Moses’ Natural Law into Baal Worship, Emanation, Qabalah and Tribe As G_d – away from The Divine Essence of Being: “I am, that I Am”). Do I detect Military Intelligence backing Democracy and The Constitution and using the Imperfect Instrument (Trump) to rise against the Usurers and fulfil the Soldiers’ Duty to Democracy and The Constitution?

  3. The scenario that Mike outlined with China and Mexico, as well as China and Canada, is just a rerun of the Rothschild plan for the USA Civil War to divide the USA into North and South, combined with Canada and Mexico. The French Rothschilds backed the South and the London ones the North and the Debenture Financed Oligarchs emerged from the Civil War. Did the Russian Tsar intervene to prevent implementation of that plan? The Khazars have a grudge against the Rus for numerous reasons, in addition to Persia and Russia crushing the Khazars and the restriction of Ashkenazi Activities in Russia, and this resulted in the Murder of tens of millions of Russian Christians after 1917 (Schiff financed the Ashkenazi Bolsheviks as well as the Japanese Naval Rearmament) and this explains the activities in Armenia, Byelorussia and the Ukraine, as well as the former USSR Republics in South Russia.

  4. Putin was KGB and “once a KGB, always a KGB”. That said, “Standard of Living” can get shifted around and countries, as well as individuals are just Chess Pieces (Pawns In The Game). The Economist promoted the USA as the World Policeman and the USA standard of living was high to keep the plebs happy – not any longer as the centre of power shifts. Mackinder posited that Russia is the Centre of Gravity for Planetary Power. I asked the number two lawyer in NZ and also the Head of Research for the Social Welfare “how can two planes hitting two buildings, bringing down three buildings containing 200,000 tons of steel and 800,000 tons of concrete at free fall speed in seven seconds?” Instead of addressing the question I was treated to the Epithet Ad Hominem non argument: “you’re a Conspiracy Theorist”, the Classic Woke “Argument” to end all discussion. Fat chance that any sense will be made of the Christchurch Massacre. I liken this scenario to two sparrows hitting the front bumper of my 50 ton Western Star 18 wheeler at speed – I did study Physics and Maths at University Level. You fellows talked a lot of sense today and I have been disappointed with VT for some time. Trump is Local Mafia B versus International Mafia A.

  5. I had a professor in a Chemistry class at SLCC in Utah who worked for Motorola and helped to develop the transistor. You would know him. He was on the ground level of solid state development and was integral to it’s existence. He gave me some insight into planned obsolescence. Maybe that involves people as well?

  6. I have a strong feeling the sides we ‘choose’ are being or have been determined for us. Divided ‘they’ conquer. Seems it has always been that way. Like castles in the sand. Slip to the sea. Eventually.

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