In any case, Putin is the only Statesman the world can show.


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PERSONAL PORTRAIT & DEBATE. At a time when both domestic and foreign forces are doing their best to dethrone and diminish the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, it may be justified to paint a picture of Putin, and not least, the motives of his adversary.

A statesman is the head of state who has rendered his country invaluable services and, outside the country’s borders, created the conditions for peace and consensus.

Putin came to power in 2000, in a Russia ravaged and bleeding after the rape of the country by the CIA and Wall Street, under Boris Yeltsin’s time. The political and economic rape caused economic disaster and social misery, with the result of more than 5 million Russians died. From that foundation and in a time of economic warfare from the EU and the USA against Russia, a powerful upheaval and development has taken place through Vladimir Putin.

At the international level, Vladimir Putin is more and more appearing as the successful peacemaker. Countries in the Middle East and North Africa, but also in South America are increasingly pleading to Putin for help against imperialist hawks wrapped in the star banner or in the NATO flag.


Who can challenge Vladimir Putin for the title of “the only statesman of our time”?

It has been repeated like a mantra by NATO that Vladimir Putin has shown overwhelming aggression in Georgia, Ukraine and Crimea. I myself have repeated as a mantra that those accusations against Russia must be proven, but no evidence has ever been provided. Hardly surprisingly – the allegations against Germany for being guilty of the First World War have never been proven – but the allegations still remain after 100 years.

Far to the east, Communist leader Xi Jiping is terrorizing and perhaps even exterminating Uyghurs en masse, while pursuing an imperialist policy against Taiwan. He can never be seen as a statesman.

On the other side of the Atlantic, a change of throne has just taken place. A clown has now been replaced by a hawk, a worshiper of military action. As Vice President under Barack Obama, Joe Biden was involved in designing seven war companies and hundreds of military interventions, none of which were approved by Congress, according to the Cato Institute.

Victims of these operations amount to tens of millions. Joe Biden has a heavy backpack to carry at his age and will never be seen as a statesman.

As the NATO organization has distinguished itself as a threatening terrorist organization, no head of government affiliated with this organization could be considered for an honorary appointment.

Why all this talk about statesmen? Because, in our days, there is a media war, but also an economic war against the man who alone has earned the epithet statesman, namely Vladimir Putin.

Can a statesman act to incapacitate a citizen through poisoning? Possibly, but in that case he does it in a way so that no trace is left with the victim. That’s how Israeli Mossad works. They see novitjok as a second-hand commodity and prefer more modern and effective poisons.

It is not clever to use novitiate, and Putin is very clever, according to both friends and foes, but the Western politicians and journalists who have tried to nail Putin to novitiate are very unwise and almost infantile in their assessment.

One might also wonder whether Alexsej Navalnyj understands what he is talking about and one might also question Mr. Navalnyj’s judgement when, in a situation in which 27 NATO states, like a pack of wolves, have surrounded Russia and are only awaiting the orders of attack from Washington. In this situation, Navalnyj is agitating and inciting against the Head of State of the country. No other state would allow such a thing.

Corruption in Russia

The hot iron that Navalny got hold of and hurled at Vladimir Putin, is a fancy hotel where you do not know who the owners are, but there is no evidence that Putin was involved as an owner. Corruption in Russia is widespread today, but it is not being combated through unfounded political rhetoric.

Russia today has as widespread corruption as Ukraine – the country that six years ago had the United States carry out a coup with the intermediate goal of mastering corruption. Since then, the country’s corruption has only grown and the example of Ukraine is just one.

Corruption is not eliminated by allowing a foreign power to be a popularly elected head of state in the country in question. In the case of Ukraine, one of the US accomplices, the Ukrainian oligarch, Ihor Kolomoyskyi, shortly after the coup, was able to wedge away with 1.8 billion USD (approximately: 17 billion Swedish kronor) thus much more than what the famous hotel has cost. The information was obtained from Deutsche Wirshaftts Nachrichten, April 13, 2015.

The weird thing is that the money was grants and loans from the IMF to a chaotic Ukraine. They are now inaccessible to the donor, but in Cyprus, the Virgin Islands and the Caribbean they are under Kolomoysky’s control. No fuss from the EU has been heard about this. Well, Kolomoyskyi had spent some money on the coup in Kiev. According to information, he had financed the rebels on Maidantorget and provided them with food and pocket money.

One is Ukraine and the other is Russia. What they both have in common is a massive support from EU-NATO to the insurgents, the subversives. The connection is clear and devastating. On September 26, 2014, the head of the National Endowment for Democracy, Carl Gershman, could triumphantly describe Ukraine as “the greatest trophy and an important step on the road to the greatest Putin.” Gersman’s organization receives strong financial support from the United States, and its task is to conduct subversive activities in other countries.

One may wonder how much contribution Navalny’s organization receives from Gershman, or is he just naive and ignores the deadly, strategic threat that gasps Russia and that he is inciting?

Today, our global world can only have one international statesman – let’s fight the forces that want to overthrow him.

 Text: Hans Myrebro, pseudonym


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  1. “Another Fuhrer”: Russia responded to Biden’s threats to Putin.
    The newly minted US president makes a bold statement
    Joe Biden boasted of an allegedly tough conversation with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.
    Speaking at the State Department, the head of the United States said that he had made a thick hint to the Russian side that Washington would no longer bend under Moscow. He allegedly said this in a conversation with the President of the Russian Federation. Biden added that now our country will be forced to pay for “aggression”, as well as cyberattacks and notorious interference in elections, writes the website of the TV channel “360”. And they will do it without hesitation.
    Biden did not miss the opportunity to walk around Donald Trump. He said that he would not act like his predecessor and leave the actions of the Russian Federation unanswered, writes RIA Novosti.
    In Russia, Biden’s threats to Putin were answered. On the Internet, people sarcastically discuss the politician’s speech.
    “There is nothing new under the sun: the next Fuhrer considers the entire planet to be a zone of” vital interests of his people “,” But this old senile man can easily confuse a suitcase with a button, with a stool! ” “Russia seems to have already overpaid, and it’s time to collect the favor”,
    – write the readers of RIA Novosti.
    Earlier, Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan erupted with threats.

  2. I would like to nominate Imran Khan as a contender of international stature & grace. His cool and balanced demeanour has been on display in the release of the pilot of the Indian plane that was downed. It must have been quite an unpopular move with the military and others, but it pre-emptied a chain of escalation of tendions

  3. “Xi Jiping is terrorizing and perhaps even exterminating Uyghurs en masse, while pursuing an imperialist policy against Taiwan. He can never be seen as a statesman”.

    Our own Native Americans yearn for Chinese-style terrorizing and exterminating: Uyghur numbers and literacy have grown 300% since 1951 and their real incomes have doubled every decade for 40 years. The World Muslim Council sent inspectors there in 2019 and they gave the PRC a big thumbs up.

    As to Taiwan, no imperialist policy is possible or necessary. Taiwan stopped being an independent nation and became a Chinese client state in 1972 by
    [1] The Shanghai Communiqué and the 1982
    [2] Joint Communiqué and
    [3] the August 17 Communiqué. It’s the 23rd province of China.

    All of this his was codified and made permanent on October 1971, when the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 2758, which recognized the government of the People’s Republic of China as the only legitimate representative of China at the United Nations and established the One-China Principle.

  4. A very educated person. Modest. Grammatically correct speech. He never says too much. Treats with respect to all people, partners in politics. Gentleman. He is incredibly demanding of his subordinates. Dislikes unprofessionalism. Sharp analytical mind and logic. Always looks good. A very professional diplomat and negotiator. He has excellent political and spiritual Orthodox advisers that the world has not heard of. A man of honor and dignity. Nobody for all these years has been able to find any compromising evidence. Despite the propaganda of vilification, no one can say anything bad about my president. I’m not in the habit of discussing other presidents, but Trump was megalomaniac and stupid. Biden is not a hawk. Sorry, but Biden is an old grandfather with sand pouring out of him. He is sick. Do not expect miracles from him. He is pitying. This is obvious and don’t even try to convince me. It is a fact.
    I don’t know very much about the leader of China, because he was not interesting to me. But Putin is the undisputed world leader and titanium. In the world political arena, he has no equal. He is the Emperor, a large-scale personality. I am proud of my president. Jackals barking at Putin come and go. The time will come when they will die in the stinking ditch of history. I am absolutely sure of that. Those who will be friends with Russia and with our president will find the key to peace and prosperity. Trust me.

  5. Or means “hans myrefro” ‘his way beyond the quagmire’ – as it could be in conservative Danish and old “Dano-Norwegian: There used to be a saying “gaa til myren og bli viis” (go to the mire/ants and become wise”, and the school chilren in Denmark and Norway never knew whether to wise-up in the swamp or amongst all those crowlaing ants.

  6. Xí and Putin are both men of great maturity (and After Lavrov, M. Zakharova will make a great successor for him too — met her parents in Bêijing less than a year before her birth), But Xí and Putin serve to meet quite differing tasks: The Russian president Putin is mosely tasked with exterior relations. While Xí’s must be be in hands-on management both in foreign and internal affairs and face new contingencies on both day-to-day and long-time basis. Thus needing a broad Party support and guidance.
    Since Xí’s task is so much overwhelmingly global and domestic, he has far more than Putin made the crusade against economic corruption in high places close to his own power centre and close base of near supporters int the paramount task to serve — no small order all at once!

  7. . These stetements by “Hans Myrebro” (trenslated into English, the name means “His Antbridge” — the kind his ants build by forming themselves into a bridge for the other ants to creep or swarm out over) bats far beyond the bats in his pilphry with such statements as these:
    . “Far to the east, Communist leader Xi Jiping is terrorizing and perhaps even exterminating Uyghurs en masse, while pursuing an imperialist policy against Taiwan. He can never be seen as a statesman.”
    . As for the Uighurs in Chine, pease read this rebyttal (among many others): (which refute those claimes)
    . As for Xí Jìnpíng, he and the People’s Republic of CHina has no quarrel with the province of Táiwan, and have even offered that province internal suvreignity and be allowed to retain their own military, navy and air force under provincial command withthe present-day political, social and exonomic system. What Xí cannot grant is the right of the Republic of China (the State inherited from Chiang Kai-Shek’s Kuomintang party) to declare itself to be “A second China”.

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