by Jonathan Swan (team), …with Axios
[ Editor’s Note: Jonathan Swan has a source who attended the December 18 meeting with the Trump gang, watching as they fought over how best to steal back the election. From his description, the image of rats fleeing a sinking ship comes to my mind.
Many weeks have now gone by, and a lot more has been reported about the effort that was made by a desperate Trump. General Flynn was the star of this show, wanting the U.S. Military to seize the Dominion Voting machines as evidence. Sounds like a bad Hollywood script.
Trump knows that without presidential immunity for another four year term, his financial and legal goose is cooked. Hence, no effort would be spared, no risk not taken to avoid his being exposed to the prosecutors waiting to get their hooks into him.
That will also include many others. The recent report of RICO charges being evaluated for using not only on the rioters, but also all those who aided and abetted the attack on the Capitol by providing material support.
The conspiracy theory surrounding the election being stolen was the lynch pin of the whole effort. And while all the claims made seemed bizarre to many of us, the fact that they were made over and over again, in court loss after court loss, could end up being used to tie the whole “gang” into a mass RICO charge of “running a continuing criminal enterprise”.
What would the purpose of this be? All those involved are planning to just continue the “election was stolen” work after the Trump impeachment trial is over, thinking that they are covered by political speech protection for their opinion.
Nevertheless, if a RICO case is brought, it could trigger a cease and desist order, and a freezing of all assets and funds by the deemed criminal organization. We will have to wait until the new Biden DoJ people are in office, but we now see that the investigation work is already happening… Jim W. Dean ]
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First aired … February 03, 2021
Axios reporter Jonathan Swan describes a December 18 meeting between President Donald Trump, White House officials and conspiracy theorists that ended in a profanity-laced shouting match. Swan, who has covered Donald Trump’s presidency for years, called it one of the most dark and demented meetings of the administration.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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The “chance” to do that will take quite a construction project, as the power structure that has given them a free pass knows it would have to go down with them. Generl Honore’, who we are assisting in his investigation, used the key word early…as in ‘who was copmlict’. I watched carefully the following week, and mass media never seemed interested in the “complicit” aspect. VT sees this failure over and over…the do nothing, say nothing stand down. And this puts all the security organizations in a tough spot, in terms of how the public will view them. Were they (the orgs) just stupid, or maybe underfunded and could not do their job, or…did they just look away, working on “allowed” security areas, while giving those in the fast lane special licenses, and in some cases, being cut in on the action. I offer from time to time to brief various patriotic organizations. They are so scared they don’t even dare respond, not wanting to be in my email file. The “good people”, standing down, is a big a problem as the “bad” people. You are literally looking at having to move a mountain with one steam shovel.
I think the Qanon people and their followers play a much larger role in this regard; advancing ludicrous conspiracy theories makes it so much easier to also include the plausible ones, which are then also denounced by the main stream “conspiracy debunkers”. As wacky as Marjorie Taylor Greene is, one of her main contentions was that an airplane did not hit the Pentagon on 9/11, to which the talking-heads at CNN and MSNBC obligingly labeled as absurd, without evidence. Now, I distinctly remember an article posted here by VT editors positing that the Pentagon had been hit by a cruise missile fired from an Israeli Dolphin Class submarine. How “bout VT? Can Marjorie Taylor Greene get some love at least for that particular assertion?
I almost wish they’d gone through with it. State’s governors would have resisted Trump’s invoking emergency powers or martial law; the federal courts would have issued cease and desist; GOP traitors in congress would have played their hand; armed Trump zealots would have faced off against National Guard; Trump, Flynn, Giuliani, and every other participant would now be in jail awaiting trial.
“I almost wish they’d gone through with it.” – This is why VT has to consider that ‘certain security organizations’ were thinking the same thing, ie., that if they moved to soon they risked not giving them enough rope to hang themselves, vs letting it play out and have a lot more evidence. And the latter has been, in a way, validated, as even with all the evidence they have now, the Trumpers are still playing their freedom of speech card. But what we got out of it, which was just a news fart, a one day puff, is the Repub poll showing that 45% of them had no problem with the attack on the capitol. I never saw the 45% number again, or a single politician of news commenter mentioned it, and we read and watch a lot here on our 7 day a week schedule, which include Super Bowl day.
Nobody yet has paid any attention to that cunning guy of Pompeo and his skill to get out clean from this mess just hiding himself behind the oval office door… 🙂
Pompous Pompeo has gotten away with it for now. But he is an obvious presidential candidate for 2024, as is Pence, but everyone connected to Trump will have the mark of Cain on them, and one of the fastest growing engines for that is all the corporate donors that seem to be gathering in a herd to state that they cannot support anyone or anything having to to with promoting the election was stolen.
Jim, forget about Pence, trumpsters hate him and they will never forgive him, he’s a traitor on their eye, they more than vote him will want to hang him…. 🙂
Many of those who stormed the Capitol are Christian Zionists who already believe the Earth was created exactly 6025 years ago and that the Sun is its planet, so it isn’t much of a stretch to get them to believe that Trump really won the election. As Steve Pearce, Chairman of the Republican Party of New Mexico said back in January, Trump “will be our President FOREVER and no one can take that away from us.”
Yes, and the C Zees have the mark of Cain on them as co-conspirators in the Steal. Watch how quickly databases are going to be compiled on all the Steal supporters, and that will be widely available.
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