Blockbuster: VT Frame by Frame Analysis of the Murder of Mario Gonzales by Alameda Police


What the video will show:

  • Death occurs 22 minutes into the video, which includes a lame 9/11 call from someone who claims his wife is frightened from seeing a Hispanic person out her window, on what appears to be public property.
  • Fire Department arrives at 28 minutes.  Police lie to fire and rescue.
  • Mario is declared dead by fire and rescue at 28:35, which is blipped out of the video by Alameda police
  • Second bodycam shows him expiring at 18:56 real time, 39:50 on video. CPR begins at 40:43 on video, second bodycam
  • 41:55 officer says, for camera and radio “He’s breathin'”, in reference to someone who has been dead for several minutes (breathing but no pulse)
  • Police claim they gave him two narcans (no evidence of this on video) when fire and rescue arrive, covering for the fact they killed him the exact same way Derek Chauvin was murdered
  • 45:12 Fire and rescue explain to police that he can’t be breathing with no pulse
  • 45:45 Fire and rescue, on radio, repeat what police tell them, that he simple fell to the ground of his own volition and dropped dead…
  • 50:20 Video shows that CPR at the scene had ceased, fire and rescue had hands on the body but compressions had ended
  • 51:20/17:58:33 video shows grossly overweight bald civilian as 3rd person lying on Gonzales, beyond strange and something only noted by VT.
  • 51:23 Officer seen putting all his weight on Gonzales as well, as bodycam comes around for a better view:

  • 51:44 Officer explains why he is killing Gonzales “I can’t pick him up and I don’t want to lose leverage.” Based on what we see, if local authorities continue lying, this is a federal civil rights case, 20 year federal felony, and all involved, including the civilian, face potential prosecution for aiding and abetting a murder during and after the fact, which may well include public officials of Alameda, California
  • 52:24 Officer killing Gonzales cites that “it looks like you had too much to drink today” making the self-serving statements made to fire and rescue about two doses of Narcan both conspiracy and obstruction.  Other police confirmed lie about Narcan, which can’t be administered to someone face down, obviously. (Narcan administered at 55:42, 3 plus minutes after Mario died…as later examination of video shows)
  • 52:44 police demand, loudly for bodycam, that Mario “stop kicking” when in fact he is dying, just like with Derek Chauvin
  • Mario’s foot, immovable, held down by fat white guy, at time when officer orders Mario to stop kicking:

  • 52:57 one officer is concerned and asks the officer laying across Mario if he should be moved on his side, response: “I don’t want to lose what I got” as murder and torture continue. Second officer responds with slavish “OK.”
  • 53:24 Officer digs in his feet for more “leverage” as Mario dies:

  • 53:44 CPR begins for dead man that officer needed “leverage” to hold down and who was kicking and fighting with no pulse
  • 55:07 Frightened police ask for long dead Mario to “wake up”
  • 55:21 Long dead Mario is turned on his side, as he should have been long ago except for someone needing “leverage” for something, what?  Leverage, as weight, to stop him breathing?
  • Note by this time that, at no time, was Narcan administered, this would have been the opportunity.  Later, police lie to Fire and Rescue about this, a criminal act.
  • 56:52 yes, we see Narcan administered long after it would have helped, if in fact Mario were dead for reasons other than having been strangled by police (3:12 after Mario was clearly dead)
  • 57:47 Mysterious stranger returns, walks through police lines, he left his car keys:



Police are called by white “concerned citizen” of someone in “his yard.”  It is not “his yard” at all but a public area as you will see.  Individual, Mario Gonzales, is doing nothing wrong other than being Hispanic in California and it is bothering a “white person.”

Police wrestle him to the ground, for no reason, and kneel on his back for 5 minutes, for no reason.  He dies.  Watch them try to give him CPR but there is no ambulance, obviously none of the police had rudimentary first aid training and certainly don’t have requisite equipment needed to restart his heart, were he not long brain dead from being crushed.

Police at the scene, and you can easily identify them, claimed he was violent and later died in the hospital.  You will see them murder him and watch them try to revive his corpse.  He would have been declared dead on the scene, many minutes without a pulse.

Jail them all.

From Huffington Post:

Video Shows Police Kneeled On Mario Gonzalez’s Back For 5 Minutes Before He Died

The 26-year-old Latino father died in police custody in Alameda, California, on April 19.

Police released footage of the events leading up to the death of a Latino man in Alameda, California, showing officers kneeling on the man’s back and shoulder until he became unresponsive. The video contradicts officials’ original account of the incident.

Mario Gonzalez, a 26-year-old Latino man, died on the morning of April 19 after what police claimed was a “scuffle” and “physical altercation” as they attempted to restrain him, followed by a “medical emergency.”

But body camera footage released on Tuesday afternoon after an outcry from Gonzalez’s family and the public did not show him being violent or fighting officers at any point.

Instead, in the video, officers approached Gonzalez, who was standing alone in a park with some bottles of alcohol in a basket. Gonzalez calmly spoke with officers for nearly nine minutes before they attempted to place his hands behind his back. Police pinned him facedown on the ground and at least two officers appeared to get on top of his back, one kneeling on his shoulder, for about five minutes until Gonzalez became unresponsive.

Police said Gonzalez died at the hospital, but the video showed that he had stopped breathing on-site and that one officer declared “no pulse” shortly after officers began CPR.

Three officers involved have been placed on paid administrative leave.

In a press conference earlier on Tuesday, members of Gonzalez’s family, who had privately viewed the footage, said Gonzalez was “compliant and they continued to pin him down.”

“Alameda police officers murdered my brother Mario,” Gonzalez’s brother Gerardo said, noting that his brother was in the park “not bothering anyone” and that “at no point was he violent.”

“Everything we saw in that video was unnecessary,” he added. “APD took a calm situation and made it fatal.”


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  1. I’m amazed that they could not tell that due to his weight that he was having difficulty breathing. Someone with his physicality cannot remain on their stomach for very long. This is just plain common sense. Just listening to the video one can tell that. Then as he is being distressed, they continue to tell him to not resist, apparently not smart enough to know that when someone is at the point he was, that struggling (especially kicking) is a symptom of autonomic response of someone struggling for their life. Forcing him on his stomach, adding compressing weight which forced his abdominal fat to put pressure on his diaphragm, regardless of whether it is directly on his back or not, had the same effect as laying directly on this man. They should have realized this. Does Alameda have the same low IQ requirements that Texas has? BTW, California does not require one to provide ID unless operating a vehicle. They cannot arrest someone for not providing ID…but they tried anyway, didn’t they? That they lied on record is a criminal offense.

  2. its the judges who gave carte blanche (qualified immunity) for cops to do what they wanted. Its that filthy bassturd on tye phone infringing upon this man’s liberty. Man wasn’t loitering … he was hanging out in a public space as a free man in a free country is supposed to be able to. That piece of garbage killed him. The snitches. The first cop sounds like a good man doing a sh8tty job.

  3. I watched until they started to restrain him. Up to that point the officers seemed very professional and patient.
    It is beyond tragic that it played out as described. I didn’t feel it was something I wanted to see. I had seen enough to know the victim was highly disoriented and in need of professional psychiatric care.
    Maybe the cops can’t always access those services, but if this is a straight up case as presented, I will bet they wish they had been able to call in a medical team, rather than use brute force.

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