China: ‘Fort Detrick base is full of suspicions’: Asks US for explanation of 2019 respiratory disease after Biden’s new Covid probe

VT: This is a Russian state media story:
RT: Beijing has called on the US to provide an explanation for a respiratory disease in northern Virginia and a large-scale outbreak of e-cigarette disease in Wisconsin after Washington launched a new probe into Covid-19’s origins.

Speaking on Thursday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian asked the US to reflect on its own role in the pandemic and not “dump” responsibility on China alone. Citing the 33 million Covid-19 cases in the US and 600,000 deaths, Zhao asked “How safe is your conscience?”

I also want to emphasize that the Fort Detrick base is full of suspicions. There are more than 200 biological laboratories in the United States spreading around the world. How many secrets are there?

The spokesman said that there was an unexplained respiratory disease in northern Virginia in July 2019 and a large-scale outbreak of e-cigarette disease in Wisconsin. “When will the US release detailed data and information on relevant cases to the international community? The United States owes an explanation to the international community.” 

The Maryland-based US Fort Detrick center hosts a biolab which has become a hot topic on China’s Twitter-like Weibo. In 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decided to issue a “cease and desist order” to halt operations at the germ lab over safety concerns.

Zhao’s comment comes after US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that he was giving intelligence agencies 90 days to pinpoint the origins of Covid-19. Biden said his administration would continue to push China to “participate in a full, transparent, evidence-based international investigation and to provide access to all relevant data and evidence.” 

Reinforcing a statement from the Chinese Embassy in Washington, DC on Wednesday evening, Zhao called on the US to stop “ignoring facts and science” and refrain from “repeatedly clamoring to reinvestigate China.” 

An earlier report from the World Health Organization after a mission in January suggested that early cases in Wuhan were believed to have been acquired from “a zoonotic source as many reported visiting or working in the Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market.” However, pinpointing the source was not possible.



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  1. Nobody in MSM has breached the “intentional” release scenario. The narrative is clearly ” accidental release in China”.
    The issue is, to prove which lab it came from would require all documentation/inspection from every potential lab no matter the country. We all know that will not happen.

  2. One thing at least is clear after this pandemic namely that a Socialist country, such as China is far better structured to cope with a bio-war attack than is a capitalist-organized country such as the US or Britain. In the context of uncertainty about where the virus entered the population at large; whether it was a deliberate attack or an accidental release, does not matter when discussing the subject of capability of responding quickly and effectively.
    Clearly also, a high degree of generalship is required to cope adequately with such an attack/outbreak. Just having equipment and medical knowledge is not by itself, anything like enough. Social and logistic structures are vitally important. For example lockdowns are effective, only if the locked-down can be fed in place. Test and treatment have to be free and easy to get to.

  3. Just as with 9/11, every effort will be made to come up with an “official” narrative of COVID-19 that will cover up the simple truth that it’s a bioweapon that was first deployed in China, then Iran and Europe, and finally in the USA as a “fundraiser.” Just as with 9/11, that official narrative will dance around who the real perps are and blame China, Iran, Russia… whoever! Just as with 9/11, the Mighty Wurlitzer (MSM) will pump the official narrative forever and it will become another foundational myth of the AngloZionist Empire. You better believe it… or else.

    • The truth lies at the Wuhan Military Games. Shimatsu’s article series on Covid 19 has convinced since february 2020 that this was biowarfare targeting the soldiers and China. He blames both the UK and the US to deploy this bioweapon at the Wuhan Military Games. Coincidentally at the same time Russia’s show The Great Game pointed to UK’s Porton Down as being the laboratory responsible for covid19. Perhaps he is right or wrong, but it is a certainty that this bioweapon was created in the west and we need to hold them accountable for their crimes, otherwise they’ll keep doing it to whichever country they deem as a threat and kill thousands of innocent people as collateral damage.

    • The Times of Israel reported in April of last year, “…the US intelligence community became aware of the emerging disease in Wuhan in the second week of that month [November, 2019] and drew up a classified document.” Also, “US intelligence informed the Trump administration, ‘which did not deem it of interest.'” This means that Trump knew COVID-19 was a bioweapon even before it was deployed in China, so everything he told his base about the virus being a hoax was a lie, every single thing.

  4. We are at WAR! The new Weapon is BIO! These days/past months, just the, Initial Rehearsals, Experiments for a much greater, more effective-DEADLY, all out Biological World War!

  5. I believe the bio-weapon explanation for covid 19 is beyond much questioning.
    The only hard answer left is conclusively and truthfully pinning it on its real source.
    Whoever released it, whether as a lone actor or in collusion, covered their tracks well.
    And on top of that, any investigation with the standing to be taken seriously, would also be of a rank high enough to be in on it, thus making the findings no more relavant than anything else already (un)known.
    Who benefited? The great reset? That would make everyone at the highest levels globally, complicit.

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