…from the New York Times
[ Editor’s Note: This is a huge defeat for the legend in his own mind Mr. Trump, because 19 Republicans did not bow down to defeating the bill as a show of loyalty to the Orange Insurrection god. They were loyal to their state constituents with all the money and job support it will bring to their states after a difficult past two years.
The Trumper Koolaid Senators will also get their share of the spending for their states, and it will be harder for Trump trying to defeat Congressmen in primaries not pledging allegiance to him above all else, crime boss style.
But the fat lady has not sung yet, as the Bernie Democrats will now play the role of spoilers, threatening to block the infrastructure bill if the $3.5 trillion social spending bill is not passed, also.
In a real world, some trade offs would have to be made to pull in bipartisan support to get 60% of the House onboard, with Trump fighting like hell to block it. But while he is doing his political wrecking ball routine, the investigators and prosecutors will be circling their wagons around Trump to make sure he does not get away.
He is closer to a major criminal charge than we have seen before, and one that will eclipse the tax case, and the Mueller report fiasco of his first term.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Mike the Pillow guy has his days counting down to reinstate Trump before the end of the month.
What now? A tired Congress will go home to fight or catch Covid, and start planning how they are going to deal with Pelosi’s demands that the Senate has to pass a social spending bill before she will let the House vote on the infrastructure bill, so it will be stand off time once again.
But constituents and businesses that want that spending injection are certainly not going to be silent if the legislation gets tied up in the House.
Meanwhile the funeral homes are doing well, thanks to all the anti-vaxxers checking themselves out in a show of loyalty to the Orange Buffoon… Jim W. Dean]
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First published, NY Times… August 10, 2021
The vote, 69-30, was uncommonly bipartisan; the yes votes included Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Senate Republican leader, and 18 other Republicans who shrugged off increasingly shrill efforts by former President Donald Trump to derail it.
…But the measure now faces a potentially rocky and time-consuming path in the House, where the speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and the nearly 100-member Progressive Caucus, have said they will not vote on it unless and until the Senate passes a separate, even more ambitious $3.5 trillion social policy bill this fall.
…“This is what it looks like when elected leaders take a step toward healing our country’s divisions rather than feeding those very divisions,” Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Democrat of Arizona and a key negotiator, said before the bill’s passage.
…But the measure now faces a potentially rocky and time-consuming path in the House, where the speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and the nearly 100-member Progressive Caucus, have said they will not vote on it unless and until the Senate passes a separate, even more ambitious $3.5 trillion social policy bill this fall.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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baloney… why should it be bi-partisan when majorities oppose republican policies. the fascists got away with gerrymandering and voter suppression with supreme court of caca blessing as well as thanks to the racist filibuster. the whole thing is a huge farce and there’s VT sympathizing with the poor “tired congress”. vt the status quo apologist.
I have no idea what you mean here. This was just a news item, a dot at the end of a sentence in a long book that is being written, and hardly an attempt by VT to pretend it is all knowing and all seeing. There are endless variables flying around there that no one really has the ability to steer to a particular end. At the end of the day both sides end up getting some of what they wanted…and are unhappy with what they did not.
They don’t call them omnibus bill for nothing. There will be a lot of foreign policy concessions from democrats to the Likudniks of the congress to keep the harsh sanctions on countries that don’t like Israel and that’s also how democrats are always blamed for voting for something that potentially can lead to war for the benefit of that tiny illegal outpost in Western Asia.
Regressive right wingers always force concessions out of democrats like the Hyde amendment that has already been removed from these bills.
At the end the country is left with a funky program that has been cut in pieces by the GOP since it was never originally designed the way it went in and came out of the house. One of those is “Obamacare.”
Hey, these walking/talking crime’s against humanity, do indeed work their pretender tail’s off creating the most well planned, detailed multi-faceted highest number of criminal acts in a single plan, that harms/kills the most people, steals more of everything, strip’s the most rights of the people in one move, and then include the misc., special interests, is hard work. Someone has to research all the law’s they’re violating, one by one, because they’re criminals it’s their job to know these things. Ain’t as if they’ll be arrested, or some other mundane thing. Coming up with the right dog, and pony show to distract the sheoples, and hold their attention while they sneak this bad boy around unnoticed while it can get passed and we can see how much harder we’re fucking the sheoples over with this one.
You’d be tired too.
Hell will freeze before you can see passing through a $3.5 trillion social policy bill
Betcha’ 5 buck’s it’ll pass….
The 2 party pollutical system in US is an illusion, created to divide the people, keep them divided. There’s one pollutical party in US. Part play bad guy, the other part play controlled opposition.
Bi-partisan, view the Congress voting record’s, unless you don’t want to. Then its okay.
I suspect it will pass in some form, so enough changes have been made so Congressmen can say they were not railroaded, or sold out, and made it a better bill. Even Manchin wants to cut the size down, which is way too high…too much money too soon, like dropping it out of C-130s on pallets. Such a program should be done in steps anyway, so their are opportunities for mid-course corrections, which are always needed as more is learned when they get cranked up that needs fixing.
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