…by Jonas E. Alexis and Henry Makow
Henry Makow has a Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982 and is the author of best-selling books such as Cruel Hoax: Feminism & New World Order and Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World.
JEA: We have argued elsewhere that the New World Order’s most enduring legacy is contempt for morality and what Immanuel Kant calls practical reason in the comprehensible universe, which was created by what Aristotle calls the Unmoved Mover.
Well, this New World Order was working on the eve of World War I, when Winston Churchill became a pawn of the Jewish banksters.
Perhaps the bigger issue is that Churchill concocted deliberate lies about Hitler because he was working for the Powers That Be. In fact, right after his father’s death, Churchill became Ernest “Cassel’s creature,” one of the most “influential Jewish moneylenders” then.[1] Once that happened, Churchill began to hate the Germans. In the process, he starved the German civilians to death and bragged about it. This is Churchill at his best:
“Starve the whole population—men, women and children, old and young, wounded and sound—into submission.”[2]
Churchill got his wish:
“In December 1918 the German Board of Public Health claimed that 763,000 Germans had died because of the blockade. In April 1919 Dr. Marx Rubner claimed that another 100,000 Germans who died between April and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in July, so the number of Germans who died from Winston Churchill’s starvation blockade most probably approximates the number of Irish who died during the Great Famine.”[3]
In short, the plan to destroy Germany was no accident at all. The Powers That Be had long been imagining Germany’ carcass years before it even materialized. Henry Makow has something to say about that.
Henry Makow
Webster Tarpley is a gifted historian who generally eschews mention of Jewish bankers in favor of euphemisms like “Venetians.” Therefore, it is unusual for him to state bluntly that King Edward VII was in the pay of the Rothschilds and was responsible for World War One.
Edward VII didn’t become king until 1901 when he was 60 years old. As Prince of Wales, he was estranged from his mother, kept on an allowance and was deeply in debt. He allowed a “series of Jewish bankers to manage his personal finances.” These included Baron von Hirsch and Sir Ernest Cassell. “Edward also cultivated the Rothschild and Sassoon families. In short, Edward’s personal household finance agency was identical with the leading lights of turn-of-the-century Zionism.”
Tarpley is equally forthright in stating that “Edward VII, far more than any other single human being, was the author of the First World War…the most destructive single event in the history of Western civilization” which opened the door to Communism, Fascism, the Great Depression and World War Two. Tarpley falls into the trap of establishment historians by attributing great events to single personalities. These personalities are invariably puppets of the people who pay their bills.
Tarpley goes into some detail about how King Edward and his Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey, the son of Edward’s horse master, engineered World War One. Essentially, they deceived Kaiser Wilhelm into believing that England would remain neutral. To prevent the war, all they had to do was clarify this point. Germany would have backed down and reined in Austria.
In August 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm realized he had been fooled: “England, Russia and France have agreed among themselves … to take the Austro-Serbian conflict as an excuse for waging a war of extermination against us…That is the real naked situation slowly & cleverly set going by Edward VII…The net has been suddenly thrown over our heads, and England sneeringly reaps the most brilliant success of her persistently prosecuted anti-German world policy against which we have proved ourselves helpless, while she twists the noose of our political and economic destruction out of our fidelity to Austria, as we squirm isolated in the net.”
“England’s” animosity against Germany was part of an agenda to use a catastrophic war to undermine Western civilization, and advance the Judeo-Masonic New World Order. Three empires disappeared in World War One while Communism and Zionism rose like the phoenix. The following is from an Amazon review by DBH of Nick Kollerstrom’s How England Initiated Both World Wars .
Several glowing accolades were spoken of Kaiser Wilhelm, who in his twenty-five years on the throne, had never gone to war, and Germany hadn’t fought a battle in almost a half century. United States President Taft said the Kaiser “has been, for the last quarter of a century, the single greatest force in the practical maintenance of peace in the world.”
Kaiser Wilhelm wrote despairingly in his diary (July 30-31st) – “Frivolity and weakness are going to plunge the world into the most frightful war, of which the ultimate aim is the overthrow of Germany” and the following statement ‘the purely anti-German policy which England has been scornfully pursuing all over the world has won the most spectacular victory which we have proved ourselves powerless to prevent.”
Germany couldn’t escape from this onslaught. The Kaiser didn’t really play any further role in the war once his final struggle to avoid war had been defeated and outwitted. He’d been outwitted by the British, by this clever double entendre of, will we/won’t we.
From the author E. D. Morel, in Truth and War– “Those dreadful fields of senseless carnage as the soldiers were fighting on the fields of Flanders. We were fighting a country which had never threatened us in our entire history, and the flower of British youth were dying there”.
Rudolf Steiner in 1916 made the following quote (The Karma of Untruthfulness– p. 84) – “Behind those who were in a way the puppets, there stood in England a powerful and influential group of people, who pushed matters doggedly towards a war with Germany, and through whom the way was paved for the World War that had always been prophesied.”
Stewart Ross, in Propaganda for War (pp. 24, 47) stated “As passions cooled after the war, the gigantic lies created by Great Britain’s and America’s propaganda were one by one exposed to the light. The one true and perfectly authenticated ‘atrocity’ in the World War, and the situation which produced by far the greatest suffering and death among the civilian population was the illegal blockade of Germany, continued many months after the armistice.”
Richard Milton, in his book Best of Enemies (p. 68), stated “The indelible memory of atrocity stories that had taken place only in the imagination of British propaganda agents proved to be stronger and more persistent than any facts. This curious discovery, the power of myths over facts, was the real legacy of the First World War.” An infernal engine was created in war but impossible to switch off in peace.
The impetus behind war is the eradication of independent nations who apparently stand in the way of Masonic Jewish world government. We see this mechanism in operation today in the Middle East and menacing Russia. In the twentieth century, the biggest obstacle was Germany
which was ravaged in two world wars instigated by the Masonic Jewish central bankers.
What a tawdry tale is modern history! Instead of grasping a greatness that is within reach, the human race is paralyzed by a psychopathic satanic cult, the Illuminati, empowered by the Cabalist (Masonic Jewish) central bankers.
- [1] E. Michael Jones, Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict Between Labor and Usury (South Bend: Fidelity Press, 2014), 1201-1202.
- [2] Ibid., 1211.
- [3] Ibid.

Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the book, Kevin MacDonald’s Metaphysical Failure: A Philosophical, Historical, and Moral Critique of Evolutionary Psychology, Sociobiology, and Identity Politics. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.
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The cry of “anti-Semitic”: This is a rhetorical trope, of which, the fanatically possessed Zionist Rabbis us to create hate and the injustices of finding the truth about Talmudic Judaism’s racial and political narcissistic self-aggrandizing nepotisms, where Trible interbreeding has fundamentally created a hallucinatory projection of “We are the Chosen”, the so called, children of god, to rule the goyim masses! In the minds of rabbinic Judaism’s Self-righteous created perceptions, these radical distortions of reality, have long been the processes of change in European-Asian Jews and their conversion to Khazarian Ashkenazi Judaism, the hatred of the Christian spiritual concepts contrary to parasitic Semitic origins of their fantasifull and mythological so called gods and beliefs of the Pharisees and the Sadducees’, of which ,Trible infighting has long been a history of a people divided with age old mycological diversity’s of thought. This god of hate is so contrary to anything we should develop in the auspices of a loving god or gods if you prefer to visualize as a universal comic creator. The latter, in my opinion is man’s creative allegorical cultish and abstract connection with the stars and planets visualized as gods from the ancient gnostic point of view. The one thing about Judaism is the fact these people have been observing these traditions for years…whereas the diversity of Christian protestant sects can’t find a universal oneness in their so-called faith.
Jews for the most part of their faith have been around for 2500 years + or – keeping a solidarity of connectedness’ which allows them the luxury to become Parasitic Bankers and Merchants of monopolistic character, of which, the goyim have never been able to create with the diversity of so called different faiths in the same Christian boat that sails into the wind of abstract separatisms, keeping the goyim from doing the same as Jews do in their worldwide connection of business and money laundering monopolies that are part of the unseen hand of Judaism’s cultish nature… The abstract is different with spoiled western Jews who function at a lower level of understanding…save a very few who are well connected to the synagogal foundations of the Jewish clergy’s daily interactions. You can see it here in the big cities like New York, the Jerusalem of Americas, outside of Israel proper, the stolen land by the British Monarchy and the city of London’s city within a city banking district with its own army of police standing guard over the Rothschilds NWO and IMF world banking concerns. The Jewish mafia is not a national organization by any one of many counties, but a worldwide illuminati monopolistic infrastructure, this has been growing for some 2500 plus years. Hitler was well aware of this phenomenon within his German-Austrian educational perceptions of the times. He was well read and knowledgeable about the Jews. He has long been demonized as an evil man.
War is Commerce. Commerce is War.
Stalin is quoted as saying “If only one man dies of hunger, that is a tragedy. If millions die, that’s only statistics.”
Da’at. Data.
In the branch of Je wish mysticism known as Kabbalah, Daʻat is the location where all ten sefirot in the Tree of Life are united as one.
Sin. Fine. Redemption. Freedom.
The word Baron comes from Old French baron, itself from Frankish baro meaning “freeman, warrior”.
Freemen of a Livery Company are also Freemen of the City of London.
Winston Churchill was a Member of the Mercers Livery of London. He became a member by “Redemption” because only children whose father or mother was a member of the Company at the time of their birth have an automatic right to become Mercers by ‘patrimony’.
Most other members have a family connection to the company and obtain their Freedom by Redemption. Under this process applicants are recommended for membership after an interview and, if approved, they pay a sum of money called a ‘fine’.
Colonel Mandel House an agent of the House of Rothschild had this to say :
Soon every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people. We can compel people to submit to our agenda which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value.
War is Commerce. Commerce is War.
Stalin is quoted as saying “If only one man dies of hunger, that is a tragedy. If millions die, that’s only statistics.”
Da’at. Data.
In the branch of Jewish mysticism known as Kabbalah, Daʻat is the location where all ten sefirot in the Tree of Life are united as one.
Sin. Fine. Redemption. Freedom.
The word Baron comes from Old French baron, itself from Frankish baro meaning “freeman, warrior”.
Freemen of a Livery Company are also Freemen of the City of London.
Winston Churchill was a Member of the Mercers Livery of London. He became a member by “Redemption” because only children whose father or mother was a member of the Company at the time of their birth have an automatic right to become Mercers by ‘patrimony’.
Most other members have a family connection to the company and obtain their Freedom by Redemption. Under this process applicants are recommended for membership after an interview and, if approved, they pay a sum of money called a ‘fine’.
They are using the same playbook against Russia but keep shooting themselves in the foot. For instance evidence suggests it was NATO that sabotaged Nordstream II which will affect Europe more than it will Russia.
Jonas…excellent article…perhaps a little short on info….
I have read that knt churchill was the offspring of Edward VII and jenny jerome…their son.
i have little respect for re-labellin ashkenazi jews as khazarians…it seems rampant in VT and clif high.
I read (greg hallett) that queen victoria sold the breeding rights to the rothschilds for 200 yrs and essentially
all royalty is super jewish and german.
true or false…no idea…
Tarpley is excellent along with mullins….the trail of caananites to phoenicians to venicians/black nobility
Santos Bonacci explains it very well.
That disgusting piece of shit, the coward and drunken homosexual/pedophile churchill who the english
still adore and has statues in Londistan is supported by the government propoganda machine (bbc) and the jewish house of lords. Pedophilia and homosexuality is rampant throughout the british government and children are their currency. Until we exterminate the talmudists we will be their victims.
The Khazarians, who controlled the UK, France and much of the west, started WWI to divide the Ottoman empire (the ally of Germany at the time), and bring Palestine and the former Ottoman empire lands in the areas surrounding Palestine under direct British and French rule to allow for the migration of Jews from Europe to Palestine, in order to create a Jewish state, namely Israel. Without Israel, the NWO could not be established. The Holocaust scare and WWII was badly needed to drive enough Jews to migrate to Palestine, since not enough Jews had migrated to Palestine by 1939. You see, the French, since the French Revolution, the Brits since the political system in England was changed to a parliamentary one, and the US since George Washington, have been pawns executing the wars needed for the last 200 years, or longer, in order to establish a one world government.
Don’t be surprised to find Morality and practical reasoning hijacked. And lurking in the minds of the leaders of such Morality. By deception they delightfully divide. Practical reason and morality in its highest state does not purely exist in any modern institution. It is a rare individual who can maintain such and It morality does not exist if it is not share by and with the masses.
I imagine Joseph Green gave Kant’s moral reasoning a run after a couple bottles of wine. No judgment.
“””What a tawdry tale is modern history! Instead of grasping a greatness that is within reach, the human race is paralyzed by a psychopathic satanic cult,”””
Yes, it’s been so since near the beginning, when the father of lies seduced Eve.
And in “hindsight” we that evil and malevolent force plainly identifiable, as it is also now once again consolidated and concentrated in back into its “im”-purest and unmistakable form.
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