Israel: Anti-Vaccine Activist Who Said ‘There’s No Epidemic’ Dies of COVID


Newsweek: A prominent Israeli anti-vaccine activist has reportedly died of COVID-19.

Hai Shaulian, 57, died at the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon on Monday morning, according to The Jerusalem Post.

His death came after he posted a final message to his Facebook followers on Saturday, informing them that his condition was “extremely critical.”

Alongside a photo of himself on a ventilator, he wrote: “Dear friends. My situation is extremely critical.”

“I have no oxygen and can’t stabilize,” he continued. “It took me about an hour to figure out who I am. Where am I and what am I doing here. Lack of oxygen is a terrible thing.”

He added that he believed he would recover “with God’s help.”

Despite his dire situation, Shaulian urged his followers to “keep fighting” against Israel’s “Green Pass” scheme that registers who has been fully inoculated against COVID, if they have presumed immunity after contracting the disease, or tested negative in the previous 24 hours

“It has nothing to do with the coronavirus,” he wrote. “It has nothing to do with vaccines. It has to do with coercion.”

When Shaulian fell ill last week, he claimed that police had tried to poison him after he was arrested during a protest against the Green Pass.

“I’m telling you, this is an attempt to wipe me out and if something happens to me know that’s exactly what happened,” he said in a social media video, according to The Times of Israel.  Read more…,Times%20of%20Israel.




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  1. When someone, who claims, that public transport is safe, gets hit by a bus, does it prove, that public transport is not safe?

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