Former Metropolitan Officer Wayne Couzens was sentenced to life without parole on Thursday for the kidnap, rape, and murder of marketing executive Sarah Everard, 33, on March 3rd.
Sarah Everard
A serving police officer at the time (a firearms officer, he was ‘guarding’ the US Embassy), he used his warrant card to effect an unlawful rest, probably on bogus Covid grounds. Poor Sarah, who lived in south London, was walking home from a quiet dinner with friends. She did not deserve to die.
The case has rocked Britain. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick is under huge pressure to resign, which she won’t since she has the support of the Kabinettratsführer, Simon ‘von’ Case. She has been widely accused of incompetence, which is unfair. She’s not incompetent, she’s just reporting to the wrong person. I’m sure that someone will find her a nice job on a quango somewhere after ‘von’ Case is forced out. Being a failure is almost a requirement for an appointment to a quango these days.
Couzens was a serial sex offender. He had been spotted at a Macdonalds three days before Sarah’s murder, flashing at female staff. It wasn’t his first such offense, indeed he was flashing more often than the Duracell bunny.
Before joining the Met, Couzens was with the Civil Nuclear Constabulary. He was moved into the Met’s Diplomatic Protection Group almost as soon as he joined the force. He was then assigned to the US Embassy, a highly sensitive location.
It’s a bit surprising that Thames Valley Police, who are always on the lookout for rapists and murderers (not to arrest but to join the force), hadn’t snapped him up first. Even by today’s policing standards, Couzens had a pretty poor record. He was so sleazy that even his colleagues took to calling him ‘the rapist’.

The MSM are baffled, but that’s because they haven’t read Spyhunter, or if they have, they haven’t understood it. Poor old George Eustice, a.k.a. ‘Useless Eustice’, put up by the government for BBC’s Question Time on Thursday night, wittered on about Couzens being a ‘bad apple in the barrel’. Even for a Cabinet Minister, that explanation’s a bit simple, no offense intended.
To a counter-intelligence specialist, the whole thing smells to high heaven. It looks to me like Couzens had protection. It’s far more likely that he was watching who was coming and going at the US Embassy than guarding it. There is a very strong inference that he was reporting to Germany’s GO2, which has the Met thoroughly penetrated.
We’ll probably only know for sure once GO2’s headquarters at Vauxhall Cross has been raided and we get the intelligence yield. There have been calls for a meaningful inquiry, but the public have only been promised a meaningless one, by the Independent Office For Police Conduct, a useless quango, if that is not a tautology, who reports to the Cabinet Office.
Their knees would probably turn to jelly if they thought that GO2 was involved. Ian Fleming didn’t use them as the inspiration for his fictional ‘00’ section for nothing! We’ll know they think GO2 are involved if they suddenly start ordering a large number of nappies. (GO2 used to like Walther PPKs, hence their inclusion in the Bond books, but I gather they’re now using Glocks.)
The death penalty
The light sentence handed down to Couzens has reignited the debate about the death penalty. The left has been saying that something must be done but with typical intellectual dishonesty are refusing to call for the one reform which would make a difference – the restoration of capital punishment.
Ann Widdecombe
In a significant development Ann Widdecombe, the former MP, and MEP has now swung around in favor of the death penalty. She remains an influential voice on the right. The death penalty is about saving innocent lives.
The murder rate in Texas dropped by about 50% after they resumed executions. In Britain, the rate has gone up by about fivefold since we started to water down the death penalty in 1957, although the statistics are muddied by rolling up murders with other homicides such as vehicular homicides committed by CIA officers driving on the wrong side of the road.
Drawing upon US experience the left is arguing that the death penalty would be more expensive than life but that’s nonsense. Appeals in the US are lengthy and drawn out because you guys have a federal system, manned for the most part by silly federal judges, no offense intended, and the courts effectively determine the mode of execution. In the UK that would be fixed by statute. Murderers would be hanged, but only in the nicest possible way.
4th Earl Ferrers
Apart from peers, who can only be hanged with a silk rope, hanging would be fairly inexpensive, probably less than the cost of banging up a lifer for six months in a Category A prison. Even silk ropes aren’t that expensive and it’s fairly rare for peers to be executed for murder.
The last one was Earl Ferrers, who was very properly hanged in 1760 for shooting a retainer, which was no way to treat an employee. (In addition to being murder it was arguably unfair dismissal as well.)
The last peer known to have committed a murder was the 7th Earl Lucan, who bumped off his nanny. Accepting his explanation that he only thought he was bumping off his wife (a lesser offense) friends arranged for His Lordship to be taken across the Channel.
Lord Lucan
Sir Maurice Oldfield, the GO2 asset running MI6, arranged however for His Lordship, who had been smuggling guns for the IRA to pay off his gambling debts (a gentleman should always pay his debts) to be knocked on the head and dumped overboard, weighed down with anchor chain. (You should always weigh down bodies before dumping them overboard.)
The chap who led the team which bumped him however was a gentleman. Lord Lucan would have approved.
The political impact of Sarah Everard’s murder should not be underestimated. If it leads to the restoration of the death penalty then some good will have come out of it and many innocents might be spared. That might bring some comfort to her anguished and grieving parents. Those who casually talk of encouraging murder with light sentences ought to meet the parents of murder victims.
The fact that Sarah Everard was wrongfully arrested under Covid powers has probably also spelled the death knell for the emergency legislation. Parliament never intended it be used by the police as a pretext for rape and murder, even in Thames Valley.
Petrol queue
The petrol panic
The petrol panic continues! I know I should be calling it the ‘gas panic’, as this column is written in American, but since there’s also a natural gas panic on I thought it would be confusing. The government, deferring to the Cabinet Office, still hasn’t called in the Army to make up the tanker driver shortage. The Army, however, have put their foot down and they should be riding to the rescue on Monday, although sadly there are no plans to shoot the Cabinet Secretary, no offense intended.
Hopelessly compromised, with respect, all this government can do is watch events unfold. The Cabinet Office’s cunning plan to starve the country of fuel worked nicely. It was all pretty simple really – hold up approval of new HGV licenses, using Covid as a cover, thereby arranging a shortage of tanker drivers, set up a meeting in the Cabinet Office, invite a tame oil company and the notoriously leaky Road Haulage Association, and away you go.
Things should settle down in a week or two. The damage to the government has been severe. Unfairly blamed by pundits who think that the government runs the country (it barely runs itself), its reputation is in tatters. The answer is regime change in the Cabinet Office and Number 10.
Extinction Rebellions is still holding up traffic on the M25. The police’s main concern still seems to be that some of them might be squashed. Motorists are getting angrier and have started hauling them off the road themselves. There’s an injunction in place but the protestors are ignoring it, safe in the knowledge that any contempt hearing would be assigned to a tame judge, no offense intended.
The obvious answer is for arrested protestors to be denied police bail, on the basis that they might commit further offenses. They’re perfectly entitled to plead not guilty (Dr Crippen pleaded not guilty after all). They are not entitled however to bail pending trial if their intent is to go out and commit further offenses.
Irmgard Furchner
Irmgard Furchner
One of the stranger news items this week was that 96-year-old Irmgard Furchner had gone ‘on the run’ in Germany. With her Zimmer frame, I suppose? I am nothing if not fair to Jerry, as all y’all will know.
Irmgard was a typist and stenographer at Stutthof Concentration Camp, near Danzig between 1943 and 1945. Her role in the Holocaust was about as minor as it could possibly me and she was just a teenager at the time. Talk about going after minnows!
Frankly I don’t care what she did or didn’t do. The law abhors delay. Prosecuting Irmgard 76 years after the event, at the age of 96, is ridiculous. I have asked for justice for myself (including at the European Court of Human Rights, where I have just lodged an application in respect of the oppressive s.43 order made the Solicitors Regulation Authority banning me from working for solicitors). I am not prepared to deny it to any other person, even a Cabinet Secretary.
Grand Duke George Wedding
Grand Duke George
Warmest congratulations to Grand Duke George, second in line to the Russian throne, and Victoria Bettarini on their marriage this weekend in St Petersburg. Memo to Editor of the Daily Telegraph – it’s Grand Duke George, not ‘Mr Romanov’! It’ll be the gulag for you if you don’t get it right! Mr Romanov indeed!
This week’s movie review – No Time to Die (2021, dir. Cary Joji Fukunaga)
Released to theaters in the UK on Thursday No Time to Die is arguably the most visually stunning Bond movie yet. I’m not going to spoil the plot (for those who haven’t looked it up online!), suffice to say that the very last credit is that ‘James Bond Will Return’. I should hope so too.
It’s a spectacular end to Daniel Craig’s run as 007. My favorite Bond remains dear old Sir Roger Moore, who as it happens was involved in the odd spot of intelligence work, but as an actor Daniel Craig is already being spoken of in the same breath as the late, great Sean Connery.
The plot, written before the Chinese Flu was unleashed on the world, revolves around a nasty new bioweapon. The Independent thinks it’s a bit unreal, as though millions had not been killed in the last two years by a Chinese bioweapon. It’s actually a very credible plot indeed, intricately woven.
I didn’t think the movie was too long, although it’s almost long enough to warrant that old-fashioned thing we call an intermission. There are quiet passages, but you need those to explain what’s going on and build the tension.
The movie is full of cues to the great Bond movies of the past, including Live and Let Die, where unless I’m very much mistaken Morgan Freeman was given his first role (uncredited), as a motorcycle cop. The baddies, played by Rami Malek and Christopher Waltz, are really evil. Each of them could be a European Commissioner or a Cabinet Secretary, no offense intended.
Apart from the ending I loved it and I think you will too. It’s a great movie, with some great one-liners.

Michael Shrimpton was a barrister from his call to the Bar in London in 1983 until being disbarred in 2019 over a fraudulently obtained conviction. He is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-terrorism. He is a former Adjunct Professor of Intelligence Studies at the American Military University.
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The arrogance of titles such as duke or lord is part of why humanity cannot be listed as a sentient species. Assigning titles that intimate ownership or special privilege over the common people simply due to the even more arrogant idea of hereditary entitlement, is unhealthy for the individuals who obtain them, and the species in general.
If the ‘firm” actually had good intentions for anyone but themselves, they would dissolve the “house of lords” and abdicate the throne immediately, and abolish the concept of realms or empires. The rapist epitomizes the entitlement and arrogance of the monarchy. The treatment of others as less or unworthy. Objects to be used. There has to be at least a half dozen people that didn’t leave UK who know I’m right.
The only one that deserve the title of duke is Jesse Duke the uncle of Bo, Luke and Daisy Duke from Hazzard County… 🙂
Wayne Couzens could have been GO2. The murder has an interesting numbers aspect to it, so there may be more than meets the eye in this case. Sarah Everard was 33, and the murder occurred on 3/3.
The CIA officers don’t drive on the wrong side of the road, you country Michael have driver’s seat on the wrong side of the car !!!
About the movie, I saw yesterday… online :)…. and yes, almost sure this is last movie with Daniel Craig, that’s sad because I think he was one of best Bond. Roger Moore was good in the British ITC series The Saint, nothing more.
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