Russia Says NATO was planning devastating nuclear attack…


DISCLOSURE: Sourced from Russian government funded media

RT: Top defense chiefs from NATO member states have given a green light to a new grand strategy on how to beat Russia in any potential all-out conflict, as Moscow says the move proves the US-led bloc isn’t open to improving relations.

On Thursday, ministers met in Brussels to sign off the scheme, named the “Concept for Deterrence and Defense in the Euro-Atlantic Area.”

According to NATO’s General Secretary, Jens Stoltenberg, it is part of efforts to “continue to strengthen our alliance with better and modernized plans.”

The bloc’s officials insist they don’t believe an attack is imminent, but that it is worthwhile being prepared in any case. As part of the plan, NATO troops would fight against Russia’s forces in both the Baltic Region and across the Black Sea.

“There is no need for dialogue under these conditions,” he argued, saying that the adoption “of such a concept by NATO confirms it once again.” According to him, “this alliance was not created for peace, it was conceived, designed and created for confrontation.

The battle plans also focus on non-conventional warfare, including the use of nuclear weapons, cyber-attacks, and even conflict in space. However, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov hit out at the adoption of the strategy on Friday, saying that it shows there is no prospect of turning around rock-bottom relations with the bloc.

Defending the measures, Stoltenberg told reporters earlier this week that the bloc welcomes US efforts “to really engage in meaningful, strategic talks with Russia” over the extension of the New START atomic weapons treaty, saying that “some important steps have been taken recently.”

However, he added, “the relationship between NATO and Russia is at its lowest, lowest point since the end of the Cold War, and the reason for that is the Russian behavior.”

“They have invaded the neighbors, they have annexed part of another country, they are investing heavily in new nuclear capabilities,” the bloc’s top official claimed.

Earlier this week, two fighter jets were scrambled to escort a pair of American US B-1B strategic bombers over the Black Sea, just days after Russian sailors intercepted the USS Chafee as it set course for the waters of Peter the Great Bay, which Russia maintains is its sovereign territory.“They’re meddling in our democratic processes, and we have seen Russia being responsible for aggressive actions against NATO Allies.” Moscow, however, has sounded the alarm in recent days over a number of standoffs with US battleships and warplanes near its borders.

Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova hit out at Stoltenberg’s comments on Thursday, saying that the NATO boss underestimates the scale of the problem in relations and that ties between the two are actually even “in a state worse than at any point during the darkest days of the Cold War.”

However, even without the Eastern European nation joining the bloc, he said, “the military development of the territory is already underway and this really poses a threat to the Russian Federation.”Speaking to dignitaries in a speech at the Valdai Discussion Club on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the US of “opening the door” to Ukraine joining NATO with a recent trip by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to Kiev.

“Tomorrow, rockets could appear near Kharkov, what are we going to do about it? It’s not us placing our missiles there, it’s them shoving theirs under our nose,” Putin added.


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  1. Stoltenberg and his NATO-philes from Latvia, Lithuania & Poland (East Prussia) are bat-shxt crazy. What they really want is the recreations of the 16th-17th Century Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland stretching into western Ukraine and Belarus with Emperor Erdogan hankering after his neo-Ottoman Empire that will stretch along the eastern shores of the Black Sea, almost to Sochi but, as if that weren’t bat-shxt crazy enough, the Emperor also wants Crimea and control over the Sea of Azov – essentially squeezing Russian access to the Black sea to the eastern shores between Sochi and Novorossiysk!

  2. What is interesting here in this story are the Stoltenberg’s asssertions or remarks. I shoult like to see the full printaout of his speach/stetement.

    • Always remember tha ens Stoltenberg is the son of Thorwald Stoltenbeg who supplied the CIA and its embassy in Oslo Norway with the names of people (fellos comrades) in his own Labour touth party that shold never reveive reseaarh grants neither in Norway nor to study in the USA.
      As for belonigng to the “Laour Party” . he just like his Pah lived in the most posh part og Oslo, Norway. I have beenthere and seen the carpetsgiven them by Farah Diva and from the Shahanshah of Irân.

  3. NATO stands for Nothing But Complete Fucking Lunatics
    Fire some nukes at Moscow and Russian missles will flatten Wash DC in seconds, not even minutes.
    Any military super computer wargame program will show this scenario.

  4. This is really nothing new. The US military had the idea of using nuclear weapons on the USSR even before they had any nuclear weapons. They recruited a lot of nuclear scientists to design and build nuclear weapons on the false prospectus that they were needed for use against or to deter NAZI Germany. Many of these scientists were communists and would not have worked on these weapons if they had known what the intentions of the people in charge was. Calling those communists, who when they began to suspect what the real aim of the Manhattan Project was, informed the Russians about the work, “Traitors” seems somewhat unfair.

    At the end of WW2, the US military did not have enough A-bombs to carry out their plan (They wanted 66.) and before they could get enough made, the Russians had their own.

    • The Union of Concerned Scientists claim that if as few as 100 nukes make it to their targets in both the USA and Russia, it would bring on Nuclear Winter. Looking on the bright side, that would certainly be the “fix” for Global Warming.

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