Salon: During her 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton warned us that Donald Trump and his “basket of deplorables” were a threat to American democracy. She wasn’t a prophet. She was simply offering a reasonable analysis based on the available evidence — and she paid an enormous political price for daring to tell that truth in public.
Two things can be true at the same time. Russian interference may well have played a role in Donald Trump’s unlikely electoral victory in 2016. But it is also true that Clinton’s truthful but politically unwise comment about the “deplorables” helped to swing the momentum — with the help of an eager and compliant mainstream news media — in Trump’s direction.
Clinton’s description was in fact about much more than the disreputable people who flocked to Trump’s banner. It was also a warning about the regressive politics and antisocial values that Trump’s followers represented (and still do), including cruelty, racism and white supremacy, sexism and misogyny, collective narcissism, anti-intellectualism, an infatuation with violence, proud ignorance and support for fascism and authoritarianism.
Whatever you think of her as a person and a public figure, Clinton clearly perceived that Trumpism would be a disaster for American democracy and the world, pushing the United States towards the brink of full-on fascism including an attempted coup. Clinton’s campaign strategy against Trump had numerous evident flaws, but her diagnosis of Trump and his movement’ was overwhelmingly correct.
One thing Hillary Clinton clearly perceived, even if she didn’t put it this way, was that Trump’s authoritarian politics would involve a campaign to limit human freedom, in accordance with the needs and goals of the Trump movement. Specifically, limiting and controlling the bodily autonomy of those groups and individuals deemed to be Other, the enemy or otherwise subordinate to the dominant group.
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PERFECT EXAMPLE on my local news right now.
Why I called Prez Trump before anyone.
State of Arizona invited Confederates to Pearl Harbor memorial, but NOT Navajo Code Talkers. 🤯
HALF. She put HALF of Trumpers in the “Basket”: September 2016.
I called the spade before anyone.
I publicly called Prez Trump before anyone: Nov 2015!
While a Libertarian friend was still sure he was just running to throw it!
Trump won because DeepState Comey kneecapped Hillary right before the big dance.
But mostly because ALL media anointed him “Tough On Trade”.
… Then went 🦗🦗 crickets on him having the Worst Trade Deficits Ever (Goods): 2018, 2019, 2020.
Also… Since Trump’s biggest margins were in the Mammon Worshipping Bible Belt…
And since they poll everything, I begged the top-rated pollsters to poll how many believed Alex Jones et al LITERALLY demonizing her 😈👹.
And funnily, like Trump’s double-negative Freudian confession yesterday on idiocy, and his famous #DrainTheSwamp* one, Alex later calling Hillary a clone because she worked ThruTheFlu till collapse, only shows what pussies he & Trumpers are: they can’t fathom even an implicitly superhuman demon doing that!! (They’re pussies: why Trump grabs ’em!)
* Water being the cleanest part draining it only leaving the toxic sludge. No, we need to #DredgeTheCesspool!
Also, Trumpers proudly peacock 🦚 their stupidity, ignorance and myopia:
If you co-opt / appropriate the title “Deplorable” in 5 minutes, but still don’t understand why Black folk did it after 500 years…
You JUST MIGHT be a Trumper.
Its not deplorables comment that sealed Hillarys fate, its those emails leaked out by her own Democratic party and of course this blamed on russian hackers which was obvious lie after 5 minutes of investigation on it. Remember Seth Rich? He was the one who did it obviously, and he got killed for it.
Clintons were dealing coke bigtime and taking a cut while he was governor this is fact impossible to deny and that is why he got to be president, he was compromised bigtime and will always do the bidding of CIA and Mossad. thats what they like.
She lost since she was a horrible candidate and she is a horrible person too who would of put us into war with Russia in Syria with the no fly zone in Syria her ticket to WW3.
She was so proud of killing Ghaddafi while sec of state with bayonet stuck up the ass she couldnt stop giggling.
Such a clever way she had Libya destroyed too – importing 250,000 AlQueda mercenaries, 10.000 NATO bombing raids and with UN cover. Not a single US soldier lost, but one million Libyan civilian deaths. What a great US diplomat eh.
Bernie could of beat Trump hands down if he was democratic candidate and democratic party got behind him, but Hillary literally bought the nomination.
I hate her, but hate Trump more however. Only guy worth being president was JFKjr but Mossad killed him just before 911 as sort of a test to see if they can get away with it. Same guys you killed junior did 911.
Hillary Clinton was NOT right. She was terribly wrong in so many ways that I find it a gift of the almighty she did not win. She must have hated Putin extremely to make confronting Putin in her platform. Trump on the other hand wanted to get along with him. Even now we see such thinking to a lesser degree exhibited by President Biden. Blundering into war with Russia is the worst outcome that could possibly happen to, not only America, but to the everyone in the world, and not just everyone but every living thing. Hateful Hillary “We came, we saw, he died” would have been likely to have a very bad & even exitentially dangerous way with Putin. There is nothing worse that could possibly occur than to blunder into a war between peer nuclear powers. It would end life as we know it.
Hillary beat that orange assclown by 3 million votes, but like every losing presidential candidate before, graciously conceded defeat, unlike the treasonous said orange assclown. Additionally, Trump, the Kosher Noostra puppet, did his best to destroy our alliances. Not only that, in the Helsinki meeting with Putin, he took Putin’s side over our own intelligence. America, and the world, would be a much safer and secure place had Hillary won in 2016!
…every losing presidential candidate before except baby Bush in year 2000 with a little help his brother in Florida
Such “deplorables” also they are citizens in the same country with right to be represented by a candidate and if they won the election, they rule, it’s supposed that’s how democracy works.
…except apparently when they lose by over 8 million popular votes, and 74 electoral votes (a landslide!).
When it comes to “liberalz”, Russians always use their one way valve Ed. Especially with the Clintons. I think it has to do with their beloved Serbia.
And I always flash this but the valve shuts:
Neocons pushed him.
If you remember back to July of 2016, Hillary had just been confirmed as the Democratic nominee over Bernie Sanders. It was clear at that point that not only had she labeled working-class white voters as a “basket of deplorables” but she was unwilling to even campaign in states like Wisconsin, taking it for granted that she would win there and in other rust-belt swing states. Bernie wouldn’t have done that. Those formerly Democratic voters switched parties and voted for Trump. How could you blame them?
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