How a handful of prehistoric geniuses launched humanity’s technological revolution

A million years ago, primitive humans sometimes used fire, but with difficulty.


DB: For the first few million years of human evolution, technologies changed slowly. Some three million years ago, our ancestors were making chipped stone flakes and crude choppers. Two million years ago, hand-axes.

A million years ago, primitive humans sometimes used fire, but with difficulty. Then, 500,000 years ago, technological change accelerated, as spearpoints, fire making, axes, beads, and bows appeared.

This technological revolution wasn’t the work of one person. Innovations arose in different groups – modern Homo sapiens, primitive sapiens, possibly even Neanderthals – and then spread. Many key inventions were unique: one-offs.

Instead of being invented by different people independently, they were discovered once, then shared. That implies a few clever people created many of history’s big inventions.

And not all of them were modern humans.

The tip of the spear

500,000 years ago in southern Africa, primitive Homo sapiens first bound stone blades to wooden spears, creating the spearpoint. Spearpoints were revolutionary as weaponry, and as the first “composite tools” – combining components.

The spearpoint spread, appearing 300,000 years ago in East Africa and the Mideast, then 250,000 years ago in Europe, wielded by Neanderthals. That pattern suggests the spearpoint was gradually passed on from one people to another, all the way from Africa to Europe.

Catching fire

400,000 years ago hints of fire, including charcoal and burnt bones, became common in Europe, the Mideast and Africa. It happened roughly the same time everywhere – rather than randomly in disconnected places – suggesting invention, then rapid spread. Fire’s utility is obvious, and keeping a fire going is easy.

Starting a fire is harder, however, and was probably the main barrier. If so, widespread use of fire likely marked the invention of the fire drill – a stick spun against another piece of wood to create friction, a tool still used today by hunter-gatherers.  Read more…



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  1. We’ve been lied to about the age of man, the earth, fossils, everything. This is a very little known scientific presentation from 1970 that gives persuasive evidence for (as the title says) “Cataclysm from Space; 2800 B.C: The Cause of the Biblical Flood,” by Donald W. Patten:

    The “official narrative” we get from popular, prostituted, agenda-driven “science,” like every other “official narrative” about anything of importance, is drummed into us for ulterior motives, like all our wars, The Fed, viruses and vaccines, Green ideology, etc.

    It is difficult to enter into an informed discussion on such topics as Astronomy, as well as Earth History, Geology, the Biblical Flood, Evolution vs Creation without knowledge of the facts presented in this program and the material at the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation.

    We’ve been lied to about everything, Evolution being a prime example, and destructive in so many ways.

    • You were definitely lied to about anything in genesis being real. The chapters follow the trecenas and days, so the chapter of the flood is the trecena of E. This is the day or energy of water that covers the ground. I have predicted a weather event 16 days in advance using the information. Location also. This got even funnier when the movie Noah released the same day.
      We are about to start the trecena of Kawoq, the actual energy named Noah. It has been written and kept for thousands of years as “survives rains and floods”. One of the common glyphs is a bunch of grapes. Wine. Yes, you have been lied to about what day it is, or why it even matters and how to tell.
      So, we just complete chapter 5 today, Kame, that is the one where it bizarrely says “and he died” 8 times. Kame is physical death and transformation. Now we go into Kawoq, and after that 13 days of E, with the eleventh day being 11 Iq. The day the heavens release water.
      The world will fill with lies today as everyone wishes each other happy new year at the command of the pope. No culture ever started anything in January. its dumb.

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