…from the Washington Post
[ Editor’s Note: New Year’s eve when this WaPo piece went up already seems like long ago, with the major shift in America’s tone towards Putin, at least in terms of the surprise of having multi-level talks in the works to defuse current tensions.
Notice I did not use the ‘crisis’ hype term, nor the fake reporting about Russia threatening an invasion of Ukraine. I could easily explain to any high school Junior ROTC class why the Russian forces are on the border.
The obvious reason is to make Kiev think twice about trying to take over Donbass so it can move its own forces up to more of the Russian border, along with all the US contractors that would tag along to have something to do.
US media’s reporting on this has been lazy, as it just puts out whatever the government spinmeisters give it as war hype clickbait.
As for the change in direction from war drum beating to real talks about de-escalation, I sense that the Biden people decided that the energy put into a never-ending ‘Putin is a big bogeyman’ effort would be a misuse of its time when we already have the Trump barbarians at the gate.
I agree with the anonymous newscaster who said that with his January 6 speech Biden had finally become president of the United States by acting like one to Trump and the Trumpers.
As the old saying goes, “Politics is the art of the doable”, something I believe in wholeheartedly. Thus ends my cheery missive for today… Jim W. Dean ]
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First published December 31, 2021
MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin warned in a phone call with President Biden late Thursday that any new sanctions on Russia as a result of the Ukraine crisis could lead to “a complete rupture of relations” between Moscow and Washington that their descendants would come to regret, according to Putin’s foreign policy aide.
Putin issued the warning during his second phone call this month with Biden after the U.S. president reiterated how Russia would face unprecedented and punishing sanctions from Washington and its allies if Putin were to proceed with a new invasion of Ukraine, according to Russian presidential foreign policy aide Yuri Ushakov.
Putin told Biden that such actions would be a mistake, “which our descendants will later appreciate as a huge one,” Ushakov said, according to the Interfax news agency. “Many such mistakes have already been made over the past 30 years. Therefore, it is advisable not to make such mistakes in this situation.”
..Putin has demanded swift acceptance of a proposed security deal that would bar Ukraine from ever joining NATO and rule out any other eastward expansion by the U.S.-led military alliance.
…“Both leaders acknowledged that there were likely to be areas where we could make meaningful progress, as well as areas where agreements may be impossible.”

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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VT has very, very Intelligent Commenters, and I really feel intimidated,
but can I just sort of throw this out there:
Do you think Russia is being demonized by Blinken to get Russia out of the way? What I am trying to say is: Russia is Allies with Iran,
so the US and Israel do not want to Nuke Iran until Russia is “removed”? Sanction Mother Russia and the Red Army until they are powerless?
Thanks for letting an old Grunt join in!
Respectfully Yours,
Sarge, just like Ukraine is Russia’s western border and Kazakhstan its south eastern, and US making any move to approach Russia from there is a big no no for Kremlin, Iran is its southern border plus the one which protects its Syria’s position.
I really wanted to be in the room and hear what Soleimani had to say back in July and then in August of 2015 to open the eyes of Kremlin. There was a face to face meeting between Putin and Khamenei in Tehran after that and I will never forget their expressions.
Since then they have been able to master the art of slaloming around the sanctions because of sharing their trade methods. Now they are doing giant slalom and I doubt if any meager measure from the Israeli firsters in Washington can hurt Russia.
Russia can just stop supplying titanium to the US and it will be game over. That’s just one example.
China is there to support both.
my imagination leads me to believe: Russia does not expect any progress in negotiations. Russia expects a wall of Supremacist condescending illusion creation and belligerence. The purpose of these negotiations is to create an axial focal point about which the world will turn. (as opposed to drifting with emotional, intellectual, spiritual chaos into the next unavoidable stage).
Keep in mind the history that the perps are dying, that the sanctions on Iran drove them into a Rossevelt style self reliance jihad to domestically produce everything within capacity to do. It now is waaayyyy much stronger than it was before, and the Russian SU 35s have not arrived yet. NATO bet that is interference inside Iran with its rump opposition would create enough chaos to cripple it. The opposite happened. But who among the Western nincompoops have admitted what an immence failure their strategy was? Not even the challengers in the top elections bring it up as they all want the financial backing of the miitary industrial and fake war cabal. We just had a hint though that the West knew its Ukraine policy had failed when it launched the new coup in Khazakstan, which Russia (and Belarus) put down without moving any Ukraine border troops.
The biggest obstacle to any kind of detente with Russia is right here at home, the Republican Party, which is completely beholden to 40 million Christian Zionists. These crazies see WWIII as a GOOD thing. Putin is Gog and Russia is Magog. They have a collective hard-on for Armageddon and no one is going to talk them out of it, least of all, Biden and Blinken. They are also why there will be no nuclear treaty with Iran and why US troops will never be pulled out of Syria. Both nations figure into their crazy end-times eschatology.
There’s not a hope in hell that the idiots running NATO and the EU Commission External Relations Directorate will ever agree to barring Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia and Georgia from becoming NATO Member-states. Unfortunately.
Moreover, there’s not a snowball’s hope in hell that the East Prussian Provincial States of Poland, Lithuania and Latvia acting together with the Swedish Province of Estonia will ever agree to the removal from their territories of NATO weaponry.
That being said, we can expect, in due course, that the Baltic Provinces will be subsumed back in ot Russia while Ukraine falls to pieces with the area of East Prussia lying on the western bank of the Dnieper River separating itself from NovoRossiysa – the real Ukraine, stretching from the Romanian and Moldivan Borders to Donbass and north to Kharkiv.
Only when the wholly artificlal State of Ukraine is shattered, just over 100 years since its formation in the aftermath of WWI as a result of the Paris negotiations, will peace return to Russian Borders with NATO and the EU turning tail and fleeing west to the safety of Prussia.
Hope that Biden is on the right track here, but only if he somehow manages to get Pentagon to back him up, which is obviously a quantum leap considering its recent past rabid decades.
I hate to see it but it will be a complete anal rupture for Blinkenstein.
Biden? Seriously? We’re leaving life and death decisions to Biden? My 4 yr old daughter is more aware than he is. Leave Russia alone. Russia doesn’t invade our space so let’s leave them alone.
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