Fake Michigan elector claims he got marching orders from a Trump lawyer: report


Raw Story: Speaking to MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel cited a Detroit News report that said a fake elector admitted that he got his marching orders from former President Donald Trump’s campaign.

Republicans in Michigan, as well as other states, attempted to install an alternate slate of electors to replace the ones who would have followed the will of the public vote in the state.

Nessel hasn’t yet investigated or spoken to the fake elector, but she did turn over all of the evidence and information that her office found relating to the fake electors to the Justice Department.

“It’s an open and shut case,” said Nessel, saying that they committed the crime in full view of the public.

Wallace, along with commentator Charlie Sykes, noted that the documents were signed by the false electors and given to the government as official documents, which is fraud for all who signed the documents.

The host also said that she couldn’t help but notice that the forms, the fonts, each detail in the documents all looked exactly the same from each of the states where Trump electors attempted to overthrow the valid electors.

Nessel said that it appears the principal actors transmitted the form to every state that they took issue with. Because of the multi-state nature of the crime, it was necessary to take everything to the DOJ.

The Detroit News detailed how the fake electors were working with a Republican lawmaker with a Capitol office who could figure out a way to get them inside the elector room where the official count was taking place. The building was sealed off, however, after electors tried to barge in.



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  1. The ‘post truth politics’ began during Reagan and have matured into outright treason in full view of the cameras.

    When Bush pardoned those Iran Contra players, it gave license to the republican party.
    What is this administration so afraid of ? And please stop telling me they are not afraid, because that is the only reason I see. Again, we get squat for our security dollars, and even the top cops, leave the doors open, and let anyone in to do whatever they wish.

  2. It is subterfuge, with the intent to overturn the will of the people.

    Treason. “(also high treason)
    The crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.”

    There was multiple attempts/threats also to kill elected officials. And they continue to allow rallies. This is not law enforcement, it is mollycoddling. Do we have both parties in on this ?
    That is the appearance.

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