Biden administration warns imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine a ‘distinct possibility,’ urges Americans to leave immediately
…from the Washington Post
[ Editor’s Note: Anything is possible with the Ukraine standoff, but the US has turned a blind eye to what is probable, which is nothing. Why? It’s because it could not dominate the news with the Big Bad Russian Bear coverage, making Biden look like he is standing up to Putin.
Rationally, Putin has zero reason to attack Ukraine. He knows the sanctions are ready to be triggered. So why would he attack? The only feasible reason would be if the Ukie army launched a major attack on Donbass, which would be a crazy thing to do.
A Ukie Donbass attack would wave a green flag for the Russian forces to go in. Only a third party would want that, and the list of experienced provocateurs is short. Only one country has a record of getting away with such things.
Putin does not do stupid. He’s way beyond that. But what he is doing is putting out in the open, as long as NATO is expanding toward the Russian border, that it is a provocative act to which any rational leader would respond.
But NATO’s in-house idiots feel “if we just blame it on Putin, our respected publics will believe anything we say; and if they don’t, so what? They can’t do anything about it.”
What I smell here is someone hiding in the background that wants to create some sanctions chaos, shut Nordstream down, and cause an energy crisis in the middle of the winter. Look at the parties that would profit on that scenario and there is where the warmongers are headquartered… Jim W. Dean ]
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First published February 11, 2022
The significant escalation in the U.S. warning came amid reports of new intelligence, and evidence on the ground, over the last several days indicating that Russia is now fully prepared to launch an invasion.
Sullivan said that the United States has no final confirmation that Russian President Vladimir Putin has made the final decision to attack. But, he said, “we believe he very well may give the final go order. That is a very distinct possibility.”
“It may well happen,” he repeated. “It may well happen soon.”
You can read the full Washington Post story here.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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Oooohhh shiiiit!
Sounds like the third parties will have an easy time starting this.
The true enemies of modern world, international order and progress are revealing their face, they cannot stay hidden and channel their funds behind any more -isms and exported revolutions. US-UK axis of evil have hit the wall, they cannot muscle anymore of their international institutions they helped and insisted to be created. Things are about to change in the international arena and not in a way any true expert would expect.
A shout out to Gordon and his IT staff. For about week, I’ve noticed that my browser, Opera, is more than likely under DDOS attack. Page loads are interrupted and have to be repeated. Furthermore, I can’t comment anymore on sites such as RT, Sputnik, SouthFront etc. Diqus comments are immediately labeled as spam and others deleted after publishing. I can post here though, up to now and I am also allowed on social media channel, BitChute. I haven’t noticed anything there. Curiously, just the other day, an anti-NWO website based here in Italy issued a warning that the cabal has increased it operations in tracking, identifying and blocking out dissenters. What’s your take on this?
“A Ukie Donbass attack would wave a green flag for the Russian forces to go in. Only a third party would want that, and the list of experienced provocateurs is short. Only one country has a record of getting away with such things.”
Bingo, Jim! We all know who that shit-hole country is, the one with no permanent borders, the one that sees the USA as a “golden calf” that they can suck dry, chop up, and sell off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that they will create and control. (Netanyahu, 1990)
Greta Thurnberg – “blah blah blah”
We are done with the drama and the saber rattling and the war mongering. Unless a country attacks the US, and is positively identified as a country, not a group of bandits, then we should have no war authorization at all. There is no legality to shipping guns and bombs all over the place either. We need to shut it down. No more War. Its dumb non-sentient behavior. Even if Russia goes in, it is not our affair. People need to learn to get along with their neighbors. We need to demonstrate that if we want to be a world leader. We are licking the queens boots and they taste like crap.
At least shipping guns and bombs all over paid with US citizens taxes. If anyone someplace in the world wants guns and bombs that pay them with their own bucks
At least in the 60s, LBJ had SEATO as kind of a weak treaty basis for attacking North Vietnam. Since then, all of these war monger presidents have had none, including illegal weapons shipments. Do we have a reciprocal defense treaty with the Ukraine? Ha ha ha. The jokes on the dumbest 350 million people on the planet, the citizens of the good ole USA.
Four B-52’s nuclear capable took off from Minot and have landed today at Fairford, UK….. maybe just they are delivering donuts.
“The White House hysteria is more revealing than ever. The Anglo-Saxons need a war. At any cost. Provocations, disinformation and threats are a favorite method of solving their own problems,” Maria Zakharova wrote in her telegram channel.
According to her, the whole world is watching how the imperial and militaristic ambitions of the United States expose themselves. “The skating rink of the American military-political machine is ready to go through people’s lives again,” she stressed. Zakharova added that all this is served by a team of propagandists, which is headed by Bloomberg. This is reported by Rambler.
Kinda looks’ like”/myself~; he has already invaded and Ukraine is in an encirclement..
If at least one side wants war, the other side may let him have it.
If both sides don’t want war, then there shouldn’t be one.
But if both sides want war, there would already be one.
Chechen volunteers will act against the units of Ukrainian nationalists.
Several informed sources in the secret services of the West report that detachments of fighters from Chechnya, Abkhazia and South Ossetia with experience in combat operations in the Caucasus and Middle East regions are concentrated in Belarus and near the Russian-Ukrainian border.
Among them, according to Reddit, are servicemen of the so-called “Kadyrov detachments” who previously participated in the fight against terrorists in Syria. The transfer of fighters is carried out through Minsk. In the event of a war, their task will be to organize anti-sabotage measures against nationalist battalions in Ukraine and special forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
According to the source, for a number of years, Russian private military companies and special services have been collecting data on active Ukrainian nationalists, leaders and members of nationalist parties and organizations. These include the Right Sector*, the White Hammer*, the OUN*, the Svoboda Party (* banned in the Russian Federation) and others.
The Russians have at their disposal a complete list of the organizers and perpetrators of the arson of the House of Trade Unions in Odessa on May 2, 2014. The priority targets of volunteers in this case are “activists” who participated in war crimes on the territory of Ukraine. The Kadyrovites have hundreds of files on these people.
Whether we want it or not, Chechens are citizens of the Russian Federation! Yes, the people are very specific: scientists, inventors, musicians or writers – it’s not about them. Historically, this nation is a nation of robbers and thieves. They hold fearlessness in high esteem, a craving for all kinds of feats. Absolutely all male persons go to sports – MMA and everything like that, where the muzzle is beaten. They are very difficult to learn sciences – it is useless, they do not benefit the world in scientific or humanitarian terms. If we recall the history, the Russian tsars had detachments of bodyguards from the mountaineers of the Caucasus, including Circassians and Chechens. The only force that could terrify the mountaineers and defeat them were the Russian Cossacks (Plastuns). We can also recall a Muslim battalion in the Soviet army in Afghanistan. They very successfully smashed the Mujahideen during the fighting (1979-1989).
So they’re our SoB. And they are ready to fulfill any order. For me, the Chechen warrior is closer, and the Ukrainian Nazi deserves to die.
I read a few weeks ago somewhere that Kadyrov was itching for Putin to give the green light and let his Chechen troops into the Ukraine fray. With all those Alabama and Iowa trailer park Academi boys running amok in the Donbass area and not to mention, Merdogan’s Libyan and Syrian ISIS cut throats airlifted there, then it would be more than justified. I have this feeling that if things were really to disentegrate, the anti-Zionist Axis will strike hard and hit the snakes in their lair. Israel, might feel they are pulling the strings and are cozy off to the side, but at that point, Iran with all its muscle will deliver a death blow to them with all their allies in the region, and they have many, many.
@Mihail: I agree that the Caucasus region has always been controversial and complex. Most criminal events in the Russian Federation take place with the participation of Chechens and Dagestanis. When representatives of these peoples walk alone, they behave quite adequately. But once they get into a pack with their fellow countrymen, they become practically uncontrollable. Therefore, in order to benefit from them, they need to be occupied with something and directed in the right direction. I mean young people. Which is what Putin did. Kadyrov calls himself a soldier of Putin. So let them serve, because they don’t know how to do anything else and don’t want to. But as warriors – they are great! Very strong guys, strong in spirit. They can perfectly catch the Ukronazis like rabid dogs.
It’s like Gurkhas serving in the UK.
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